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Mahoroba [Drama / Spiritual]

Oh well, de vreme ce m-am alaturat forumului (thanks for the flyer, Flaw-kun! ^_^) m-am gandit sa imi fac intrarea (mai mult sau mai putin subtila) prin postarea celei mai noi idei din seria mea nelimitata de concepte bizare si oarecum psihedelice (because that's the only way in which I can explain the experience of having your mind violently raped by an intergalactic force of destruction! :P)

Anime: Yuugiouu Duyeru Monstazu Jii Ekksu

Genre: AU [Alternate Universe] Psychological Drama/Spiritual

Rating: T for now. Will rise up to an R in the next two parts.

Length: Mini-fic [four parts]

Characters: Yuuki Juudai [Jaden Yuki]; Tenjouin Fubuki [Atticus Rhodes]; Saiou Takuma [Sartorius]; Marufuji Ryou [Zane Truesdale]

Summary: After being completely enslaved by the White Prophet, Saiou Takuma, through the force of the Light of Destruction, Juudai is faced with a reminder of what his true purpose and powers are, in the form of Fubuki and his own inner demons. However, whatever wishes for answers may have awoken within Juudai's mind, they are invariably counter-balanced by the induced desire to cull all those who would rise up - even accidentally - against the Light.

Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh GX is the sole property of Kazuki Takahashi and of Konami. I'm simply playing around with these wonderful characters and will endeavor not to torment them... too much!

Mahoroba -- ????

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world -- but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of God.

Romans 12:1 � 12:2 [Catholic Bible � New Testament]

He never did realize that his fingers were tracing round patterns on the hardwood table underneath his hands, thoughts drifting somewhere beyond the limited horizon of white, to something elusive, eternal and so perfect in its roundness that no words could even come close to expressing it.


�Yes, child. I can sense it as well.�

It had never been his intention to watch that bout in the first place, even with all of the hype and fuss that had been made on the subject of the Kaiser � no, the Hell Kaiser Ryou Marufuji - coming back to the Academia, as a potential participant in the Genex Tournament. There were more than enough professional League Duelists who had enrolled, true enough (some of them even international celebrities), but, apparently, few could grip the crowd's imagination and awake its' dormant sense of bloodlust as exquisitely perfect as Ryou could, with the persistent savagery of his attacks.

Or so Saiou-sama said � and Juudai, ever loyal in his state of blindness, had no reason to doubt the words of his white mentor.

Still, Juudai himself had harbored no special kind of interest in the Hell Kaiser, despite the man's impeccable win record and thoroughly cringe-inducing reputation as one of the most violent and ruthless Duelists in the world. He had dueled Ryou not even nine months earlier, during the graduation ceremony � in a tied match that had been the talk of the entire school for days on end � and, thusly, knew the other's tactics, strengths and weaknesses by heart. The fact that the elder Marufuji had made a complete face-heel-turn since their shared bout was of little consequence to the overall goal that the Hikari no Kessha acolytes were working towards - and which had become Juudai's first priority as well. A man who had lost his way in the ever-growing maze of lies and sin was free to try and make sense of his ever-shifting life, but that would not make any difference whatsoever, when the time for his cleansing would come. In the end, Ryou Marufuji would be either converted or destroyed and whether he preferred to see himself as a herald of honor or a demonic warrior made little difference.

At least that was Juudai's personal opinion � one that he would not bother sharing with his mentor due to the simple fact that Saiou-sama was God's incarnation on Earth and could never be in the wrong.

The Kaiser's debut match in the tournament may have not presented any particular interest to the boy, but, nonetheless, he had still attended it, obligated as he was by his new role as White General, the prophet's right-hand and future commander of the Army of Light - fanatical warriors slated to rise from a mass of impurity, in order to cleanse the world of all its' sins.

�It is.... something anathema to my abilities. A power that should never have been allowed to manifest itself in this already broken and imperfect world.�

Juudai merely nodded, without a single glance at Saiou, seated to his left, on the marble base of one of the pillars guarding the main entrance into the school, his hidden eyes never straying from the.... creature that had so caught his God's attention � the other Duelist, a young, dark-haired man, clad in bleak garments of black, violent and gold, a stylized dragon face-mask laying nearly shattered at his booted feet, along with a pile of almost-burnt cards.

It had been Fubuki, of all people... Tenjoin Fubuki, the school-clown, the consummate conqueror of female hearts, the aspiring pop-artist, the quintessential surfer and beach-bum, who had revealed his ultimate sin, hidden behind layers upon layers of other, much more inconsequential transgressions. He had kept that cursed card, that herald of black death which had controlled him during his brief stint with the misguided fools that had served Kagemaru and his selfish desires. He had kept it, despite the fact that Juudai himself had fought with all of his might to free him from its' insidious grip and give him his precious memories back.

