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Y'know, e un anime 2011 si chiar merita vazut. Pur si simplu micul beel e cu adevarat cutee, iar acum cu noul arc e mult mai amazing. De fiecare data cand se termina un episod trebuie neaparat sa ma tina in suspans asa ca citesc si manga XD.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Mmm..okei primele episoade nu sunt deloc interesante [booriinggg], dar dupa lupta cu mukuro chiar ca se incurca lucrurile. Sa vezi cum un no-good guy se transforma intr-un "mafiot" e mult mai amuzant.
[sa nu uitam ca baietii sunt hawt]

Hunter x Hunter
Da, un anime destul de vechi. Trebuie sa il urmariti!!! Adica oricum Togashi Yoshihiro e un mangaka grozav asa ca era normal ca anime-ul sa fie la fel. Trololo, ce vorbesc aci? El a facut Yu Yu Hakusho. Imi p.. nu, ador povestea si personajele.

Cam asta e tot, dar sper ca am fost de ajutor.

[Imagine: 026.jpg]

Citat:Based on the manga by Hiroe Rei.

When Okajima Rokuro visits Southeast Asia carrying a top secret disk, he is kidnapped by pirates riding in the torpedo boat, [it]Black Lagoon[/i]. Although he thought he would be rescued soon, the company actually abandons him, and sends mercenaries to retrieve the secret disk. He narrowly escapes with his life, but has nowhere to go. He gives up his name and past, and resolves to live as a member of the Black Lagoon.
Average 9.33
Animation 10
Sound 8
Story 9
Character 10
Value 9
Enjoyment 10

Welcome to Roanapur, the most lawless and dark city on Earth, where a bag of cocaine or a box of bullets would buy your place in the world safe and easy… well mostly easy. There’s no such thing as safety in the den of the blackest wolves. There’s no way but to sell your soul to the devil and live the life of the city, of the outlaws, of the ones addicted on something darker and so much more powerful than any drug: money, adrenaline, living on the razor’s edge.
Welcome… to the den of wolves, to the Black Lagoon Company… to the world of villains.

Black Lagoon shines out on the action scene through so many reasons that I believe it would be quite difficult for me to list them all in a single review. Keep in mind please that I will not be reviewing Black Lagoon as two separate seasons, but as a whole, the series displaying more unity and quality than many other shows that would attempt something a lot more story driven (a.n: if I were to exemplify, I’d have to say about the more recent show, Claymore…but different story for a very different time).

To sum up everything you will be reading in this review (that is if you require a lot more than the guarantee of some stranger writing reviews on this site) I have to say that Black Lagoon is a perfect balance between a visual masterpiece, an insane slice of life and a character driven show, all brewed together to offer one of the very few outstanding action titles in the anime industry.

Ok, has all my credibility vanished yet after that so very typical fanboy commentary?
Yes? Good…


Black Lagoon is a visual masterpiece. And that’s coming from a guy that had no reasons to say that since the launch of Advent Children. Everything in this anime is full of class, style and a dark mood to it all that’s simply outstanding.

The action is mostly set in a tropical setting, surrounded by the vast, azure horizon that seems to stretch as paradise would around the nest of corruption that Roanapur represents. The transition from that vast and warm landscape to the hellhole that the city represents is almost brutal, of great effect. The backgrounds and landscapes represent all too well what either the lush vegetation of a tropical island or the innermost darkness of a sunken submarine or even the ocean itself, vast and blue. Pardon the poetry, but it’s an art style that seems built on contrast, outlining all too well the complex nature of this seemingly quite simple action anime.

Embedded in these landscapes are unique characters, rendered on screen as beautifully as the backgrounds themselves. We are still talking about a 2006 anime so I won’t lie…the stylization of the characters is still there, the models being simple as far as their details and shading goes…but not always. There are some scenes where the characters look absolutely stunning, especially when you take into account the fact that this is one of the very few anime that does well in portraying emotions through just the art style (a.n: an angered Levy is something that’s truly terrible on screen, as she’s supposed to be).

All in all, I cannot and will not say a single bad thing about the animation or the graphic style, or anything. It’s a varied show as far as locations go a fluent one as far as movement goes…detail, stylish, effective and so on. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder so there’s bound to be something for just about everyone’s taste here.


