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Baieti vs. Fete


Sa speram ca o sa gasesc si eu pe jos ceva bani si poate ceva glume bune ca ale tale. I might get lucky, who knows?
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

964 trebuie sa ai talent ca sa faci glume proaste. ca mine. ;-;
[Imagine: nDIKwXJ.png]


Nu exista talent - doar multa munca si un strop de creatie. Constat ca tu ai muncit enorm pentru a ajunge la un asemenea nivel. *bows*
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

934 Mdudecomeon
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

936 prea multe cuvinte mari pentru mine. ...incercam doar sa te descurajez, cum faceati si voi aseara.
[Imagine: nDIKwXJ.png]


Mari? Am folosit fontul normal 39... . Oricum, imi place jocul de ping-pong, ma mai ajuta sa reduc nivelul de stres ^_^.
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~


Nope, not gonna let ya yet.
[Imagine: Dark-Tranquillity-raman-fara-basist.jpg]
We are delusional
To go against mortality
Still we fight, love and create
As the only creatures
In on life's grand secret
We sense the pointlessness beyond

935 si nici noi pe voi.
[Imagine: nDIKwXJ.png]

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