16-11-2011, 03:31 PM
Tu sau google presupuneti bine.
Fa-ti miscarea, maestre.
Fa-ti miscarea, maestre.
Guess the book
17-11-2011, 12:33 AM
The Baron was one of the most powerful lords in Westphalia, for his castle had not only a gate, but windows. His great hall, even, was hung with tapestry. All the dogs of his farm-yards formed a pack of hounds at need; his grooms were his huntsmen; and the curate of the village was his grand almoner. They called him "My Lord," and laughed at all his stories.
Am sa fac rau de dragul de'a nu face bine
Stiind ca daca fac lucruri rele o sa ma simt bine. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/bolomaniac ![]()
17-11-2011, 12:17 PM
Candide, de Voltaire.
That night she lay upon her thin blanket on the hard ground, staring up at the great red comet. The comet was splendid and scary all at once. "The Red Sword," the Bull named it; he claimed it looked like a sword, the blade still red-hot from the forge. When Arya squinted the right way she could see the sword too, only it wasn't a new sword, it was Ice, her father's greatsword, all ripply Valyrian steel, and the red was Lord Eddard's blood on the blade after Ser Ilyn the King's Justice had cut off his head. Yoren had made her look away when it happened, yet it seemed to her that the comet looked like Ice must have, after. Mult prea usor, dar nu am timp sa ma uit prin cele 600 de pagini. E George R.R. Martin, daca ai fi citit cartea ai fi stiut macar atat :] ![]() probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate nu credeai ca e vital cand lumea mea se descompunea in ceasuri si goluri de mine au imbatranit in cadente si sentimentele mele sub greutatea atator vieti netraite... Clicky
17-11-2011, 10:12 PM
"The Widow Lerouge" de Emile Gaboriau.
Ceva foarte usor: "O cast thou the dice! Make me rich in a trice, Let me win in good season! Things are badly controlled, And had I but gold, So had I my reason."
Am sa fac rau de dragul de'a nu face bine
Stiind ca daca fac lucruri rele o sa ma simt bine. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/bolomaniac ![]()
18-11-2011, 11:06 AM
Chiar destul de usor, e un extract din Faust de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.†![]() probabil n-ai primit niciodata
telegramele mele sau poate nu credeai ca e vital cand lumea mea se descompunea in ceasuri si goluri de mine au imbatranit in cadente si sentimentele mele sub greutatea atator vieti netraite... Clicky
18-11-2011, 09:24 PM
Prea usor, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" de Douglas Adams.
"Whereat Madam Brunetta was offended, and said to him:—"By God, if thou givest it me not, thou shalt never have aught from me to pleasure thee." In short there was not a little altercation; and in the end Chichibio, fain not to vex his mistress, cut off one of the crane's thighs, and gave it to her."
Am sa fac rau de dragul de'a nu face bine
Stiind ca daca fac lucruri rele o sa ma simt bine. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/bolomaniac ![]()
23-11-2011, 07:17 PM
E de preferabil sa puneti citatele in romana, daca cititesti o carte acum 3-4 ani si uiti de detalii si mai e formularea diferita deoarece este intr-o alta limba isi mai aminteste dracu'.
Nu ca asta ar fi cazul de fata, I'll be guessing on: Sade?
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.
28-12-2011, 02:38 PM
Nope,era Decameronul de Boccaccio,next sa puna cine vrea.
Am sa fac rau de dragul de'a nu face bine
Stiind ca daca fac lucruri rele o sa ma simt bine. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/bolomaniac ![]()
29-12-2011, 08:51 PM
Ender, rosti tatal, vino, te rog. Îmi pare rau, Peter, chicoti Valentine. Nu-i absolut nimic de râs, se încrunta tatal. Ender îl urma pe hol. Ofiterul FI se scula în picioare când îl vazu, dar nu întinse mâna spre baiat. Mama îsi rasucea verigheta de pe deget. Andrew, rosti ea, niciodata n-am crezut ca esti un bataus. Stilson e în spital, spuse tatal. L-ai aranjat destul de rau. Cu picioarele, Ender... n-a fost prea sportiv. Ender clatina din cap. În privinta lui Stilson, se asteptase sa vina cineva de la scoala, nu un ofiter al flotei. Era mai serios decât crezuse. Si totusi nu stia ce altceva ar fi putut face. Ai vreo explicatie pentru purtarea dumitale, tinere? întreba ofiterul. Baiatul clatina iarasi din cap. Nu stia ce sa spuna, si-i era teama sa nu se prezinte mult mai monstruos decât îl prezentau propriile sale fapte. "O s-accept pedeapsa, oricare ar fi ea", îsi spuse. "Numai sa terminam odata." Eram dispusi sa acordam circumstante atenuante, urma ofiterul. Dar trebuie sati spun ca raportul n-arata deloc bine. L-ai lovit în testicule, apoi în fata si pe tot corpul, când era cazut... se pare ca ti-a facut placere. Nu, sopti Ender. Atunci de ce-ai facut-o? Era cu banda lui." |
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