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Funny Name ~ English Version

1. Your real name: Alexandra Iuliana
2. Your gangsta name: Aleizzle 24
3. Your detective name: Blue Dog [ wtf? ]
4. Your Star Wars name: Iulal [ o,o ]
5. Your superhero name: Red Pepsy [ ;> ]
6. Your iraqi name: LLIURAANA [ -_- ]
7. Your witness protection name: 65
8. Your Goth name: Black Kiko [ e alb! ;-s ]
9. Ninja name: Alruto [ ma gandesc la Naruto .-. ]
10. Your Pirate name: Iuliana Captain o,o`..
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

1. Your real name:

2. Your gangsta name: Criizzle XD

3. Your detective name: Blue Dog 21

4. Your Star Wars name: Coccr [GOD! 21]

5. Your superhero name: Pink Pepsi 24

6. Your iraqi name: rcannacos [wtf? o.o]

7. Your witness protection name: Valimari [lol XD]

8. Your Goth name: Black Labus [OH, MY! xD]

9. Ninja name: Crruto 21

10. Your Pirate name: Andreea Captain [lool XD]
[Imagine: SIGN.png]
Thanks ^Ciresica^
SasuSaku fics || Miky`s Smile Zone

1. Your real name: Irina

2. Your gangsta name: Irinizzle

3. Your detective name: Black Puppy

4. Your Star Wars name: Irige

5. Your superhero name: Purple Angeli

6. Your iraqi name: Irgeolinascu 24

7. Your witness protection name: Liliana Mircea o,o

8. Your Goth name: Black Crucy

9. Ninja name: Irruto - i like it.

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Liliana
" Ce mi-a placut odata imi place intotdeauna, pentru ca optiunea mea este motivata. Fie ca urasc, fie ca iubesc, stiu clar de ce... "

Suntem diferiti atunci cand avem pe cineva care ne iubeste pentru ca... acestia ne ofera sute de motive de a trai.

Like like like^^ Let's see.

1. Your real name: Irina Loretta

2. Your gangsta name: Iriizzle

3. Your detective name: Blue Pantera >.<

4. Your Star Wars name: Irite

5. Your superhero name: Green Amaretto? >.>

6. Your iraqi name: Rmmnaanu

7. Your witness protection name: Elena Stelian

8. Your Goth name: Black Bella >.<

9. Ninja name: Loruto

10. Your Pirate name: Loretta Captain ^^
[Imagine: 302xdzc.jpg]
Voi, nepasatori de moarte, dispretuitori de viata,
Ce-ati probat cu-avantul vostru lumii pusa in mirare,
Ca din vultur vultur naste, din stejar stejar rasare!

1. Your real name: Cristina.

2. Your gangsta name: Criizzle *I so don't like it!*

3. Your detective name: Red Cat *Very sweet :X*

4. Your Star Wars name: Stocr *WHAT THE HELL?*

5. Your superhero name: Orange Sprite.

6. Your iraqi name: Roiunaian

7. Your witness protection name: LilianaConstantin *Yeah -.-,ce mai nume*

8. Your Goth name: Black Slash.

9. Ninja name: Crruto *Not wicked!*

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Julie * I rove it! <3*
Pentru iubire nu se multumeste, in consecinta, n-o sa-ti multumesc nici eu. Doar te iubesc sublim si nebuneste, atat de pur, total, nepamantesc.

1. Your real name: Raluca xD

2. Your gangsta name: Ralizzle.

3. Your detective name: Blue Dog o.O

4. Your Star Wars name: Lunra... Lol, asta da nume de Star Wars...

5. Your superhero name: Pink Sprite, lol.

6. Your iraqi name: Anstcariu... Whaaat? O.O"

7. Your witness protection name: They don't have one, really xD.

8. Your Goth name: Black Ciufulici... Era verde, lol 21

9. Ninja name: Raruto, lol xD

10. Your Pirate name: Captain Stephanie... In sfarsit ceva nromal...

[Imagine: Karate.png]

*le* ohhhhh so folking epic
1. Your real name:
2. Your gangsta name: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) - *points at real name* the * what?
3. Your detective name: (fav color and fav animal)
Brown Husky
4. Your Star Wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
5. Your superhero name: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)
Black Green Tea
6. Your iraqi name: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name)
Traniuria - head/desk
7. Your witness protection name: (both parents middle name)
Gabinela -
8. Your Goth name: (black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black Lăbuş - ohhhhh i feel so blackish
9. Ninja name: (First two letters of your first name added with Ruto)
Struto - ţ
10. Your Pirate name: (Your middle name after the word Captain)
Captain Maria
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

1. Your real name : Bianca.

2. Your gangsta name : Biaizzle.

3. Your detective name : Green Kyuubi [ aww 21 Mereu am visat la un animal asa. =] ]

4. Your Star Wars name : Banbi. [ O.O Ce..potrivire ciudata ]

5. Your SuperHero name : Ieanna. [ Aww, funni x3 ]

6: Your iraqi name: Aaennunca [ Nu pot pronuntsa. xd ]

7: Your witness protection name : AlexMiru. [ ^.^ Pretty names, but in that case.. Mai bine nu ]

8. Your Goth Name : Black Boris. xD or Black Kidu. .. [ am mai multe animale totusi 10 ]

9. Ninja name: Biruto..... [ Why? T-T.. ]

10. YOur pirate name : Capitain Elena. [ Ha-haa! ]
[Imagine: sasu_naru_by_kiduutz-d5035to.jpg]
Ne? (:

1. Your real name: Sara

2. Your gangsta name: Sarizzle

3. Your detective name: Purple Cat

4. Your Star Wars name: Vissa

5. Your superhero name: BlackSoda

6. Your iraqi name: Asrasan * cum nu am un al doilea nume, tot pe primul l-am luat*

7. Your witness protection name: Dandana * cum nici parintii nu au, am pus primul nume*

8. Your Goth name: BlackFifi

9. Ninja name: Saruto

10. Your Pirate name: .... Captain Sara if you want 4
She's wiskey in a teacup.

1. Real : Daniela.
2. Gangsta : Danizzle.
3. Detective :Green Pantera.
4. Star Wars : Geoda.
5. Superhero : Red Fanta.
6. Iraqi : Aodalascu
7. Protection : părinții au decât câte două nume, ha ha.
8. Goth : Black Selli.
9. Ninja : Daruto.
10. Pirate : Captain Daria.
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

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