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cainele meu este dalmatian
nexty <an>
ja ne
Leon Oswald Addiced=> My love, don't touch my boy, he's mine!!!

Fav quote: ''Maimutele cad din copaci, Leon cade de pe traprez''(Kaleido star)

[Imagine: chibi_1654.gif]
Miko, chibi-ul lui ayame_sasuke
- chibi and monkey


lumea traieste intr-o totala anarhie

next <ie>
2 squirrels: one english, one romanian. Each squirrel in her tree . E. squirrel was fucking a nut. R. squirrel ask: - Are you fucking crazy? E. squirrel answer: - No, I`m fucking nuts .

La biologie in clasa a 5 am fost nevoita sa fac un ierbar.
next: ar


Azi am vazut un copil care arata cu mana spre o pasare foarte frumoasa care statea pe o creanga dintr-un copac ^^....

next: <ta>
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.


De 1 Decembrie am fost la parada unde am vazut un tanc foarte impunator.

>> nc (sry...)
Legile lui Murphy:
Daca ceva functioneaza, nu-i bine sa-l repari.
Sexul este unul din cele 9 motive ale reincarnarii. Celelate 8 nu sunt importante.
Tot ce e bun: ori e imoral, ori este ilegal, ori ingrasa.

*My anime list* la inceput.
deci cuvantul il voi face cu L

Lumina este foarte buna si ma ajuta sa nu imi fie frica de intuneric
next: <na>
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

In opera epica modul de expunere predominant este naratiunea.
next: ne

Un cuv cu ne...
De ce se comporta unii oameni ca niste mosi neghiobi?(stupid prop ^^)
[Imagine: da-1.jpg]

Twilight... Would you die for love?

It's on my lips, it's in my dreams.
It's a story told by two.
You say you want to be happy.
I can make your dream come true.

my yaoi fan fic

[Imagine: chibi_1341.gif]
chibi-ul lui Pure Love

Bomboane...multe bomboane pentru Asha :X

De ce mama imi face obsevatie in privinta matematicii?
Next: ie
[Imagine: logo.gif]

When all looks lost
And there's no escape
...I turn to my dreams!

My word: Ierbar
Ierbarul meu a fost cel mai reusit deoarece am avut multe plante rare.

Next: ar
[Imagine: da-1.jpg]

Twilight... Would you die for love?

It's on my lips, it's in my dreams.
It's a story told by two.
You say you want to be happy.
I can make your dream come true.

my yaoi fan fic

[Imagine: chibi_1341.gif]
chibi-ul lui Pure Love

Bomboane...multe bomboane pentru Asha :X

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  Fazan cu nume din animeuri Ryuu 58 29.640 21-08-2010, 11:34 PM
Ultimul răspuns: Ekkaterinna

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