08-05-2009, 12:46 AM
pai..uhm...*takes a mic*...lights...camera...action!:
"A fost odata ca niciodata un pitic de circ cu zambet tamp si privire naiva care vorbea cu 3284943790588567965095809586 cuv/sec. Avea o energie infinita...fapt ptr care se credea k se trage din baterii. Este posibil...poate pe strastrastrastra...bunicu il chema Duracellescu...sau nu!!...Duracelliu!...Da, da!...Foarte posibil. Si acest pitic sau mai denumit si "circopiticus" nu vroia decat pace si fericire in lume. Zambete si norisori pufosi roz pe cer... Doar lumina si....
*the "nenea" cu mic'ul gets arrested with the charge of "suspicion of being highly wasted"*
In the prison*it is proven that the circopiticus it is indeed very high(what do they put in the candies these days????)* tied by a very fancy chair(actually the chair was Lelouch Lamperouge's...he paid with it his charges of being brilliant crazy) the pitic completeaza urmatoarea lista(too much english in this story):
Nume: Manguste!!!!...nu...de fapt...c conteaza?...suntem toti egali in fata lui Dumnezeu...si...*the lightning strucks her*
Varsta: in fiecare an intineresc....sunt la varsta la care imi permit sa fac orice..legal...dar arat de parca as face'o ilegal...so...where is the justice in that???
"Obsesii":desenele prietenei mele cele mai bune, somnul(not the fish!), Japonia, lollipops, piercing'urile, smoking, ramen, harajuku style, dreaming out loud, kissing the sun, watching the moon, stalking no jutsu!, tobele, chimia, rape, "shnitzelz", pepenele rosu, ciupercile ....what everyday's dude does...
"Fobii":vantul, human xerox, boracii tupeisti, persoanele care se holbeaza 'a prost', babalacii cu gura mare neatza in RATB, stafidele, sa dau cu pumnu in pereti, Petrica-una din profii cu care fac info(o...kay...that's too much information!!!...scratch the last part*looks suspiciously around*)
Anime de care e atat d obsedata incat ar vorbi fara pauza pana ar muri d oboseala(that's impossible!!!):Gundam seed, Fate/Stay night, Code geass, Katekyo Hitman reborn, Baccano,
Manga de care e atat de obsedata incat....(am obosit sa repet...sheesh): Fire Candy, Dogs, Cutie Boy, Vampire Knight, Crimson Hero, Hot blooded woman...*cineva ii baga un morcov in gura ca sa se opreasca din enumerat k ar dura pana la sf lumii O_O*
Personaje anime la care le'ar pupa picioarele asta dupa ce s'ar holba stupid la ele...le'ar inchina ofrande...si le'ar...tehehhe.... : Hibari Kyoya(my love!...no...vorbesc serios...Hibari Kyoya from KHR e my soul mate^_^), Cagalli Yula Athha(GS..my idol!), Regretta the Quick(Tales of the Abyss-another idol), Saber(Fate/Stay night-another idol), Yamamoto Takeshi(KHR-my alter ego), Minako Aino(Sailor Moon-another idol), Kazuma Mikura(Air Gear),...etc....too much population...too little...everything T_T
Cuvant de salut: "HALT!Das ist mein Shnitzel!!!"...nu nu...wait....*search the script*...ah da!...."Nu mishca!!!!...Lasa jos ratza!"...no no!!!!...offfff....aha!!!...the message is:"Nice to meet u!^_^*gives candy to everybody and waves dumbly*
*passes out on the chair*
"A fost odata ca niciodata un pitic de circ cu zambet tamp si privire naiva care vorbea cu 3284943790588567965095809586 cuv/sec. Avea o energie infinita...fapt ptr care se credea k se trage din baterii. Este posibil...poate pe strastrastrastra...bunicu il chema Duracellescu...sau nu!!...Duracelliu!...Da, da!...Foarte posibil. Si acest pitic sau mai denumit si "circopiticus" nu vroia decat pace si fericire in lume. Zambete si norisori pufosi roz pe cer... Doar lumina si....
