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Ţări: Haiti
OraÅŸe: Hateg
Munţi: Himalaya
Ape: Huang He
Plante: Hrean
Animale: Hiena
Nume: Horatiu

next : A
[Imagine: tumblr_ljy3o2Lf311qzf4bro1_500.gif]

Always keep the faith !

YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.

The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End

Tara: Afganistan
Apa: Arges
Planta: Anthurium (sau Flamingo...este superba)
Nume: Andreea

litera T

Tara: Turcia
Oras: Targu Jiu
Munti: 39
Apa: Tisa
Planta: Tei
Animale: Taur
Nume: Tania

Next: V

T : Venezuela
O : Veneţia
M : Vladeasa
A : Volga
P : Varză
A : Viezure
N : Veronica

Net: S
[Imagine: 2uihshu.gif]

[Imagine: TheDream.png?t=1276345103][Imagine: EunHye22.png?t=1284281440][Imagine: 04.png?t=1304468354]
You’ve Fallen For Me.

Tara: Suedia
Oras: Satu Mare
Munte: Semenic
Apa: Siret
Planta: soia
Animal: salamandra
N: Sorin

Next: G

Tara: Germania.
Oras: Galati.
Munte: Godeanu.
Apa: Gange.
Planta: Gutui.
Animal: Gaina [ 21 ]
Nume: Gabriela.

Next: M
[Imagine: tumblr_ljy3o2Lf311qzf4bro1_500.gif]

Always keep the faith !

YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.

The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End

Tara: Macedonia
Oras: Mangalia
Apa: Mures
Planta: Mac
Animal: Mamut
Nume: Mirabela

Next "D"

Tara: Danemarca
Oras: Deva
Munte: Dognecei
Apa: Dambovita
Planta: Dafin
Animal: Dromader
Nume: Diana

Next: I

T : Italia
O : Iasi <3
M : Istoro Nal ( Din Asia parca )
A : Ialomita
P : Iasomie
A : Iepure
N : Ionut

Next : Litera " C " .

Tara: Croatia
Oras: Constanta
Munti: Carpati
Apa: Calmatui
Planta: Crin
Animal: Cerb
Nume: Calin

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