...And he had dared to unleash that dark power once again � of his own free will, no less! - in front of dozens of onlookers, with not a single thought spared to the potentially disastrous consequences of his actions.... If he should have triumphed in his battle against Ryou, instead of being painfully defeated, having that disgusting blackness sealed away once more...

Ever since that blissful moment of perfect clarity - when his eyes had finally been opened to the Light and he had begun to see the true face of the world, once hidden beneath so many veils of beautiful lies � Juudai had come to be profoundly grateful for the harsh stripping of his free will. If arbitrary choice meant that he would make such a horrendous mistake as sinning beyond all pardon, the Duelist could only breathe a sigh of relief at having all risks of wrong-doing taken away from his hands � even though, in the beginning, he had been much too misguided in order to see the inherent goodness in Saiou's actions and the dirty, rotting effect of his own, prior to the awakening.

Sometimes � especially during the sightless hours of the night, kept awake by that mysterious inner pain, whose source he was utterly unable to determine � Juudai would still feel, within himself, remnants of his past self, that smiling, honestly naive and carefree boy, who had once viewed the entire world as nothing more than a willing playmate, in his quest for personal amusement. Even worse was the fact that, despite his efforts to quell such worthless memories and sensations in his mind, there was one feeling, above all others, which always endeavored to return, no matter how many times he may have tried to roughly cast it away � that strangely serene and perfect sense of inner night, of a soft, velvety darkness, coating his innards and guarding what was left of his tattered soul from the Light's searing touch.

'No more of this!' Juudai quietly grated within his own head, gathering what strength the Light would grant him and using it to smother that small, feeble beacon, drowning it under an ocean of blinding brightness.

Hands balled into fists at his sides, fingers painfully digging deep into soft skin and flesh, Juudai's cold, empty eyes narrowed to slits, while the Light burned even brighter on the inside. Fubuki Tenjoin was a sinner, true � but the fact that he had dared to free his inner darkness, while Juudai always struggled valiantly to suppress his own, was an unforgivable act � one which merited only one kind of response.

�He deserves punishment, Saiou-sama� Juudai had murmured, on the low, hollow voice which heralded the rise of the White General, a faceless, almost emotionless tool, with the sole purpose of meting out God's castigation to those who refused to turn away from their lives of sin and debauchery. �Allow me to teach him that succumbing to such a level of wretchedness will never be tolerated.�

�By all means, my child, do so.�

It had been a whispered answer, spoken on Saiou's soft, gentle tone of voice, but Juudai could sense the strong undertone of approval which lined his mentor's words, making his bleached heart swell with pride at being able to properly reflect his God's intentions ans wishes. It was the reason for his very existence, his unchangeable Destiny, the motive beneath those seemingly coincidental moments of conception and birth. It was the manner in which his entire body, mind and heart were built � to serve as a blunt instrument, whose retribution would always be swift and merciless.

Beneath his expressionless mask of pale, the White General allowed himself a small, subtle smile � faded and hollow, in comparison with the warmth of his past grins � as he continued to carefully study Fubuki through the thin slits carved-out in the ceramic material. He had defeated countless opponents since becoming Saiou's right-hand � scores of students, professional Duelists and even two teachers. Still, he had never felt any kindling of satisfaction burning inside his chest, through that quiet emptiness of white, where his heated heart used to be once, beating fiercely in front of any dangerous challenge. There had been no spark of excitement, no moment of joy, no brief flash of pride after any of his numerous victories � even when he had utterly crushed his opponents, via One-Turn-Kill.

There had not been happiness or excitement simply because he never took any type of pleasure from what he had to do � it was merely his Destiny, his calling in life, his ultimate purpose � all that he had been doing was working towards the achievment of that supreme goal, treating his status as Fist of God as a mere chore, a method of work, something that needer to be done, at all costs.

Now, however... now he felt it � wondrous impatience churning in his veins, uncoiling itself in his chest, like so many writhing snakes, sending chills and tingling impulses racing through the extremities of his body, while little droplets of sweat flowed over his forehead, underneath the mask. Fubuki Tenjoin and his foolish ties to Darkness were his challenge � his true trial, that legendary Devil in the Sixth Circle that Saiou-sama had warned him against, the conquest that would permanently cauterize the unbreakable ties to the Light of Destruction on his very skin and soul.

By ending Fubuki's worthless existence � and, in doing so, permanently taking away one of the gateways that Darkness was so fond of using, in order to reach into the mortal plane � Juudai would finally prove, to those who were still naive enough to believe such a thing, that he had completely renounced his earlier life of sin, devoting himself to only one single cause, above any and all others: the cleansing of every living being, through the supreme act of death.

Stray thoughts, thin, translucent wisps, danced on the edges of his peripheral vision, as he made no effort to stop them from subtly touching him � in spite of what those without belief may have said, he had never forgotten anything, merely allowed himself to be clinical and detached in relation to his memories.

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