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Cuts and Guts
(Professional Stalker)

Data înregistrării: 05-01-2011
Data nașterii: 23-08-1996 (28 ani)
Ora Locală: 26-03-2025 ora 08:45 AM
Status: Deconectat
You won't hear me, but you'll feel me
Without warning, something's dawning, listen.
Then within your senses,
You'll know you're defenseless
How your heart beats, when you run for cover
Your can't retreat I spy like no other.

Informații suplimentare despre Cuts and Guts
Gen: Male
Anime preferat: Code Geass/Darker than Black/Death Note
Manga preferat: Bleach/Ichi the killer/kekkaishi

Activitatea pe forum a utilizatorului Cuts and Guts
Data înregistrării: 05-01-2011
Ultima vizită:
Răspunsuri: 9 (0 răspunsuri pe zi | 0.01 % din totalul de mesaje)
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Subiecte: 2 ()
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Timp Petrecut Conectat:
Invitat de: N/A
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Reputație: 1 [Detalii]
Comments 0 (0 sent | 0 received)
Zupi: 194 z

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