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Ce asculti acum? v.3

Oldcodex - Rage on - Free Opening (1 hour version xD) Because why not? Si chiar am ascultat-o pe toata.

"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Atat de epic este acest amv incat suedezii din Machinae Supremacy l-au adoptat ca video oficial 4. How awesome is that? \m/ Cat despre piesa, v-ati dat seama probabil ca e un cover facut la Britney Spears, insa...OMFG cat de bine poate sa sune! So much energy and badassness! <3 \m/
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

Daft Punk ftw
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

Dem TYR getting humans addicted and shiet
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!


[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

[Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so1_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so6_250.gif][Imagine: tumblr_mfikklIRTU1rwyn4so9_250.gif]
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

Damien Rice.
Am gasit pe youtube playlisturi intregi cu albumele lui. Am ascultat intai O, acum ascult albumul 9. It's so soothing, calming me, relaxing me. Si imi da in acelasi timp o stare greu de definit, cand buna, cand rea, dar mereu oarecum placuta. Ce pot spune, omul are o voce absolut geniala, iar pentru cei nederanjati de lalaituri si care apreciaza niste versuri superbe e pur si simplu perfect.
Am ajuns la Accidental Babies acum si e pe repeat.
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

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