Răspunsuri: 18
Subiecte: 1
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 359 z
hey guys. asta o sa fie topicul meu de GFX-uri cred O.o anyway,pana la urmatorul sig am 2 lucrari.
LARGE ART- ![[Imagine: NatureLove.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/NatureLove.jpg)
fotografia am facut-o cand eram... la tara -.-.Anyway dupa asta am editat in photoshop XD
![[Imagine: butterfly.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/butterfly.jpg)
sig facut de curand ;o
Thank you. :3
![[Imagine: dgfree.jpg]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6128/dgfree.jpg)
Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me!
![[Imagine: nature.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/nature.jpg)
Latest sign.
Răspunsuri: 342
Subiecte: 12
Data înregistrării: Feb 2008
Zupi: -7.592 z
Sigul pare puţin cam gol, dar îmi place ideea şi efectu' :3 Dar parcă mai mergea încă puţin smudge-uit şi puţin contrast [maybe ... layeru' cu brushu' pe un efect tip ... linear dodge ? or maybe another color for the brush ? ].
La Nature Love nu prea ştiu ce să zic, I mean, it looks rly kewl [probabil dacă ai fi reuşit să schimbi unghiul când făceai poza ca să nu prinzi şi 'umbra' din faţă, 'cause it doesn't look that well.
I don't rly know what to say more, so 'waiting for your next thingies :3
Baftă-n continuare !
Răspunsuri: 18
Subiecte: 1
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 359 z
(19-07-2009, 12:56 PM)Renya of TÃr na nÓg A scris: Sigul pare puÅ£in cam gol, dar îmi place ideea ÅŸi efectu' :3 Dar parcă mai mergea încă puÅ£in smudge-uit ÅŸi puÅ£in contrast [maybe ... layeru' cu brushu' pe un efect tip ... linear dodge ? or maybe another color for the brush ? ].
La Nature Love nu prea ştiu ce să zic, I mean, it looks rly kewl [probabil dacă ai fi reuşit să schimbi unghiul când făceai poza ca să nu prinzi şi 'umbra' din faţă, 'cause it doesn't look that well.
I don't rly know what to say more, so 'waiting for your next thingies :3
Baftă-n continuare !
thanks for the comment! anyway,acel brush de la sig e opacity XD si un desaturated,am vrut doar sa arate bine,fara sa ma prea complic.
smudge nu am folosit decat FOARTE putin,grudge brush,opacity around 20%.
mai mult am folosit Clipping mask.
si la aia nature love,stupid me, am uitat de umbre o.o UN LUCRU EVIDENT. oh well,se mai intampla ^^".
![[Imagine: dgfree.jpg]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6128/dgfree.jpg)
Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me!
![[Imagine: nature.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/nature.jpg)
Latest sign.
Răspunsuri: 359
Subiecte: 16
Data înregistrării: Jul 2008
Zupi: 7.874 z
*butts in*
Ok, ai un stil interesant, I'll give you that.
De umbre s-a zis, I agree with that, dar cu siguranta nu as fi pus si 'Nature Love' acolo. Photographic art implies the image itself, atentia trebuie concentrata efectiv pe ansamblul suprins, textul deja o scoate din aria realului prea mult.
As for the sig, it's really nice, desi ar fi fost bine sa mai insisti o idee asupra efectului xD Well, I myself am not to good at this, so Idk what else to say, bafta, and do show us some more
Răspunsuri: 18
Subiecte: 1
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 359 z
ok since im too lasy to make new sigs.. o sa postez vechile mele siguri. cu tot cu istoria lor bineinteles.
![[Imagine: Untitled-1-8.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1-8.jpg)
sig facut anul trecut.
![[Imagine: Untitled-1copy-5.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1copy-5.jpg)
1 an jumate XD
![[Imagine: Untitled-1copy-3.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1copy-3.jpg) \
friendly 1 vs. 1 won.
![[Imagine: Untitleaaad-1.png]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitleaaad-1.png)
![[Imagine: Untitled-1-2.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1-2.jpg)
1 vs. 1 cu Fallen prince -forum Artngames castigat.
![[Imagine: silencecopycopy.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/silencecopycopy.jpg)
random likeness sig =3
![[Imagine: Untitled-1copy.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1copy.jpg)
2 years ago - my new style sig.-also friendly 1 vs. 1 won.
![[Imagine: powersigz0r.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/powersigz0r.jpg)
no comment on this one.
![[Imagine: something.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/something.jpg)
second try with this style 2 years and 2 months ago.Thanks to Djunknown for the tips!
![[Imagine: wtfcopy-3.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/wtfcopy-3.jpg)
1 vs. 1 cu Djunknown.Evident,pierdut.
![[Imagine: Untitled-1.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/Untitled-1.jpg)
Intrarea mea la SOTW- artngames.Castigat.
![[Imagine: OMFGXDDDD.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/OMFGXDDDD.jpg)
Sotw-Art4life.Castigat.Concurenta de 17 persoane.
un quote de la cel care m-a introdus si antrenat in aceasta arta.
