![[Imagine: 51389l.jpg]](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6122/51389l.jpg)
Type: Manga
Chapters: 159 ( 16 volumes )
Status: Finished
Genres: Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School, Shounen, Sports
Author: Sasuga, Kei
MAL A scris:GE: Good Ending follows the main character Utsuki's interactions with Kurokawa Yuki, a member of the school tennis team, in order for Utsuki to confess his feelings to the captain of the tennis team. It is implied that the title of the manga is derived from the "good endings" that are achieved in Harem visual novels.
Amatori? For those who wanna know the story I suggest reading the one shot with the same name. Pe intelesul tuturor, e un fel de shoujo pentru baieti. Anyway, GE: Good Ending a devenit destul de popular in ultima vreme ( pentru ca poate e asa de lung XD ) si cam majoritatea il lauda ca ar fi un manga exceptional. Ce-i drept, Good Ending este o poveste unica, dar deloc complexa. Povestea se centreaza asupra lui Utsuki, un adolescent normal, prins undeva intre doua fete ( desi predictable cu cine va ramane in final ). Chiar daca nu e comedy, manga-ul are unele scene criminale, care nu te lasa indiferent povestii. But basically yes, this is shoujo for boys; that kind of perverted shonen romance with boobs.
Eu am citit aproximativ 50 de capitiole deci nu ma pot pronunta asupra manga-ului, nu imi permit.
For those lazy bones who are, well, too lazy to look up for the manga, here are some few pictures.
http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/4863/f001m.jpg - yes, he is dreaming.
" I see humans but no humanity "