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Llama drama

Eu nu beau cafea, Sushiiii ._. Sunt o pasare de noapte fara cafea. Sa vedem cum functioneaza asta. Nu m-am tinut de plan deloc si I'm trying not to get in the "I'm useless"-mood ca se duce totul de rapa. Trei Stroemungen la germana azi si trei opere la romana? Hai ca parca nu suna chiar asa imposibil. Momentan.
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

You'd better be a Virgo, Reno.

N., stai linistita. I feel you. Surprisingly, human brain is magical! And you will pass, at least!
[Imagine: ls.jpg]

Hmmmnm 39
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

De trecut, trec, picioarele sa mi le bag, nu asta e problema. Problema e ca vreau sa iau macar 8 sau 9 daca vreau sa ma gandesc macar la a trece la buget de la anul. Ideea e ca in sesiunea de restante/ mariri nu pot merge si la examenul asta pentru o nota mai frumusica pentru ca mai am deja o marire de dat si doua restante. Yolo! \m/
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

f**k PLANS. C: AW. m???? petrec cu sarmale!


bun. n-am somn. ????i nici chef de ??????v????????at. ah. but, but, but, but, but.


AGRONA!!!!! HAI C???? PO????I, HAI C???? PO????I, HAI C???? PO????I, HAI C???? PO????IIII!
*wishes you good luck*


mi lene s??? corectez. deci, HAI CA POTI AGRONAAAAAA!!! si ziceam ca n-am chef de somn si nici de invatat.

hate you, sy! Heart
[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]

Deci nu imi vine sa cred ca am dormit doar patru ore azi. Jesus am si eu vacanta si dorm patru ore in loc de 44. Asa ceva e imposibil =.=
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

Stiu ca pot. Ma voi descurca, I am amazing after all. Thank you Sushi, dear! *hugs her* Mult succes si tie.

Reno, dormi cat poti acum cat ai cum/ cand. Cand vei deveni student vei dormi in jur de 6-7 ore pe saptamana. 21
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Ouch 17 cat de naspa
[Imagine: tumblr_mra5mj78VK1seq1xdo1_500.gif]
Please tell me why!
Am I a savior, meant to save us all?
The people cry!
They want an end
A curtain call!

Mult spor, Agronaaa *hugs her*

Ok so, APPOINTMENT DONE. Acum abia astept sa vina ziua de 9 iulie sa merg la interviu, voi fi dat si probele, voi fi primit si rezultatele pana atunci, ahhhhhhh, ce frumooooooooos.
Imi este groaza de Moromete si il tot evit but I think it's time. Gat cu Romantik si il infrunt ._.
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

Agrona, your phrase from ,,In acest moment", because I couldn't make off-topic there.

Citat:Focoaso, tell me who broke your heart so I can break his face.

Aww, N., stai linistita. Pentru oamenii rationali, suferinta in dragoste e mai repede un moft masochist* care sa-i scoata din rutina. I think I'm already better than I wish to. 21 And it's not his fault at all, I think.
Thank you for caring! > : D <

Cat mai stai in Cluj? And good luck!

(*couldn't find a better term)
[Imagine: ls.jpg]

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