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Guess the anime screenshot

Black Lagoon? E episodul acela cu servitoarea aia hardcore? O tineam minte altfel.

edit:[Imagine: ix9u1k.jpg]
We can't stop here, this is bat country!

Arumi and 'Saashi' from Abenobashi Magical Shopping District.

Next: [Imagine: 2ylpowi.png]

Edit: Jawohl. You may proceed to uploading a screenshot.



O prospatura dezamagitoare:
[Imagine: 261engm.jpg]

[Imagine: anm3bt.jpg]

Acum ar trebui sa fie clar.
Mai mentionez ca este un remake nereusit Smile

(07-06-2012, 07:32 PM)Cristina_ A scris: Mai mentionez ca este un remake nereusit Smile

I know where you live.

Daca vrei sa te trezesti subit cu casa in flacari, keep it up.

Berserk Golden Age Arc Movie 2.

[Imagine: 1234ef.jpg]

Uploaded with

Hai tinerilor ca e usor. Serie noua, aduce a Black Lagoon. Mura-n gura ce naiba.
Innocence proves nothing

[Imagine: itswG.jpg]

Blood C cumva?
Desi nu cred,totusi e o optiune........
Elda Taluta
Sarks Sark
Ark Alks

Nope, nu are nimic supranatural seria.

Innocence proves nothing

[Imagine: itswG.jpg]

Jormungand? Never seen it, but it fits the description...
[Imagine: inoricopy.png]

Yeah, Jormungand este. Scena in care moare Chinatsu. Get going with the next ss.

Cei care nu au vazut seria si le-a placut Black Lagoon, check it out! Urmareste aventurile unui weapons dealer si armata ei de private soldiers cu personalitati pestrite, while selling weapons and making deals across the world, duking it out with underworld organisations, corrupt governments and the like.

Also, i heard rumors of a supposed crossover/ova series with Black Lagoon x Jormungand.
Innocence proves nothing

[Imagine: itswG.jpg]

[Imagine: th_screen.jpg]

2011, action, Sf
[Imagine: inoricopy.png]

No.6 ? Cladirea aia arata familiar, nu stiu de ce :/

Innocence proves nothing

[Imagine: itswG.jpg]

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