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Ce asculti acum? v.3

Pentru ca in ultima vreme simt un impuls din ce in ce mai puternic de a ma reapuca din nou de arte martiale, dar cum in prezent sunt ocupat cu licenta, iar banii nu prea imi sunt la indemana, momentan va trebui doar sa ma multumesc cu melodii care imi dau senzatia ca sunt intr-un dojo si execut tehnici badass. Aceasta melodie este de pe coloana sonora a filmului "Fearless" avandu-l ca protagonist pe Jet Li. Poate ca multi dintre voi ati mai auzit-o, e un fel de rap chinezesc destul de grozav, in opinia mea.
[Imagine: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dilvsoojho0sgwoc0s4s.png]

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!"

Off: f**k yeah, Jet Li xD aveam o perioada in care eram obsedata de el si filmele lui. I remember this one, freaking awesome xD!

Like I said, inca o melodie pentru obsesii de scurta durata dar nu numai. Are un beat excelent. Mi se pare ca e un mix intre aruncat de scaune si mese pentru eliberare sufleteasca si dansul acela erotic din cluburi. Se intalnesc undeva la mijloc. Gods, pacat de boxele mele de toata jena dar in casti, wow, just wow. Gotta love music, good music, that is. xD!
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

''Akaku akaku akaku yurete'' Nici nu mai stiu de cate ori am dat replay. 8 Si ieri, si azi, am asculat ambele melodii.

Versurile primei melodii ma duc cu gandul la Monokuro no kisu. Habar n-am de ce.

[Imagine: 7rA0Lg3.png]

Piesa asta:
Imi inspira curaj si incredere piesa asta!
Iar trupa este geniala!
The weak fall, but the strong will remain and never go under!

O melodie din Criminal Minds, o melodie superba dintr-un episod mai mult decat interesant. Imi pare a fi o melodie dulce cu subintelesuri, probabil pentru ca am imaginea fixata asa. Anyway, love it xD!
[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]

The lyrics aren't about love, they are about a virus, a disease, a damned mortal bloody illness. (cant see im romantic enough)
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

Va avertizez aceasta melodie este foarte addictive, eu unul nu mai ma pot opri sa ii dau infiniteloop, apasati play pe propria raspundere (I'm not joking, refrenul e badass)

[Imagine: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dilvsoojho0sgwoc0s4s.png]

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!"

Ascult albumul "In Utero" al trupei Nirvana.

Yup, sunt dependenta de vocea lui Kurt Cobain T^T.
Expect nothing, appreciate everything.
[Imagine: l09NJ79.jpg?1]

Queen - You don't fool me

Because 'such a beautiful night' with 'such a beautiful scenario'.

They accidentaly meet at her home.
They talk, they tell stories, they joke. They taunt each other.
Queen & lots of 80's & 90's. Beer. Cigarettes. Some cherries they stole from neighbourhood: she stood on his shoulders; all water fell on his head. It had been raining.
Her head hurts. He massages it. TV. Long, deep eye contacts. He admits her eyes did not change at all. She will never know what he meant. She will just spend minutes in front of the mirror.
He carelessly pushes her on the couch. He clumsily jumps in her arms and lays his head on her chest.
They revive old memories from their former relationship. Kisses. Sunrise. Cold air. A broken glass.
They sleep in each other's arms for one last time. Or barely sleep at all.
They do not tell 'I love you!'. Do they?
Morning passes. She prepares him breakfast and coffee, like she would always do. Then she starts packing - she's gonna leave.
He carries her baggage, pays her cab and stays by her side as she's waiting for the bus.
And there he goes. She missed him. He will never seek her again; he never did by then. Nor will she.
...or ask him if he's still in love with her. Or if he ever was.
She will just live, love and let live.
Pride conquers everything. Then destroys everything.

Such a (LONG) pretty story!
[Imagine: ls.jpg]

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