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Ce Asculti acum?

(15-08-2010, 03:08 PM)YKashim A scris: Era tanc, dar ea e Mimi asa ca e posibil sa aibe ceva cu tine. Recomand ascundere in munti. Sau sinucidere. Mori, da' scapi de Mimi.

e asa rau 21?

can't wait ^_^


E asa rea. Te violeaza. In toate felurile posibile.

Wale - Black & Gold
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Parca spuneai ca vrei placere
Parca spuneai ca vrei sa uiti de tine
Sa nu stii de nimeni
Nici o grija, prietene
Placere e cata vrei pe marginea prapastiei...

Firma-Pe marginea prapastiei
Do not speak unless you can improve the silence.

Jefferson Airplane - Crown Of Creation
Nimic de zis, e pe shuffle winamp-ul.
Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.That is why you and i love the drugs... now please, pass me a light.

Lupe Fiasco - Building Minds Faster (B.M.F. freestyle) -- singura versiune a melodiei asta care imi place. Putea sa-mi placa si freestyle-ul lui Young Jeezy, dar cum ala e prea prost ca sa aibe curaj...
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Good Charlotte feat M. Shadows and Synyster Gates - The River

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered

lol, mi-e rusine 24))

Jay Sean feat. Nicki Minaj - 2012 -- inca nu inteleg ce-mi place la melodia asta.
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Green Day - Boulevard of broken dreams

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone
You know it is going to be a bad day , when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.

Kamelot - Rule the world
De cand i-am vazut la ARTmania, numai pe ei ascult.
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

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