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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

I'll be the first to say that now I'm opkay and for the first time, I've opened up my eyes.

opkay dude, opkay!
hehehe xD

next: Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody!

Who wants flowrs when you're dead? Nobody!

Flowrs 24. Good. Am inventat un cuvânt nou.

Next => I belive i can fly! Easy, right?!
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

I believe I can fly! Easy, right?"

mă rog, aproape bine. 21 hehehehe.

next: He opened the door and turned on a solitary lightbulb.

He opened the door and turned on a solitaru lightbulb.

" Solitaru " ?! Oh god. 24

Next => I'd rather be all alone! Anywhere on my own!
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

He opened the door and turnes on a solitary lighrbulb.

T_T fail, fail, fail, and again FAIL. Eh, dar ştiu că e aglomeraţie în topicul ăsta. o.o"

Next: My mu equita my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa.

edit. dude, sunteţi rapizi. -.-
Snow -> I'd ratger be all aline!Anywhere on my oqn! [fail , ofc 21 ]

I+d rather be all alone! Anywhwerre on my own!

fără comentarii 24 în afară de "+"
aţi primit un mesaj de la +
24 epic fail.

becu' solitaru' huh? 15 solitaru lightbulb.

next: My mom would go nuts if she'd know you did all this shit to me, really.

dude mi-ai luat-o înainte T_T

My mu equita my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa


next: My mom would go nuts if she'd know you did all this shit to me, really.

Teh-> My mom would go nuts if sge'd know yiu did all this dhit to me, reallyt

O.O Okay, I suck at this

Next: Out from the barrio you hear my rhythm from your radio

My mom would go nuts if she's know you did all this shit to me, reallt.

45! Fail. Again.. 21

Next => Because i can see the very worst part of you, it's me.

Haide! Nu din nou. .-.
Out from the barrio you hear my rgythm from your radio

Iar " h-ul " 24!
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Out from the barrio you hear my rhythm from your radio.

I'm good. AGAIN. LOL.

Chiar că e aglomeraţie în topciul ăsta. nu ai timp nici să respiri for Chris's sake.

Because I can see the very worst part of you, its me.
aproape perfect 4

next: But you never cared to hear the other side, so why would you care to keep this thing alive?

But you never cared to hear the other side,so why would you care to keep this thing alive ?

Oh, baby, yeaaaaah. \:d/ Era ÅŸi timpul

Next: In every breath and every word I hear your name calling me out

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