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hello! nice to meet you all

bosowa-ru, watashi no namae wa Caty. glad to join youSmile I'm 13 and I'm a anime and manga fan, especially shounen-ai (that's my favorite!) 4. Actually, there are a lot of things i don't like and very little that I do like (of course, those i like are obviously about anime, manga, things like that etc. etc.4) I usually talk a lot about myself and, when I realize it, it's already too late65

I'm not very fond on music (I think that's pretty rare) but I like Japanese music, if I ever get bored of anything else and that's the only left option. (I told you i talk too much4) don't ask me about hobbies, because the only ones that I'm aware of are hunting anime sites, watching anime and everything else about it. oh, yeah, I like English so much that i usually think in that language... just tell me when I cross the limits, okay? 4 I used to like cats, but I'm not that fond on them anymore.

nothing else comes to mind... but if you wanna ask me something, send me a private message so I'll check things up, because I don't use to remember that I wrote this kind f thing somewhere.. and I apology anticipated if I'm gonna be a pain in the ass (sorry for the expression)

And , thanks god that the PC correct my mistakes automatically, because, even if I usually don't make them, I don't really pay any attention when i type something - my eyes are glued only to my fingers.
I guess I've already bored everyone... well, then, I'm off! Sayounara!
There's only one way to get rid of temptation, and
that's to yield to it. (Lord Henry Wotton) - Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

Blog - October Nights

Heya Caty! hug Eu sunt Tsu`chan ^_^
Te deranjeaza ca scriu in romana? In engleza as face destule greseli si mie ca n-ai sa intelegi 21
1. De unde esti?
2. Ce zodie esti?
3. Care e culoarea ta preferata?
5. Ce genuri de anime iti plac inafara de shounen-ai?
Ah! Am uitat... Bine ai venit pe zup ^_^
Spor la prieteni si la postat! hug

salut! in primul rand, multumesc pt. "bun-venit". nu-mi bagati in seama toanele cu engleza, si dak nu intelegeti ceva spuneti-mi, k inca n-am uitat de tot romana... cel putin asa sper4
Sunt din Iasi, zodia "libra"(balanta) de obicei imi plac culorile inchise, misterioase, precum albastru inchis si navy, mov, dar la haine am o preferinta ciudata pt. rosu-sangeriu(ca trandafirii)4
de genuri anime... uh, pai, la asta nu pot sa raspund pt. k mie n-o sa-mi placa niciodata mai multe animeuri in acelasi timp, si cat trec la altul, uit de ultimul4 cam asa sunt eu...10 sunt o ciudata, nuh?
There's only one way to get rid of temptation, and
that's to yield to it. (Lord Henry Wotton) - Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

Blog - October Nights

buna!!<<sper k nu ai uitat sa vb in romanaX_x' >>

as vrea sa mai stiu cate cv despre tine[nu prea multe,pt k prezentarea ta a fost ff complexa:D]

1:care este animeul tau preferat ?

2:ce stil de muzik asculti?

3:Ce stil de imbracaminte abordezi?[you're trendy or not? :))) lol-it was a joke ]

cam atat...sper sa te acomodezi repede pe faci multi prieteni...

ja ne!!!:- h :*

2 squirrels: one english, one romanian. Each squirrel in her tree . E. squirrel was fucking a nut. R. squirrel ask: - Are you fucking crazy? E. squirrel answer: - No, I`m fucking nuts .

hello! pai, din cate am observat, inca mai stiu romana, dar s-ar putea sa mai amestec din cand in cand si cate un cuvant in engleza4
anime-ul preferat in acest miment e gravitation. cum am zis si mai sus, nu-mi plac mai multe anime-uri in acelasi timp - de fapt nu as putea spune k nu imi plac deloc, dar preferatul e mereu preferat pt. moment

muzica... de obicei ascult cantaretii care au jucat seiyuu in anime-uri10

ma imbrac cu haine comode, dar depinde de ocazie. nu vreau sa ma laud, dar vreau sa port tot timpul ceva cat de cat sexy. oricum ultimul lucru de care imi pasa e moda! nu dau nici un ou stricat pe ea, ma imbrac cu ce vreau eu4

merci pt. urari!
There's only one way to get rid of temptation, and
that's to yield to it. (Lord Henry Wotton) - Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

Blog - October Nights

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