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Evita cuvantul DA sau NU :P:P:P obicei imi dă dureri de masele...dar ori si cum..e delicioasa

next: Iti place la munte?
[Imagine: 97943774.png]
~Thanks Rx~!~

Fa exact lucrul de care ti-e frica!

foarte mult...merg in fiecare iarna ^^si oricum locuiesc cat de cat aproape de munte ^^"

next: iti place la mare?
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Cu siguranta imi place.:perv:
Merg in fiecare vara.Mai ales ca ador apa,soarele si distractia.o//o
Chiar daca uneori mai vin cu un bronz prea nagru,distractia si plimbarile pe malul marii..sunt superbe.

Next:Ce planuri aveti pt Craciun?:ha:
[Imagine: c2a0c0530aa349b5ea812cc0f25d1c261282427224_full.png]
Tnx nibbles:X
[Imagine: ss-sig.png]
[Imagine: ss34ef-sig.png]
In the deep darkness the only light is you.
I am lost in my dark memories and in my foolish illusions.
In my dark world full of suffering and tears you are my way to happiness.

planuri deci 39 pai cred ca o sa merg cu cineva prin vecini la colindat 21 sau oa stau la P.c pana tarziu cand m-ntoc si o sa mananc multe prajituri :X
Next: Iti place formatia Evans Blue?

pai....e draguta formatia....are cateva melodii bune care imi plac ^_^

next: iti plac anime-urile horror?
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Sigur...imi place orice e scarry: filme horror,halloween 71.Desi unele sunt de copii mici(ex.povesti cu fantome) si scrie 16 plus..
Este adevarat ca elefantii se sperie de soareci?Oare de ce..39
[Imagine: da-1.jpg]

Twilight... Would you die for love?

It's on my lips, it's in my dreams.
It's a story told by two.
You say you want to be happy.
I can make your dream come true.

my yaoi fan fic

[Imagine: chibi_1341.gif]
chibi-ul lui Pure Love

Bomboane...multe bomboane pentru Asha :X

I-as raspundea doar daca m-ar vedea in curtea scolii:
- Nene, aceasta institutie este o inchisoare. Scoala e mai incolo putin...

Iti place ciocolata? *w*
[Imagine: chestia.png]
Thank you Isabela! ^^
[Imagine: ObeyMe.jpg]

Blogareala, alea alea...Luftblasse[align=center]

ce intrebare....pur si simplu o ador ^^

next: iti place caramelul
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Imi place caramerul doar pe inghetata de vanilie,sau de fistic,lamaie etc.22..caramelul este neincercat fara nimic altceva 39
Next: Oara toti profesorii sunt niste besti fara suflet?
[Imagine: da-1.jpg]

Twilight... Would you die for love?

It's on my lips, it's in my dreams.
It's a story told by two.
You say you want to be happy.
I can make your dream come true.

my yaoi fan fic

[Imagine: chibi_1341.gif]
chibi-ul lui Pure Love

Bomboane...multe bomboane pentru Asha :X

poate...sau cel putin asa cred...cel putin in cazul meu...adica profesori mei asa sunt chiar daca mi-as dori sa fie mai draguti cu noi ^^"

next: iti place ciocolata?
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

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