Răspunsuri: 75
Subiecte: 5
Data înregistrării: Feb 2008
Zupi: 833 z
Daca tot e luat atunci sa imi schimb si aici nick-ul. Cel nou, bineinteles.
Nick vechi: Rose-chan
Nick nou: Strawberry Ice
Motiv: am o mie de motive Y_Y ca deja ma simt aiurea, mai ales pt ce am facut... clar! Si ar trebui sa indrept greselile dar habar n-am cum. Asa ca inceput cu schimbarea de nick.
After death, people are given the opportunity to write one last letter to someone they left behind.These are the stories of those letters and the girl who delivers them.
![[Imagine: chibi_354.gif]](http://animezup.com/chibi/img/user/chibi_354.gif)
chibi-ul lui Rose-chan<a href="http://www.pokeplushies.com/feed/487300"><img src="http://www.pokeplushies.com/images/adoptables/487300.gif" border="0"><br>Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!</a><br><a href="http://www.flyffables.com">Get your own at Flyffables!</a>