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Invoc comunitatea animezup!!!

Acum serios, mai bantuie cineva pe aici?

Eroare "The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 100 characters.". 100 caractere reprezinta destul de mult.



[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse.
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!


Citat:Eroare "The message is too short. Please enter a message longer than 100 characters.". 100 caractere reprezinta destul de mult.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2


Aveti id de skype sau ceva similar? Poate mai discutam acolo diferite lucruri.

Site mort. Nu cred ca o sa mai gasesti oameni de invocat pe aici.
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

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