25-02-2011, 08:25 PM
Heya guys (:
-Suuunt alexandra, am 13
Sunt din constanta.
Germany, Japan. Chocolate!<3
i just love vampires and movies and books about vampires, I'm a freak fan of vampires, .
And of course Christmas, myths, Harry Potter,, cupcakes, memories, photography, music, photoshop, autumn, drawings and of course , charming guys *blush*,& fantasy animals, lions.
Favorite anime: Vocaloid :x
People that TyPe LiKe ThIs or l1k3 th1s, shy people,french. people who do not know what they want, undecided, pink, yellow, bugs, spiders, stupid idiots, , drama, LIES, wannabes, boring movies, people who talk too much just shut the f*ck up, stupid nicknames like termin@tor98775578!@#^, Hi5, vegetables, meat *bleah*, coca, piti, manelele,ciocolata cu alune, fetitele de 9 10 ani care se cred bune :| ( am eu specimene in scoala). , adam lembarat sau cum il cheama daca il asculta cineva e copil facut ptr. alocatie., Si movul toata lumea iubeste movul, haideti sa ne facem suvite mov, sa ne dam mari cu ele si sa fim emo IEEE 8|.
I guesssss the list can be bigggeeeer.
Sper sa imi fac prieteni.
Cya >: d<
-Suuunt alexandra, am 13
Sunt din constanta.
Germany, Japan. Chocolate!<3
i just love vampires and movies and books about vampires, I'm a freak fan of vampires, .
And of course Christmas, myths, Harry Potter,, cupcakes, memories, photography, music, photoshop, autumn, drawings and of course , charming guys *blush*,& fantasy animals, lions.
Favorite anime: Vocaloid :x
People that TyPe LiKe ThIs or l1k3 th1s, shy people,french. people who do not know what they want, undecided, pink, yellow, bugs, spiders, stupid idiots, , drama, LIES, wannabes, boring movies, people who talk too much just shut the f*ck up, stupid nicknames like termin@tor98775578!@#^, Hi5, vegetables, meat *bleah*, coca, piti, manelele,ciocolata cu alune, fetitele de 9 10 ani care se cred bune :| ( am eu specimene in scoala). , adam lembarat sau cum il cheama daca il asculta cineva e copil facut ptr. alocatie., Si movul toata lumea iubeste movul, haideti sa ne facem suvite mov, sa ne dam mari cu ele si sa fim emo IEEE 8|.
I guesssss the list can be bigggeeeer.
Sper sa imi fac prieteni.
Cya >: d<