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Llama wars

(11-07-2012, 01:35 AM)Arya A scris: Ce faci?

Am vrut sa vorbim chestii de suflet... Dar n-ai chef de mine 2

M-am dus la somn, poate altadata.
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


(11-07-2012, 12:08 AM)James Dean A scris: Spune-i lu Aly sa nu mai intre pe forum cand stie ca e in perioada aia .

I was pissed off by a bunch of things that went out yesterday and pretty much, one of my best friends danced samba on everyone's feelings, because some of us actually failed and didn't even get the 5, and she was "i got a 10!" while she copy pasted it all from somebody else and she went "i am a genius and you dumbs" on all of us that helped her so many times, even when she was retaking exams and didn't learn a thing, not to mention all the exams she got by copy pasting form my paper. And she told me something that offended me, then got mad at people on this forum because they only keep kissing my ass and after I give them the moderator because i was feeling bad she was the only one that wouldn't get in, she goes against me with everything.

Things are so much complicated but I'm not going to tell them here. I once learned my lesson not to trust those who are my friends because they will always stab you in the back and those who are really your friends will always stand by you and help you when you most need it, and now, i had to learn it all over again and it hurts a lot.

Aly, esti pe mess 2?
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Draga doamna,dar de ce in engleza?

Apoi,Little One,Daria(nu?) de ce ai inchis topic-ul despre mos craciun?!2
Eu am aflat ca nu exista in august.

Ma refeream ca nu-i momentul potrivit sa vorbim de Mos Craciun. Este vara si lumea discuta de Mosu'?!
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Glumeam draga,sunteti lovite de caldura?

Beti o limonada cu gheata.

sunt moarta de caldura, f**k.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

[Imagine: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWm9jjEebcqp1xJgbz0yu...2ATBJ6OFOw]

(11-07-2012, 05:49 PM)James Dean A scris: Draga doamna,dar de ce in engleza?

Apoi,Little One,Daria(nu?) de ce ai inchis topic-ul despre mos craciun?!2
Eu am aflat ca nu exista in august.

Ca nu prea situ multi p-aci engleza si daca stiu, stiu o ciubota :p

Daria, mai esti pe mess?

O ador pe profa de licenta. Stie cum sa te faca sa-ti revina spiritele.

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