The show sounds just as good as it looks. From the get go we get a strong opening theme, Red Fraction by Mell, that’s just perfect for what anime aims to be. The upbeat music plays on and on throughout the show, outlining the scenes very well.
What’s a chase without the music to back it up?
Or what would the death of a character mean to you without the subtle ruse that the music can offer?
One of the anime that has understood that all too well and offered some of the most breathtaking moments I have ever seen in this kind of shows.

Ok, the fanboy ramblings aside, the bottom line is this show sounds good. More than good, it sounds great. Voices that match the characters and complete the image about them that they produce (a.n: once, I had watched a making of, of the old Batman cartoon series… the producers said that they did not search for people whom matched the characters but people who matched the voice of the characters, the very idea behind those homo fictus... I have to say that I consider that to be the case as well here).

And last but not least, the sound effects have proved a treat for me. Guns, engines, explosions, everything was made to sound real, not funny, not excessively impressive… simply real.

Alas, there is one thing that has scrapped at my ear drums: the English. The characters, in the anime’s vision, are said to speak English… but the moments when they do speak that language to show that the characters speak different languages in different parts of the world, well, it’s a painful. The pronunciation is mostly bad and the “badass” accents can tick off even the calmest person. Plus, it’s very very hard to even understand what they’re trying to say (a.n: I swear, they managed to pronounce better the Romanian words from one episode than they managed to implement English where there was need of it).


Black Lagoon is not a story driven series. Thus the two seasons I’d say. It’s not episodic either, simply slashed into story arcs that seem mostly to empathize the characters rather than the situations on screen. Each story arc acts as a beacon to draw out the characters rather nicely, to evolve them past the gun-totting, trigger happy maniacs we encounter on the first episode.

The Black Lagoon company is, in essence, a distribution company. It exists for the sole purpose of making money and that’s accomplished through almost mercenary jobs. So you can’t really expect something really tight on the story’s part, you can’t expect things to evolve to something greater than the characters. And rather than a comic book approach with each mission being supervised by greater forces or stuff like that, the independent story arcs are a much better choice. The anime is left open to so many more seasons, so much more to be done before truly throwing in the towel.

So, there’s not much for me to rant on as far as the story goes, right? What more to say than the fact that the story arcs have back stories strong enough to carry the current events and the characters are a tad more than cannon fodder? That’s the beauty of Black Lagoon… beauty in simplicity.

Allow me, however, to say a few words about the action, since I’ve been neglecting that very important aspect (a.n: it is however an action anime for pity’s sake). And for good reason, that’s truly the heart of the series… or its second heart as you’ll read on further.
BL’s action is over-the-top, always over-the-top. And God forbid, I don’t mean that in the “jumping over building” or “jumping 12 meters in the air” kind of way… the action is fluent, visceral and, well, violent. Deliciously violent I may add since the series tries as much as it can to keep on the more realistic side rather than going sci-fi all the way. It has its moments when you will go “Ok, that is not possible…” but despite that, the action never feels quite out of place. Whatever happens, it goes on with the flow of the anime…


And finally, the most important piece to this puzzle: the characters.
As said, repeated and probably bored you by now: it is a character driven show. Thus, the chemistry between the main characters plays a most important role in deciding if this series sinks of swims.

What we have here is a team of villains. Even if you come to understand their reasoning and their motifs, their past or their present, everything that’s lead them into a corner and forced them to fight back… they are still villains and the show does not let you forget this. It does not turn sinners into heroes, that’s for certain and that’s one of the main reasons why the characters work together.

It’s a diverse cast, with a couple outstanding guys (Rock and Levy, Balalaika and Dutch, the sisters at the Church of Violence). Unlike many, and I do mean MANY shows with wide casts (a.n: the two Mai series for just one example) this time there are hints or blatant parts that develop these characters, that draw you into understanding them, considering them human above being action pawns. This is why the series is just one piece to me, not two individual seasons: the consistency of the characters and their stories.

What I truly appreciated, and I do believe it’s something a tad bigger than my preference, the fact that we these are intelligent characters, not simple clichés that walk and talk on our screen, not just simple beings broken by their past. No, Levy and Rock, Dutch and Benny, Balalaika and every villain of this series is shown not just as they are but as they were, developed into multi layered characters that surprise and intrigue you, the viewer.


