review on day II
soo... abia m-am trezit de dimineata... my eyes just wouldn't stay open... asa ca evident am ajuns sa plec in a HUGE hurry... si tocmai cand ma gandeam ca daca merg la viteza maxima si vin metrourile bine, ajung la timp, mi-am dat seama ca am uitat sa iau aparatul de fotografiat cu mine XD *texts to let know she's failing to get there on time*
Am recuperat aparatul, am verificat din nou sa nu fi uitat ceva si am plecat iarasi... pana la urma am reusit sa intarzii mai mult decat planuisem. >_<
aaaanywaaay... people started showing up quite early... I mean... EARLY maaan! Dar pana sa se adune ceva mai multi am apucat si eu sa ma joc pe consola (random buttons rock! I was literally playing blindly most of the time XD ).
watched some amv's after that... sweeet gathering. ^^
apoi mi-am amintit la timp de workshop si-am dat fugutza pana acolo. Again, awesome workshop. Laughed my ass off most of the time... learned a few new stuff... got myself an accent that might take a while to get rid of (ever since I like it: am ceva cu accentele, atata timp cat st de origine romaneasca, nu de mahala, le prind din zbor

I found it really adorable how even after the time was done, we just moved to another location and kept learning. :3 I mean... omului astuia chiar ii place sa explice si sa ajute *neko cute grin* La un moment dat zice ca sa incheiem ca vrea si el sa ia o pauza de-o tigara, dar cand sa incheie si el, mai descopera ceva de explicat si ne explica in continuare pana cred ca s-a mai facut o ora... Kawaiiii! :3 *cough*
aaaanyway... at the end of the session eram atat de obosita ca-mi taram picioarele aproape (I know I've beesn sitting on a chair all this time, but that's tiresome too after a while, ya know?)... si cand mi-a mai si zis cineva ca se termina la 20 toata festivitatea (mai aveam 3 ore de asteptat, in alte cuvinte) si cand am vazut ca marina nu era, Flaw... we're not very communicative with each other, looks like... the others were busy, and with my own tiredness I was cranky... so I just left...
pe lg asta nu ma intelegeam de nicio culoare cu photoshopul si asta ma irita deja ffff tare. so... before I cracked, I just went home... >_<
am incercat sa-mi iau la-revedere de la toata lumea, but I think they didn't heard me, and I'm not THAT good with good-byes especially when I know it's a looong-time-no-see good-bye. *sobs*