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Mi'am facut un account nou. Iar semnatura pe care o am nu este afisata atunci cand postez.
Am dat "enable signature in my post" dar fara rost.
Imi tot intra pe "pilot automat" - no action, cand dau sa editez la signature.
Deci ce sa fie?

Mersi xD !!!

(acum se poate vedea ca mi'a aparut semnatura...dar de ce?..uneori da, uneori nu)
"Privi printre stropii de ploaie silueta inalta ce se indeparta in fuga de ea.
Ultimul vers ii rasuna cantat de ea in cap parca ar fi fost pe scena "I do love you." Ar fi vrut sa se puna in genunchi si sa planga." ~ Sugar Pain * a writers blog

Si eu sunt noua aici.
Si aceeasi problema o am si eu, in unele imi apare semnatura, in unele nu apare. Tot asa e si la mine, ramane pe no action orice as face. Vreun sfat ?
[ scuze ca nu am facut un topic nou, dar am vazut ca mai e si post-ul asta. ]
[Imagine: Green_eyes-Anime.jpg]
A lot of people ask me " What do you wanna become? "
I say " An actress. "
And they're like.. " Oh, so that's why you're so though. "

"The winners never give up, and those who give up never win. So go there, walk proud and show them what you can do." Cathy Hopkins

Dacă încerci să schimbi thema?
[center]If you f**k with me, you get burned Smile

Bleach România | Sannins - traduceri manga

[Imagine: webmaster.png]

Heya.. again !
Am schimbat tema in chestia aia splashy . Not my favourite , dar macar merge semnatura.
Merci mult de tot ady_x .
Bye. D_D
[Imagine: Green_eyes-Anime.jpg]
A lot of people ask me " What do you wanna become? "
I say " An actress. "
And they're like.. " Oh, so that's why you're so though. "

"The winners never give up, and those who give up never win. So go there, walk proud and show them what you can do." Cathy Hopkins

Manga si Motoko, ce tema foloseati inainte de nu mergea cum trebuie semnatura?

Eu aveam OrangeDark , care e pusa si la default. Adica si daca dau pe OrangeDark si pe Use default e aceeasi tema. Si acum am Zup Color Theme, care oricum arata mai bine.
Gomene, dar nu vreau sa fac spam.
[Imagine: Green_eyes-Anime.jpg]
A lot of people ask me " What do you wanna become? "
I say " An actress. "
And they're like.. " Oh, so that's why you're so though. "

"The winners never give up, and those who give up never win. So go there, walk proud and show them what you can do." Cathy Hopkins

Nu faci spam, stai linistita 10

Acum, valabil pentru amandoi:
1. La User CP -> Options ( ) aveati bifata optiunea "Display users' signatures in their posts." ? (e la Thread View Options)
2. La User CP -> Edit signature ( ) era bifata optiunea "Enable my signature in all of my existing posts." inainte sa dati Update signature?

La mine da, erau bifate amandoua inainte sa postez aici si nu aparea.
[Imagine: Green_eyes-Anime.jpg]
A lot of people ask me " What do you wanna become? "
I say " An actress. "
And they're like.. " Oh, so that's why you're so though. "

"The winners never give up, and those who give up never win. So go there, walk proud and show them what you can do." Cathy Hopkins

(20-05-2010, 05:24 PM)Motoko A scris: La mine da, erau bifate amandoua inainte sa postez aici si nu aparea.

La mine s-a rezolvat problema, asta dupa ce am schimbat Dark Orage.
Incearca si asa, schimba tema pe Zup Winter Theme sau pe Zup Color Theme, apoi editeaa-ti semnatura si bifeaza enable...
[Imagine: eeeled-1_zpse54e7424.png]

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