I did not mind that the series did not accomplish a full grown story… I appreciated what the series did accomplish. It was a very enjoyable action anime, more so than many others I have watched in my time.
[Imagine: 14wyiz6.jpg]

Pentru intrebari sau orice alte interactiuni cu mine, folositi cu incredere mesajele de profil. Contrar opiniei populare eu nu chiar daca as musca, am toate vaccinurile facute.

aaaah, cum de n-am postat inca aici?! Ei bine, da, am si eu sa va recomand doua anime-uri despre care, nici la momentul de fata nu inteleg de ce nu sunt asa de populare. Recomandarea mea trimite spre persoanele iubitoare de serii romance, cu final trist, poate chiar dramatic si multe, multe lacrimi pe parcurs.

Cel dintai anime pe care as vrea sa-l recomand tuturor cu mare caldura este: Nana. Vreau sa va spun ca este primul anime la care, desi ma straduiam sa nu plang, nu puteam sa ma abtin. Povestea ne vorbeste despre doua tinere cu acelasi nume: „Nana", care de-a lungul acesteia trec prin multe greutati si situatii dificile. Sunt mai mult ca sigura ca nu o sa regretati dupa ce o sa il vedeti, si ca o sa va fie aproape imposibil sa nu plangeti la anumite secvente: cand Nana Kamatsu este inselata de catre primul sau iubit, cand ramane insarcinata cu Takumi, in ciuda faptului ca era fericita cu Nobu sau cand cealalta, Nana Osaki alege mandria in fata iubitii. Finalul este foarte trist, desi transmite un mesaj foarte important, care probabil poate construii si un exemplu bun de luat in viata: dovada lui Nana de responsabilitate cand pastreaza copilul si alege o viata linistita alaturi de familie, in schimbul celei fericite alaturi de prieteni.

Cel de-al doilea anime pe care as dorii sa vi-l recomand se numeste Vampire Knight. Da, probabil majoritatea, la auzul cuvantului „Vampire" va ganditi: „asta e iar Twilight caaaah!"; insa, vreau sa va marturisesc ca, in opinia mea, anime-ul este mult mai interesant decat Twilight, si mult mai complex. Actiunea destul de simplista la inceput - o tanara pe nume Yuki, cu prietenul ei Zero gardieni ai unei institutii unde invatau ziua elevi, noaptea vampiri - devine pe parcurs mult mai complicata - Yuki renunta la sentimentele ei pentru Zero, alegandu-l pe Kaname care in final se dovedeste a-i fi frate si logodnic in acelasi timp. - Momentul cel mai tensionat - atunci cand Zero ii marturiseste lui Yuki ca indiferent de sentimentele care le are pentru ea, data viitoare o va ucide deoarece ea este si a fost mereu un vampir - care constituie tot odata si finalul, este unul foarte trist, insa, personal consider ca asa ar fii trebuit sa fie.

Pentru inceput, consider ca aceste anime-uri sunt de ne ratat! Probabil am sa mai revin cu recomandari, imediat ce imi fac o parere si despre restul anime-urilor, pe care planuiesc sa le re-urmaresc vacanta aceasta. Deci, spor si vizionare placuta *hugs*.
[Imagine: dh4h3a.png]

„Nu poti cunoaste cu adevarat decat ceea ce renunti a stapani.”

Topic facut sticky.

Eu o sa recomand momentan un singur anime, si anume Mawaru Penguindrum. Am inceput sa ma uit la el dupa ce am citit o recenzie si am zis ca e interesant. E mai mult de atat. E genial in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Povestea la inceput este destul de simpla. Himari sufera de o boala incurabila (nu se dau prea multe detalii despre boala ei). Kanba si Shouma, fratii ei, fac tot posibilul sa o salveze. Intr-o zi ei merg la un aquarium si Himari cere ca suvenir o palarie. Intr-un moment de neatentie din partea fratilor ei, ea se prabuseste si ajunge la spital unde normal ar fi trebuit sa moara. Dar datorita acelei palarii suvenir si a unei Survival Strategy este adusa la viata de un fel de spirit din palarie. Cei doi frati sunt pusi, in schimbul vietii lui Himari, sa gaseasca o Penguindrum. Si de aici totul incepe sa se complice si apar foarte multe personaje, fiecare cu rolul lui. Este foarte important sa fii atent cum decurge actiunea, caci sunt sanse destul de mari sa te pierzi. Pe parcurs mai apar doua personaje in situatia lui Himari si a fratilor ei, o fantoma, o stalkerita obsedata de un profesor, o actrita si multe altele. Si tot ce initial crezi ca e normal si adevarat se transforma in nebunie totala si ramai socat. Si pinguinii sunt foarte draguti si amuzanti. Mie mi-a placut foarte mult acest anime si intr-un fel m-a si marcat.
She's wiskey in a teacup.

