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The avatar and sig says...


AVA:adierea asta a vantului imi sufla penele,ce bine puterea candracarului iese la iveala(buff totul incepe sa se faca rosu)

sig:woaw...inima candracarului merge spre nord-est....everyone can rock
o.o" wot

Misa Amane
avatar:Muwhahaha.......carnetul mortii e la mine,so pregatiti-va sa muriti(care sa fie prima victima ?-_-_)

Sig10t cea cu garaa:Hai mai lasati-ma in pace,vreau sa plang singur ca de nu va-m terminat pe toti.

Pt cea cu FMP....O Sosuke ce frumos esti!!..spude tessa..

And for the last one:I am to saxy for you,so.....
[Imagine: c2a0c0530aa349b5ea812cc0f25d1c261282427224_full.png]
Tnx nibbles:X
[Imagine: ss-sig.png]
[Imagine: ss34ef-sig.png]
In the deep darkness the only light is you.
I am lost in my dark memories and in my foolish illusions.
In my dark world full of suffering and tears you are my way to happiness.

now then....avatar:something like~ well,fata aia e cv gen "wtf are you looking at ?"... ala ii mai " yea,what she said"
Signature: well, about the same thing... hm... the girl:"we love eachota,have a problem with it?" the boy:"again,what she said"


AVT: Yay,I'm a ghost...I will hunt you alll,prepare
Sig1: I'm so hot,come baby come
Sig2: What????I'm bussy,DND 21)
[Imagine: Alugays.png]
1) Esti pe net
2) Esti pe forumul AnimeZup
3) Imi citesti semnatura
5) Nu ai observat ca lipseste punctul 4
6) Tocmai ai verificat daca exista punctul 4
7) Zambesti, sau chiar razi

Avatar-"Hapciu!La naiba...cred ca iar am racit!"
Sign-1>"Nu te pune cu sun t nebun...complet nebun"
2>"Comentezi?Sunt calm...dar diabolic"
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

Avt:i`m so alone,i need somwhone to talk with him.please,
don`t give me alone anymore Smile
sig:i love a single person:me,and i kill everything men of this wolrd 10

AVT: This is your last mistake

sig: ha...mam antrenat...
[Imagine: Alugays.png]
1) Esti pe net
2) Esti pe forumul AnimeZup
3) Imi citesti semnatura
5) Nu ai observat ca lipseste punctul 4
6) Tocmai ai verificat daca exista punctul 4
7) Zambesti, sau chiar razi

Avt:oh no :o am racit,tre sa merg la doctor? 17
Sig 1:am diamantul i nmana,sunt cel mai bun,dar atentie,vine camionul cu luminiile din spate si ma calca 24
Sig:haide,te astept,ca sa te ucid 24

hmm, let's see 5
Av~"heads up,incoming!!!and if it doesn't work,i know i did my best 5"
Sig~"oookaay...duds and dude,how should i say this...oh ye,u're in deep shit" :->
lol XD

Av: Voi veni, nu uita... Si nu am uitat ce mi-ai facut...
Sig 1: Vrei sa-mi spui ceva? 19 Gata, ai tacut? 71
Sig 2: Sheesh, ce mai vrei si tu? 29

Chibi dragut =^.^=

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