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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Asta nu se poate.Luni am lectie de karate.

yay^^ so cool ..

I'll do anything for you,there is nothing I wouldn't do snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,with you I always want to be.

i'll do anythinf for you there is nothinf i wouldn't do snuggle cuddke and then gug me with yiy i always ti be.........:-l bine k nai puso in japoneza..21

"Si daca ploaia s-ar oprii,si din cer n-o sa mai cada,lacrimi si spuspini"....

Si daca ploaia s-ar oprii,si din cer n-o sa mai cada,lacrimi si spuspini".... va ganditi..asta e cea intreaga..acum urmeaza minunatia >.<
si daca plaiis s`ar oprei.dy gib cet n0p sa mai casa,lacrimui si suslkni

What t3h hell?? 21 24

Eu,tu si`o umbrela,cerul ca o acuarela >.<'
[Imagine: FES_Icon_by_ShardRenzi.jpg]

Ei, ti di`o umvrela, ceril ca o acuarela >.<'

O.O 21

Next: I hate only me and myself >.< And school 21.

i hate only my and myself,and school

eh na... ce tare

I got your letter From the postman Just the other day So I decided To write you this song Just to let you know Exactly the way I feel

i goi yout letter for the postmanjust the other day so ai decidedto write yiy tgus diy\ng just ti let uou know exactly the way i fell


next:No one die virgin,because life fucks all!

No one foe worfin besouse lige ficks all....

A doua zi au venit sa imi spuna ca ai murit... sunt niste prosti ei nu stiu cat ai visat sa zbori...
[Imagine: 20080626090306.jpg]

Imi aprind visatoare o tigara. Fumul trece lenes si nepasator prin fata mea, formand niste spirale demne de admiratia unui artist..

A doua zi au venit sa-mi spuna ca ai murit... sunt niste prosti, ei nu stiu cat ai visat sa zbori...

Is it good? :5:

Next: I wanna huuuuug yulobo. hug [cati vreti voi de multi u 106]

I wanna hiiiig yulovo

Ehh pe aproape 21

Next: "If you want to be happy a moment,revenge.....if you want to be happy a life,forgive"

If you want to be happy a moment, revenge... If you want to be happy a life, forgive.

Uhn, preety good Smile
Next: xD look at za quote ^^" Gomen pentru cuvinte, dar ... Asta mi-a venit in minte prima data ... >__<
Citat:Daca vrei sa fii vazut, baga-te in seama... Daca vrei sa nu fii remarcat, keep walking... It'll be the same...

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