*the "nenea" cu mic'ul gets arrested with the charge of "suspicion of being highly wasted"*
In the prison*it is proven that the circopiticus it is indeed very high(what do they put in the candies these days????)* tied by a very fancy chair(actually the chair was Lelouch Lamperouge's...he paid with it his charges of being brilliant crazy) the pitic completeaza urmatoarea lista(too much english in this story):
Nume: Manguste!!!!...nu...de fapt...c conteaza?...suntem toti egali in fata lui Dumnezeu...si...*the lightning strucks her*
Varsta: in fiecare an intineresc....sunt la varsta la care imi permit sa fac orice..legal...dar arat de parca as face'o ilegal...so...where is the justice in that???
"Obsesii":desenele prietenei mele cele mai bune, somnul(not the fish!), Japonia, lollipops, piercing'urile, smoking, ramen, harajuku style, dreaming out loud, kissing the sun, watching the moon, stalking no jutsu!, tobele, chimia, rape, "shnitzelz", pepenele rosu, ciupercile ....what everyday's dude does...
"Fobii":vantul, human xerox, boracii tupeisti, persoanele care se holbeaza 'a prost', babalacii cu gura mare neatza in RATB, stafidele, sa dau cu pumnu in pereti, Petrica-una din profii cu care fac info(o...kay...that's too much information!!!...scratch the last part*looks suspiciously around*)
Anime de care e atat d obsedata incat ar vorbi fara pauza pana ar muri d oboseala(that's impossible!!!):Gundam seed, Fate/Stay night, Code geass, Katekyo Hitman reborn, Baccano,
Manga de care e atat de obsedata incat....(am obosit sa repet...sheesh): Fire Candy, Dogs, Cutie Boy, Vampire Knight, Crimson Hero, Hot blooded woman...*cineva ii baga un morcov in gura ca sa se opreasca din enumerat k ar dura pana la sf lumii O_O*
Personaje anime la care le'ar pupa picioarele asta dupa ce s'ar holba stupid la ele...le'ar inchina ofrande...si le'ar...tehehhe.... : Hibari Kyoya(my love!...no...vorbesc serios...Hibari Kyoya from KHR e my soul mate^_^), Cagalli Yula Athha(GS..my idol!), Regretta the Quick(Tales of the Abyss-another idol), Saber(Fate/Stay night-another idol), Yamamoto Takeshi(KHR-my alter ego), Minako Aino(Sailor Moon-another idol), Kazuma Mikura(Air Gear),...etc....too much population...too little...everything T_T
Cuvant de salut: "HALT!Das ist mein Shnitzel!!!"...nu nu...wait....*search the script*...ah da!...."Nu mishca!!!!...Lasa jos ratza!"...no no!!!!...offfff....aha!!!...the message is:"Nice to meet u!^_^*gives candy to everybody and waves dumbly*
*passes out on the chair*
[center]~only God doesn't believe in...God~[/center]
[center]Do you know a woman who hates herself enough to date me?[/center]
[center]![[Imagine: chibi_2605.gif]](http://animezup.com/chibi/img/user/chibi_2605.gif)
Pompertziu Fulangesh, chibi-ul lui YamaMina[/center]
![[Imagine: SOTW2-House.png]](http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk301/Stray_Mina/diverse/signaturi/SOTW2-House.png)
[center]~only God doesn't believe in...God~[/center]
![[Imagine: 1241698538_scrubs-party.gif]](http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk301/Stray_Mina/diverse/signaturi/1241698538_scrubs-party.gif)
[center]Do you know a woman who hates herself enough to date me?[/center]
![[Imagine: chibi_2605.gif]](http://animezup.com/chibi/img/user/chibi_2605.gif)
Pompertziu Fulangesh, chibi-ul lui YamaMina[/center]