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What Kind of Horror Movie Are You?

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rezultatul meu a fost:
You Are a Serial Killer Movie
You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.
Hope si-a lasat urma pe-aici...71
,,Lucrurile nu sunt bune sau rele în sine, gândirea noastră le face să fie astfel."- William Shakespeare
[Imagine: 6ru0k7.jpg]
Mai genial nici ca se putea. Multumesc muult mult de tot, Abyhug

You Are a Teen Horror Movie
You like a horror movie to feel realistic. You're most scared when you believe what's happening could happen (or could have happened) to you.
You prefer a horror movie that doesn't take itself so seriously. You like witty dialog and even a bit of comedy with your gore.

You believe that darkness can strike at any time, so you enjoy that teen horror movies inject evil in to everyday life.
Your favorite movies have compelling characters, lots of drama, and plenty of terror. You like films like Scream, The Blair Witch Project, and I Know What You Did Last Summer.
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

You Are a Serial Killer Movie
You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.

You are a Vampire Movie

[Imagine: vampire.jpg]

You believe that evil isn't exactly black and white. In fact, the dark side can be incredibly seductive at times.
You like vampire movies because they are more morally ambiguous and complicated. Sometimes it can feel so good to be with someone bad.

You like the dance between good and evil. You prefer that the conflict is more nuanced and mental than physical.
Your favorite movies portray a complex villain ... films like Blade, Dracula, and Twilight.

I enjoyed watching "Blade" but "Twilight" doesn't seem thriller to me... at least not the books 'cuz I didn't watch the movies.

You Are a Teen Horror Movie
You like a horror movie to feel realistic. You're most scared when you believe what's happening could happen (or could have happened) to you.
You prefer a horror movie that doesn't take itself so seriously. You like witty dialog and even a bit of comedy with your gore.

You believe that darkness can strike at any time, so you enjoy that teen horror movies inject evil in to everyday life.
Your favorite movies have compelling characters, lots of drama, and plenty of terror. You like films like Scream, The Blair Witch Project, and I Know What You Did Last Summer.

[Imagine: 6idws8.png]
Pour l'éternité ...

[Imagine: 6yds1e.png]

Merci măh Lynnuşor hug

You Are a Serial Killer Movie

[Imagine: serial-killer.jpg]

You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.

What Kind of Horror Movie Are You?

Mda dragutz test, mi-a iesit exact pe invers21. In fine, nu mereu se potrivesc prostiile astea 78
[Imagine: 2rqzqjc.jpg]

* Just...Stay Bizarre *

[Imagine: 28qqdxz.jpg] ♥ [Imagine: 2wf645h.jpg] ♥ [Imagine: 51f0xu.jpg]

"Putina mea experienta de viata m-a invatat ca nimeni nu e stapan pe nimic, totul este o iluzie. [...] Cine a pierdut o data un lucru pe care il socotea garantat invata pana la urma ca nimic nu-i apartine." - "Unsprezece minute" - Paulo Coelho

[center][Imagine: jigapt.jpg][/center]

You Are a Serial Killer Movie
You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.
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You Are a Teen Horror Movie

You like a horror movie to feel realistic. You're most scared when you believe what's happening could happen (or could have happened) to you.
You prefer a horror movie that doesn't take itself so seriously. You like witty dialog and even a bit of comedy with your gore.

You believe that darkness can strike at any time, so you enjoy that teen horror movies inject evil in to everyday life.
Your favorite movies have compelling characters, lots of drama, and plenty of terror. You like films like Scream, The Blair Witch Project, and I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Viata nu e mereu ceea ce ne dorim.
[Imagine: 686175405_303846.gif?4]

You Are a Serial Killer Movie
You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.


You Are a Serial Killer Movie

[Imagine: serial-killer.jpg]

You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.
Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!
You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.

What Kind of Horror Movie Are You?

Da, obsedata de ucigasi in serie sunt! 15
[center][Imagine: 40628691.png][/center]
[center]Sanq's Rx'u! ^^[/center]

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