![[Imagine: fotgsig.png]](http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5249/fotgsig.png)
![[Imagine: spacesig.png]](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/9250/spacesig.png)
S' destul de mandra de sig-u' asta. I mean, am reusit sa fac planete in PS xD
![[Imagine: devidedsig.png]](http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/7789/devidedsig.png)
![[Imagine: seaofsorrowsig.png]](http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/6442/seaofsorrowsig.png)
Astea sunt cele mai noi. Presupun ca v-ati dat seama ca nu-mi plac borderele, nu ?
Comments are appreciated.
Meh gfx.
...mein Gott, how come no one commented .-.
Honestly, ur work is totally kickass, I really like your style. La al treilea, marginile fumului albastru or whatever I should name it, din stanga, sunt prea pronuntate, delimitate, so to speak. I would have smudged thm a bit. Insa tot aici, the font is really cool. La cel de-al doilea, ai dreptate sa fii mandra, the planets are realistic, especially the big one. The las one, awesome flow, the font is kinda wut? dar merge (Alice in chains xD). Oh and the first one, I like the wrapping light effect around the guitar, de cate ori am incercat sa-l fac, de atatea ori am esuat *grawls in pain* . Anyhow, they r all honestly Pwnsome, so keep it up, and show some some xD. Bafta in continuare.
18-07-2009, 03:38 PM
mkay,i <3 the last one but the text really ruins it.
flow is good.. colour is good.. but it wouldnt be bad 2 put in the down-er right the same colour like in the upper left.( a bit more... darken. anyway i see you kind of overdid the c4ds a little (at the guitar) overal good! ![]() Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me! ![]() Latest sign.
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg ai hev commentz o.o
@Tox - efectu' ala lightbeam-ish din primu' sig nu e facut cum ar trebui, ar fi trebuit cu pen tool-ul, dar merge foarte bine si luat un basic brush si facut din mouse, atata timp cat nu tre' sa iasa si capatul ![]() @Dark_Gogeta - initial vroiam sa fac un lightning effect, dar apoi am renuntat la idee [I had to finish it fast so I could get my ass to repeat a song, 'cause meh headbangerz were laking of their guitarist ._.] si am uitat sa mai modific fundalul [defapt puteam sa pun pariu ca-l schimbasem o.o kinda wtf]. Yeah, it was teh c4d mania ^^" cred ca-i de vina si brushu' ala de langa Cantrell care da senzatia de way too much c4d ![]() ![]() Hmmm ... some new thingies. ![]() cel mai nou, facut azi dimineata cat asteptam sa mi se downloadeze LotR conquest xD I rly rly rly like this one <3 [si nu, nu numai pt. ca sunt o Nero/DMC fangirl ._. ] ![]() ![]() Am facut si a doua varianta dupa ce am fost batuta la cap sa-i fac si un bg ![]() ![]() ![]() My current fav. Ma cam scotea din minti ca nu-mi iese bg-ul, pana m-am gandit sa bag un efect <3 I know, text-ul pare fail, dar are o mica poveste in spate, so it's rly good for the original purpose D: Prea mult LotR, Tolkien, mangafox, Battlelore si Shuu duce la ... asta. Cred ca-i prima oara cand imi iese ceva din prima atunci cand schimb stilu' o.o Exploding planet - prima incercare. Si pentru ca eram destul de multumita de rezultat, am ajuns la chestia asta. The 'reign of' font sucks hard, but I couldn't find smthg else. Comments ? Thx in advance.
19-07-2009, 07:39 PM
Assasins creed,love the flow and also the effects but.. The Aikad text isnt quite good, i mean u should actualy do it the same as WE DIE YOUNG,anyway.. ur best so far
k.. the DMC one,i have to say its 2 messy >.<, abit of effects would be enough but not that many,and.. the flow is |/? or... \/? anyway.. good sigs ;o rly good ones! ![]() Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me! ![]() Latest sign.
22-07-2009, 03:24 PM
The new ones are really gd >;D
Ok, cel cu Nero e chiar reusit, I like the lightning effect, desi la prima vedere e putin ... full o.o' In ce-l priveste pe al doilea, acolo chiar este putin effect overload, asa ca varianta a2a e mai buna datorita faptului ca e mai omogena. Al treilea, now that is kickass Dx. Nice flow, textul nu e chiar pwnsome, dar daca zici ca e pe acolo cu un anume scop, then I guess I shall pass it xD. Keep up the good work si bafta <3
22-07-2009, 04:11 PM
Woooo *makes big eyes* Do I see...NERO?!SDADADFAFAFDAFDAFDGA *rolls on the floor*
*cough* Cel cu Nero e chiar ok,mi se pare cam plin.Actually,ar trebui sa mai diminuezi toate efectele acelea din semnaturi,le strica,rlly o,o They become to full si nu se mai intelege nimic.De asemenea,ai cateodata prea multe focal points,nu stiu unde sa ma mai uit. La ce mai ai de lucrat sunt BG-urile.Mie una nu imi place varianta a doua al celui de-al dolea sig.Looked better to me without a bg. :\ Al 3-lea e bestial.Fontul e ok,fata de altele care pot fi fail. Exploding planet e awesome.Keep up the good work <3
31-07-2009, 12:10 PM
K now se observa o schimbare radicala, they ain't so full, which is good. Cred ca te-ai obisnuit tu cu overloading, but their not so simple, rly.
Not much to comment this time, la primul personal imi place si cu text, though ar fi mers o opatitate mai mica la outer glow. Culorile chiar imi plac, dau bine la ochi xD The second one I really like <3 Kickass lightning effect, altceva sincer nu am ce spune =/ (nice sabeeeer =D). Good luck and keep it up, yo. |
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