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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

and they say that a heri can save us
in not goinna stanbd gare abd waut
i;ll hold into the wings of the eagkes
watcg as they all fly away

M-am descurcat destul de bine,cred21.Nu am nimerit chiar tot dar pe sfert tot am reusit21.

Next:You're not the type of man who shake my hand like nice to meet you!
[center][Imagine: 517p75.jpg]
When I Get Home.[/center]

You're not the type of man who shake my hand like nice to meet you !
[ corect T_T ] xDD

Next : But what else am I gonna do / I'd wait forever and a day for you 15
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

but what else am i giina do/ i;d wait forever and a day for you

Oh, niste greseli micute Zuppy02

Next:‘Cause every Mother’s Day needs a Mother’s Night
If doing it is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
Aditza's Blog

[Imagine: aditzasig-1.png] -> mersi Toxicâ„¢

Cause every Mother's Day needs a Mother[s Night
if doing it is dood i don;y wanna be tight
Next:We have to look for the facts, not words
cont inactiv.

re have to lok for the facts, noy words
uuu 8 decât câteva greşeli 21

Next: Todays another day time for new beginnings, yesterday I said mean things, but you know I didn’t mean it. It’s like running out on someone you love even though you still love them, all I needed was time to think, and realize how lucky I am. So when I said don’t talk to me and slammed the door in your face, what I meant to say was I love you and my door is always open, life wouldn’t be the same without you by me every step of the way.
Un băiat şi o fată se întâlnesc,
se iubesc ÅŸi se iau.
- Mihail DrumeÅŸ

[Imagine: tumblr_l62y3awKTQ1qbcrgio1_500.png]

Cortina a căzut pe ultimul act al tragediei.
Dar noi, care am rămas după el, ce vom face? -
Mihail DrumeÅŸ


Hehe sa incerc si eu^.^

Todays another day time dor new bwginnings, yesterday I said mean things, but you know I didn;t mean it. It's like running out on someone you live even tought you stilll love them. all I needed was time to think, and realize how lucky I am. So wjen I said don;t talk to me and slammed the door in your face, what I meant to sau was I lobve you and my door is alwaus open, life wouldn;r be the same without you be my everu step of the way.

Lolz ceva ceva tot a iesit bine:]] A fost cam lung dar cred eu ca m-am descurcat. E funny si imi place mai vreau sa fac asa ceva:]]

"As their castles crumble slowly
We watch them fall
The crown slips from heads unworthy
As we gain control"
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

As their castles crumble slowly
We xan waych yje fall
the crown slips frim gerad unwotyhu
as we hain control

Ma simt prost cu atatea greseli pintre veterani pe acest topic 21 . Ma voi stradui mai mult . Sper ca nu va suparati ca am pus ceva in romana , avand in vedere ca ultimele au fost in engleza 4 .

Un optimist este cineva care s-a suit in copac sa nu-l prinda leul , dar se bucura de peisaj. [ Citatul meu preferat ... de 3 zile 21) ]
Old nick - mary2we

S-am scris cu sange
Pe randuri de cristal
Poveste-acum incepe ...

My pics on dA

My pics on AnimeZup

Viata dubla - my fic

un oprimist este cineva care s-a urcat in copac ca sa nu il prinda leul, dar se vucura de paisah
putine bucur pentru mine
next=>sper sa nu va suparati...
hai sa radem oameni buni
cat suntem inca nebuni.
n-avem banu-n buzunar
da ne-am tras azi un mertan.
"Cum Satana a fost astfel condamnat sa vagabondeze, sa colinde si sa n-aiba deloc stare, el nu are niciun salas al lui, caci desi detine, gratie naturii sale ingeresti, un soi de impertinenta in apele murdare si in aer, asta face totusi parte cu siguranta din pedeapsa ce i-a fost data, cea care il sileste... sa nu aiba niciun loc sau un teritoriu stabil, unde sa ii fie ingaduit sa isi odihneasca talpile picioarelor."
[Imagine: hopeestheim.png]

s[er saa mi ,a si[atauo...
hap sa tafr, pa,tmo vini
vay sinten inca brbuni.
n-avrm bani0m bizimat
fat me-a, ytis azo im mwryan.

Ce mai propozitii!!! 21
Next: Imi place sa ma plimb prin ploaie… pentru ca nimeni nu vede ca eu plang…
:dead: Nu voi uita sa mor cum nu uit sa traiesc :dead:
[Imagine: nn8g3s.jpg]

Unu plscr ds ma pli,b priin ploiw/// prntru c NIMENU NU VEDW C ey p;anf,,,

:?: doar "ma" si "nu" am scris corect, nu ma pricep de loc :?:, da' la ce tastatura am nici nu ma mir ca mi-a iesit asa o propozitie 24

next: Un vultur sta pe pisc, cu un pix in plisc. [ 21 ]
[Imagine: teru.png]

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