13-04-2011, 06:13 PM
In Chicago, Wesley Gibson works at a dead-end desk job with an overbearing boss, takes anti-anxiety medication for panic attacks, and has a live-in girlfriend who cheats on him with his best friend Barry. One night in the pharmacy, Wesley is told by a mysterious woman named Fox that his father was a recently murdered assassin, and the killer, Cross, is after him. Wesley manages to escape and Fox then has a shoot out again with Cross, causing a car accident that knocks Wesley unconscious. Fox brings Gibson to the headquarters of The Fraternity, a thousand-year-old secret society of assassins. The group's leader, Sloan, explains that Wesley's panic attacks are actually the untrained expression of a rare superhuman ability; when stressed, the drastically increased heart rate and adrenaline levels result in bursts of superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. They make him shoot the wings of a fly and it proves he does have superhuman abilities. The Fraternity can teach him to control this ability, so Wesley can follow in his father's footsteps as an assassin, beginning by inheriting his fortune. Wesley is initially reluctant and returns to work, only to finally snap when discovering several million dollars in his bank account. He excoriates his boss in front of the entire office, and on his way out, hits Barry in the face with a computer keyboard. Fox is waiting outside to take him back to the Fraternity headquarters—an unassuming textile mill.
Wesley is then subjected to brutal training; among other forms of combat, he learns to fire bullets to curve around objects.
After several routine missions and a chance meeting with Cross, in which Wesley is shot in the arm with a deliberately traceable bullet, Sloan grants Wesley's wish to avenge his father and sends him after Cross—but then secretly gives Fox a mission to kill Wesley, saying that his name had come up in the Loom as well. Analyzing the bullet that hit Wesley, it is discovered that the manufacturer was Pekwarsky, a bullet-maker living in eastern Moravia. Fox steals a car and crashes it into the train, eventually causing a derailment. After Cross saves Wesley’s life by preventing him from falling into a ravine, Wesley fatally shoots him. Before dying, Cross reveals that he is Wesley's real father. Fox confirms this, and explains that Wesley was recruited because he was the only person that Cross would not kill. Fox then reveals the kill order on Wesley and raises her gun, but Wesley escapes by shooting out the glass underneath him and plunging into the river below.
Wesley is retrieved by Pekwarsky, who takes him to his father's apartment, located across the street from Wesley's old home. Pekwarsky explains that Sloan started manufacturing targets for profit after discovering that he was targeted by the Loom of Fate, and did not tell the Fraternity members that they were now nothing more than paid killers. Cross discovered the truth and went rogue, and started killing Fraternity members to keep them away from his son. Wesley, however, decides to take out Sloan after discovering a secret room containing all of his father's weapons and maps.
Upon entering Sloan's office after killing nearly every Fraternity member, he reveals Sloan's deception to the master assassins present in the room. Sloan reveals that all of their names had come up in the weaving, and that he had merely acted to protect them. Were they to follow the code, every one of them should kill themselves on the spot. Fox, who believes in the code more than anyone due to her own experience, turns on her fellow assassins, and "curves" a bullet that kills every Fraternity member in the room, including herself, and saves Wesley. Sloan manages to escape, and Wesley destroys the Loom of Fate.
Poze: The poster "Wanted" - http://anzhelamovies.files.wordpress.com...7026b4.jpg
James McAvoy [ Wesley Gibson ] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:James_McAvoy.jpg
Angelina Jolie [ Fox ] - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8qUTuC6_OH0/TN..._jolie.jpg
Morgan Freeman [ Sloan ] - http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/...0-1050.jpg
Revenind... :]
Mie mi-a placut filmul, mai ales ca e de actiune. I mean.. Totul decurge perfect in film, este suspans si putin fantasy [ faza cu gloantele ].
De asemenea, povestea este uimitoare, la fel si personajele.
Trebuie sa spun ca Angelina Jolie parca a fost facuta pentru astfel de roluri, adica nu prea sunt de acord ca ea sa joace in .. "dulcegarii". :]] La fel si cu celelalte personaje - cum am mai spus, actiunea e in toi. Btw, nu stiu care ati vazut filmul, dar mie una, chiar mi-a placut. Daca vreti actiune, asta-i bun.
Ce parere aveti?
PS: Daca mai exista un astfel de topic, rog sa fie inchis. Merci ^^'
Wesley is then subjected to brutal training; among other forms of combat, he learns to fire bullets to curve around objects.
After several routine missions and a chance meeting with Cross, in which Wesley is shot in the arm with a deliberately traceable bullet, Sloan grants Wesley's wish to avenge his father and sends him after Cross—but then secretly gives Fox a mission to kill Wesley, saying that his name had come up in the Loom as well. Analyzing the bullet that hit Wesley, it is discovered that the manufacturer was Pekwarsky, a bullet-maker living in eastern Moravia. Fox steals a car and crashes it into the train, eventually causing a derailment. After Cross saves Wesley’s life by preventing him from falling into a ravine, Wesley fatally shoots him. Before dying, Cross reveals that he is Wesley's real father. Fox confirms this, and explains that Wesley was recruited because he was the only person that Cross would not kill. Fox then reveals the kill order on Wesley and raises her gun, but Wesley escapes by shooting out the glass underneath him and plunging into the river below.
Wesley is retrieved by Pekwarsky, who takes him to his father's apartment, located across the street from Wesley's old home. Pekwarsky explains that Sloan started manufacturing targets for profit after discovering that he was targeted by the Loom of Fate, and did not tell the Fraternity members that they were now nothing more than paid killers. Cross discovered the truth and went rogue, and started killing Fraternity members to keep them away from his son. Wesley, however, decides to take out Sloan after discovering a secret room containing all of his father's weapons and maps.
Upon entering Sloan's office after killing nearly every Fraternity member, he reveals Sloan's deception to the master assassins present in the room. Sloan reveals that all of their names had come up in the weaving, and that he had merely acted to protect them. Were they to follow the code, every one of them should kill themselves on the spot. Fox, who believes in the code more than anyone due to her own experience, turns on her fellow assassins, and "curves" a bullet that kills every Fraternity member in the room, including herself, and saves Wesley. Sloan manages to escape, and Wesley destroys the Loom of Fate.
Poze: The poster "Wanted" - http://anzhelamovies.files.wordpress.com...7026b4.jpg
James McAvoy [ Wesley Gibson ] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:James_McAvoy.jpg
Angelina Jolie [ Fox ] - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8qUTuC6_OH0/TN..._jolie.jpg
Morgan Freeman [ Sloan ] - http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/...0-1050.jpg
Revenind... :]
Mie mi-a placut filmul, mai ales ca e de actiune. I mean.. Totul decurge perfect in film, este suspans si putin fantasy [ faza cu gloantele ].

Trebuie sa spun ca Angelina Jolie parca a fost facuta pentru astfel de roluri, adica nu prea sunt de acord ca ea sa joace in .. "dulcegarii". :]] La fel si cu celelalte personaje - cum am mai spus, actiunea e in toi. Btw, nu stiu care ati vazut filmul, dar mie una, chiar mi-a placut. Daca vreti actiune, asta-i bun.

Ce parere aveti?
PS: Daca mai exista un astfel de topic, rog sa fie inchis. Merci ^^'