12-12-2010, 06:12 PM
Hello, guys *smile*
Va multumesc amandurora pentru bun venit, siii...acum raspund la intrebari . :]
@Mitch, thx de urare ! *sweet smile*
@cookie. , la fel, merci de bun venit ! *hugs*
Deeci, pentru @cookie. ( Si mie`mi place nick - ul tau ) .
Evanescene - Hello , Everybody`s fool , Bring me to life, etc .
Nightwish - Nemo
Ador melodia asta , e favorita mea !
3 Doors Down - Here without you, Kryptonite etc .
Linkin Park - Head Strong , In the End , New Divide :]
Slash ft Fergie - Beautiful Dangerous
(sunt indragostita de asta *laughs* ) I hold on (ft. Kid Rock)
Da, ascult :X Si o melodie preferata ar fi Memories si What Have You Done .
Sper ca au fost bune raspunsurile :]
Thx inca o data de primirea calduroasa ! *happy face *
Va multumesc amandurora pentru bun venit, siii...acum raspund la intrebari . :]
@Mitch, thx de urare ! *sweet smile*
@cookie. , la fel, merci de bun venit ! *hugs*
Deeci, pentru @cookie. ( Si mie`mi place nick - ul tau ) .
Evanescene - Hello , Everybody`s fool , Bring me to life, etc .
Nightwish - Nemo

3 Doors Down - Here without you, Kryptonite etc .
Linkin Park - Head Strong , In the End , New Divide :]
Slash ft Fergie - Beautiful Dangerous

Da, ascult :X Si o melodie preferata ar fi Memories si What Have You Done .
Sper ca au fost bune raspunsurile :]
Thx inca o data de primirea calduroasa ! *happy face *
![[Imagine: gambar-emo.jpg]](http://www.zulva.com/images/emo/images/gambar-emo.jpg)
Enough for me ...
The past is history.
The future is a mystery.
And the time we have now is a gift, that's why we call it "the present."
The future is a mystery.
And the time we have now is a gift, that's why we call it "the present."
He`s cute <3 !
![[Imagine: weeping_face_by_mental_remix.jpg]](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/156/9/3/weeping_face_by_mental_remix.jpg)
![[Imagine: weeping_face_by_mental_remix.jpg]](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/156/9/3/weeping_face_by_mental_remix.jpg)