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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Can't yiu take me awsy from your lies?
Next:Un profesor buna este ca o lumanare.El se consuma pe sine pentru a lumina pe altii.
[Imagine: c2a0c0530aa349b5ea812cc0f25d1c261282427224_full.png]
Tnx nibbles:X
[Imagine: ss-sig.png]
[Imagine: ss34ef-sig.png]
In the deep darkness the only light is you.
I am lost in my dark memories and in my foolish illusions.
In my dark world full of suffering and tears you are my way to happiness.

Un profesor buna este ca o lumanare.El se consuma pe sine pentru a ;i,oma pe a;too

Eu cam stiu tastele pe dinafara la cat vorbesc pe mess..24

Next: Daca afara ploua eu ma duc si stau in ploaie sa racesc si sa nu mai merg la scoala 24
Don't deny our r2Ï€.
[Imagine: ri935j.png]

Daca afara okiya ey na dyc afara sa stay ub okiaue sa racesc sa by nau na dyc ka sciaka esuat haotic :laugh:

Next: Because days, come and go...but my feelings for you are forever

Because days cine and fo...but my feeling dot you are gor ever

Avand in vedere ca e 2 noapte :] m-am descurcat binisor 21 ^__^"

Femeia este o mâncare pentru zei, gatită de diavoli.
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

Femeia este i nancare pwenreu zei gatita de diaviok
ah , sunt un dezastru
Next : Cand citesti te afli in alta lume .
[center][Imagine: sunsetsig.png][/center]

[center] My Anime List[/center]

Cand citesti te afli in alta lume

Next: I climb, so high, it blows me away sometimes

I dlimb,so high ,it nloes me aeau sometimes
omg... what a total failure ._.

Next: When you're out of random!

When you are out of random

Next: I'm a true warrior of the 3 Kingdoms!

I'm true of 3 worckids
Cred ca am scris la intamplare.
Next: Gaara it's a good friend for Naruto and Naruto it's a good friend for Gaara

gara is a trey friend fir naeuro abd naruti is a giid friend fir gara

ce scris am tras si eu lol 24

TYPE: nu lasa pe maine ce poti face astazi
~My dA!
~My twitter account!
My life, my soul, my inspiration --> Korean style
[Imagine: tumblr_lspwr4bMkI1qheiqqo1_400.png]

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