Djunknown: the student surpassed the mast0r, nah hell no he didin't he just got lucky xD
![[Imagine: vegeta.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/vegeta.jpg)
random art pentru telefonul meu.
![[Imagine: omghaircut.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/omghaircut.jpg)
second sotw won art4life.
![[Imagine: untitl10.png]](http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/11/53/14/11/untitl10.png)
oh yea am uitat de asta O.o. no comment on this one,nu mai stiu nimic dspre ea
![[Imagine: dgfree.jpg]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6128/dgfree.jpg)
Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me!
![[Imagine: nature.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/nature.jpg)
Latest sign.
Răspunsuri: 359
Subiecte: 16
Data înregistrării: Jul 2008
Zupi: 7.874 z
man that's alota` sigs >_<
so let's get started: The Hitman one is overblurred on the top. Cel cu power, kinda` sucky quality. The 'Dark' one, you failed the text big time, culoarea la shadow has Nuthin to do with the rest, apoi, dungile de peste render nu prea au ce cauta p'acolea o,o' . The random art for yo` phone is...too dark.
La unele dintre ele textu` e huge, si ar merge ceva fonturi mai diferite o.o Overall pretty cool, keep up the gd job.
Răspunsuri: 18
Subiecte: 1
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 359 z
(04-08-2009, 03:56 PM)Toxic A scris: man that's alota` sigs >_<
so let's get started: The Hitman one is overblurred on the top. Cel cu power, kinda` sucky quality. The 'Dark' one, you failed the text big time, culoarea la shadow has Nuthin to do with the rest, apoi, dungile de peste render nu prea au ce cauta p'acolea o,o' . The random art for yo` phone is...too dark.
La unele dintre ele textu` e huge, si ar merge ceva fonturi mai diferite o.o Overall pretty cool, keep up the gd job.
errm dude.. its not overburned XD e doar light sourceu.
![[Imagine: dgfree.jpg]](http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6128/dgfree.jpg)
Thanks Djunknown for the present :3 means alot for me!
![[Imagine: nature.jpg]](http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x113/Dark_GogetaSSj4/nature.jpg)
Latest sign.
Răspunsuri: 11
Subiecte: 0
Data înregistrării: Jul 2009
Zupi: 286 z
[BEWARE !!! Unexperienced critique XD ]
( you asked for this / sooo... )
1st - I like this one,the color combination at least,but that ray of light is kind of...to white O_o"
2nd - damn white light O.o Macar aici chiar ti-ai folosit obsesia cu c4ds in a cool way, gives the whole thing perspective,thus the c4d in the front is kind of smooth while the rest of the composition is preatty sharp
3rd - ok,what part should stand out in this stuffed thing? <.<
4th - parerea mea este ca mai bine cautai un stock 3d,mergea mai bine cu c4d-urile,cause they're like extensions of the stocks 2d lightning things
5th - ti-am mai zis,ai stricat farmecul cand i-ai retezat chelia xD and i don't find lowering the opacity of the stocks edges a brilliant choice :\ as the brushes are rough, they don't 'blend' that great
6th - Simple and colourfull <3 Nu stiu cum arata stokul la inceput but the light came out great here >.o
7th - Huge light @_@ si te-ai cam bagat cu textu in render <.<
8th - No comment either xD I don't quite get what it is, the sharpen parts makes the colors kind of burn - the eyes,that is. And from all the empthy space you had, you just had to squish the text there.
9th - DAATTTEEEEBBAAAAYYYOOOOOO -choke- ok,ok. I think this is the best one you blended the stock with the rest,it has movement,light,dar se imprastie in 3 directii diferite ... w.e
10th - This doesn't make much sense,does it? The render just doesn't seem right in there,si dungile galbene ramase nu sunt foarte folositare xD
11th - I dun really get what's in the right side up but it's nice as a full xD and you stuck the text to the corner again ;_;
12th - Yeeaaahhh,more lighting round the render <3 this time the white lines make sense xD
13th - Urgh... random comment cause I'm already lazy
14th - and here i can't find anything to bitch about -_-
15th - lightning spots are so random o_o and quite strange choice of sharp spot,to me it gives the render a fading effect a bit,dunno =_="
Now you can yell about all i babled here xD
Răspunsuri: 395
Subiecte: 12
Data înregistrării: Feb 2008
Zupi: 9.133 z
I like 'em and u already know that |D
Nu imi plac numarul 3 si 10
3 mi se pare oarecum incomplet si efectele sunt proaste :\
Apoi,e sig-ul cu numarul 10.That;s probably the fail one from this bunch O.o Prea multe efecte unul peste altul chiar si peste render :\ Si text-ul e....lol..Is that a stroke ?oh noez and it's red too. o:
Cel cu Saber e unul din favoritele mele.[de altfel,ca si restul.D'aww,i hate you for being so awesome *sniff*]
Logo-ul cu numarul 4 e pwnsome.Imi place cum se desrpind bucati din main character
Si dammit,nici nu mai am ce comenta :\ Nu vad vreo greseala imensa in ele orz smthg like that.
Imi place stilul tau foarte mult o,o Keep it up,mate!
[And don't forget the promise,dude  ]