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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Afara s-a mai racoruit.
Hehe am fost pe aproape.
Next : I need a gun to kill a nut. 21

Shubidubiduuuuu~ Baa deci eu nu fac spam. :]
Nuu 68
Doar ca imi e lene sa scriu. 21
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

I meed a gun to kill a nut
firar,o singura litera X|
Next : Tommorow will be another boring day.
[Imagine: girlsignature.png]

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love,
And fill me with your poison.
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be your victim,
Ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien,
Your touch is foreign
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

[Imagine: ilikemusicsignature2.png]
A painter paints pictures on canvas.
But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~L. Stokowski

Tomorrow will be another boring day

Wei nu cred22 puteams a jur ca am gresit, nu ca ar fi textul greu, dar literele din cuvinte sunt in extreme opuse 21

Bang bang i shot you down bang bang you hit the ground.
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

ban bang i shot you down ,bang bang you hit the ground
OMG,de ce mereu raman cu o litera gresita,mereu numai una O.o
See you tommorow guys,I gotta sleep ^^
[Imagine: girlsignature.png]

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love,
And fill me with your poison.
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be your victim,
Ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien,
Your touch is foreign
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

[Imagine: ilikemusicsignature2.png]
A painter paints pictures on canvas.
But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~L. Stokowski

See you tomorrow guys. I goyya sleep
Ehh.. 2 litere..
Asta e.

Next: The Horizon is crying the tears he left behind long ago.

Lalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ 65
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

The Horizon is cruring the tears he eft nejing long aho
OMF,cate greseli pe capul meu xD
Girls just wanna have fun xD
[Imagine: girlsignature.png]

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love,
And fill me with your poison.
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be your victim,
Ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien,
Your touch is foreign
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

[Imagine: ilikemusicsignature2.png]
A painter paints pictures on canvas.
But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~L. Stokowski

girls kisy wamma jabe fimn *puhhahahaha* da ... se vede ce frumos scriu cu ochii inchisi .. defapt si cu ei deschisi cam la fel sunt greselile ^^"
Next : You watched my how i puled myself fromthe floor
.I dont need anyone in my life who does not want to be there.
.Sometimes i cant , sometimes i dont want to , and sometimes i dont even try.
.I am nostalgic , cinical and lonely , so i may hurt you.

You watched me how I pulled myself from the floor...

Nice game5 Ăăă sentence...

I wish I knowed how to become invisible...

I wish I knowed how to became invisible.

OMDG Mi-a ieşit O___O Aw aw aw niahhaha niahah. Am uitat de ălea 3 puncte, but...

Next one: Sunt dracu pe pământ şi vreau să mănânc gărgăriţe. <3
[Imagine: 51pt12.png]
Eu mă semnez uneori "cam retardă" şi uneori cam aşa.

Sunt dracu pe pământ şi vreau să mănânc gărgăriţe.

Sunt dracu pe pamant si vweau sa mananx gargarite :]]


Next: Mesaj catre Rai:Trimite'ti o ambulanta,ingerul pe care mi l'ati dat nu face fata. ^_^
[center][Imagine: 517p75.jpg]
When I Get Home.[/center]

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