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Ce Asculti acum?


Nice band, au melodii simpatice

Lemon Demon - Ultimate Showdown

Ol' good summer days <3 Deşi nu prea ascult genul ăsta, versurile şi amintirile legate de melodia asta mă fac să o ador :] This was just the beginning of a good laughter xD

simple plan - i can wait forever

this song totaly kicks asses 65

momentan ascult:
DBSK-Darkness eyes [click here to listen!]

Ma tot obsedeaza cantecul asta de ceva vreme...beat'ul e genial...versurile si mai geniale...and the feelings I get from listening to it are...'nemasurabile'


I'm just in deep within the sea of blue misery
I don't know how? Without moving forward (I stand still)
Fragments of lies fall away (fragments)
I crush them in my hand, and my blood drips
Dark in my mind, I hide behind my weaknesses

I carry agonies that cant be escaped [1]
This parched earth is in a standstill

Feelings that the heart has deeply withered Seek in (the) dark
(Can't see the light) Here is no lights
I continue to wander between dreams [2]
(Darkness on my eyes) Darkness on my eyes
I cant see yesterday, today, and tomorrow (can't see the light)
I search for the answer
I I where can I go?

I break as soon as you touch me
I dont need things such as your uncertain kindness (Im lying)

As the doors of my heavy heart shut
I cant even breathe, this struggle is agonizing[3]
I just am drowning in vulnerability
In the egoism of sin

The fortress of night immensely oppresses Seek in (the) dark
(Can't see the light) Here is no lights
I close my eyes, (I see you) smiling
(Darkness on my eyes) Darkness on my eyes
My swayed feelings are encumbering me
I cant... I cant find the answer (darkness on my eyes)
Within despair

[rap]Raindrops falling from heaven
I couldn't remember
They took away my love so weak
It's raining on my heart
My stupid broken heart
Baby please, don't go
No light, no sound

I carry agonies that cant be escaped
This parched earth is in a standstill

Feelings that the heart has deeply withered seek in (the) dark
(can't see the light) here is no lights
I continue to wander between dreams
(darkness on my eyes) darkness on my eyes
I cant see yesterday, today, and tomorrow
(cant see the light) I search for the answer
I I where can i go?

Seek in (the) dark (Can't see the light) Here is no lights
Seek in (the) (Darkness on my eyes)

Feel the darkness eyes
[center][Imagine: SOTW2-House.png][/center]
[center]~only God doesn't believe in...God~[/center]

[center][Imagine: 1241698538_scrubs-party.gif][/center]

[center]Do you know a woman who hates herself enough to date me?[/center]

[center][Imagine: chibi_2605.gif]
Pompertziu Fulangesh, chibi-ul lui YamaMina

Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
I`m in a Nirvana mood today.

2NE1 - FIRE (Space)

E draguta melodia,am dat peste ea din intamplare pe youtube.
[center][Imagine: chibi_2894.gif]
, chibi-ul lui Kayura

Toate povestile se termina cu Happy Ending , ai observat ? Afla`mi povestea si va fi cu totul diferit ... : (
[Imagine: hv895w.jpg]

Kazuki ascultă în acest moment Orphan Hate - Circus, sau cel puţin asculta înainte ca melodia să se termine. Urmează melodia Krypteria - Somebody Save Me. şi nu e alternative rock -.- e Gothic Metal !

ATM, Soilwork - Wherever Thorns May Grow
This is my song-of-the-day, acu` tre` sa o ascult pana ma satur 21

The kings of leon-use somebody
Este una din melodiile pe care le ascult luna astaSmile:d

Blackmore's Night-Benzai-ten

Am ramas blocata pe ea de aseara <3

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