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Llama, llama, duck

This little piggie went to the market, this little piggie went to the dentist, this little piggie fell asleep in class, and THIS LITTLE PIGGIE GOT TURNED INTO BACON!

I twat I taw a puttycat, I did! I did taw a puttycat!

[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


Pam pam pam. Cin' se uita la Romanii au talent 39 ?
Si da, si eu veau inghetata, dar deocamdata mananc pepene rosu <3.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

(04-05-2012, 09:26 PM)Daria A scris: Pam pam pam. Cin' se uita la Romanii au talent 39 ?
Si da, si eu veau inghetata, dar deocamdata mananc pepene rosu <3.

PEPENE ROSU?!! Vai vreau! 21 Pofta buna!
[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

I made lemon cake with caramelized lemon icing sugar topping 15. Cine vrea?
[Imagine: sigforme.png]

probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate
nu credeai ca e vital cand
lumea mea se descompunea
in ceasuri si goluri
de mine

au imbatranit in cadente
si sentimentele mele
sub greutatea
atator vieti netraite...


Annie, mersi, si tie daca infuleci ceva 5.
Pam pam :3.
Liaaaaaaaaaaa, vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeau 46.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Me, me. *put one finger in the air*
Woops, this is the wrong finger. O.O *blushing*

PS: Bine ca mi-ai amintit de Romanii au Talent. Uitasem...9

Vrea cineva guma? O trimit virtual.
Dung dung dung kung kung kung!~

al meu al meu al meu. asa-i?
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

Postez din Bahamas, unde stau impreuna cu bufnita mea gri si beau lapte de cocos. Revin, tocmai l-am vazut pe Billy Zane.

Llama-doo, llama-woo, llama-boo, rata.

EDIT: Sper ca ai o explicatie buna pentru ca ai postat linkul asta. Aw, stai. 21 Da, e a ta.
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

Multam'! praise
O sa le pastrez pe amandoua pentru ca sunt geniale. Tu esti geniala! 15
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

"I made lemon cake with caramelized lemon icing sugar topping 15. Cine vrea? "
Lia esti de vina ca salivez pe tastatura 21. aoleu, tre sa caut ceva bun prin casa, ca nu cred ca rezist asa pana maine x.X
[Imagine: h8v.gif]

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