Eu unu' va recomand Deadman Wonderland.
Ca sa nu dau copy-paste de pe google am sa povestesc de la mine ideea principala. Ceva copii cu asa zisa "ramura pacatului"(puterea manipulari sangelui) sunt adusi in singura inchisoare privata. Ceilanti detinuti sunt folositi pentru distractia publicului(inchisoarea fiind structurata gen un parc de distractie). Ne este prezentata viata pustiului (nu-i mai ertin numele),si se ivesc mai multe lucruri da nu va as strica misterul.
Personajele sunt bine realizate....totusi ve-ti ramane in asteptare pentru ca sunt doar 12 episoade si un ova si nu se aude nimic de un al doilea sezon.
Cam atat deocamdata.
Elda Taluta
Sarks Sark
Ark Alks

Mirai Nikki - e vorba despre un joc. Un joc cu niste "Jurnale ale Viitorului", cum este si titlul (Future Diary). Acest jurnal este in cele mai dese cazuri aflat ep telefon, dar bineinteles ca unii jucatori il au diferit. Partea interesanta sunt personajele, de la 1-12. Un singur castigator va putea sa existe. Dar, ca majoritatea anime-urile e plin de interes si asta te face sa iti dai mai greu seama de ceea ce agndesc personajele. Fiecare are povestea sa, care mai de care.
Il recomand cu cea mare placere. De pe la primele episoade a intrat in topul meu.

Psycho XD

Prima recomandare este ceva ce probabil ar fi trebuit sa fie in primul post:

Dragon Ball Z este un must pentru orice fan. Cu ani in urma era un standard. Daca nu vedeai acest anime nu aveai voie sa zici ca esti fan anime. Personal consider ca este inca adevarat

Now and Then, Here and There este un anime extrem de captivant. Cand l-am vazut prima oara nu m-am dezlipit de calculator pana nu l-am terminat. O poveste despre principi si pastrarea acestora in cele mai dificile situati

RahXephon o alternativa la Evanghelion cu o poveste interenanta si un sfarsit putin mai bun in opinia mea
[Imagine: FinalFantasyIXBahamutvsAlexandregh.jpg]

(07-03-2012, 05:08 PM)Azazel A scris: Eu unu' va recomand Deadman Wonderland.
Agree. *like a sir* Si il cheama Ganta. >.> Iar pe tipa Shiro.
Nu doresc sa fac spoilare. Primul episod mi s-a parut cu mult prea multe tipete. Si acel nenorocit... Iar jocurile in care oamenii mor e... Brr. Faza e ca fiecare dement de acolo are un trecut care l-a transformat in ceea ce este. In acea inchisoare, Deadman Wonderland, nimic nu este ceea pare. Vreau sa zic... sper ca va amintiti de tipa aia cu cerceii... (nu doresc sa dau detalii) Si etc. Personajele sunt destul de bine desenate si aici mai vorbeste si despre prietenie. Are si un ova (pe care eu azi l-am vazut T.T) cu trecutul lui Senji (my favorit character from there <3). Si arata si putin cum arata Deadman Wonderland la inceput.
Acest anime mai contine si mister. Suspans nu sunt sigura... Persoane care vor libertate, bomboane care permit viata puscariasior, tipa cupa G (*epic*) si altele... si bowling............ Si are un opening bestial, i se vad si cum i se incordeaza muschii lui Senji *rolling on the floor*.
Mai recomand si NANA. Iar pentru cei care vor sa boceasca sa urmareasca Fuyu no Semi (incantator ending, il am si in calculator). Nu va dati batuti din cauza istoriei. T.T
Altceva nu stiu ce sa mai scriu (incerc sa o iau din urma cu animeurile *cand ma apuca, ma apuca*).
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

'' Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something
in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. ''

[Imagine: Automail_sig_450x150_zps188a256a.png]

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