Enrique Iglesias-Nunca te olvidare
Pueden pasar tres mil anos.
Puedes besar otros labios,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Puedo morirme manana.
Puede secarse mi alma,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Pueden borrar mi memoria.
Pueden robarme tu historia,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Como olvidar tu sonrisa.
Como olvidar tu mirada.
Como olvidar que rezaba
para que no te marcharas.
Como olvidar tus locuras.
Como olvidar que volabas.
Como olvidar que aun te quiero
mas que a vivir, mas que a nada.
Pueden pasar tres mil anos.
Puedes besar otros labios,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Puedo morirme manana.
Puede secarse mi alma,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Puedes echarme de tu vida.
Puedes negar que me querias,
pero nunca te olvidare.
Sabes que nunca te olvidare.
Como olvidar tu sonrisa.
Como olvidar tu mirada.
Como olvidar que rezaba
para que no te marcharas.
Como olvidar tus locuras.
Como olvidar que volabas.
Como olvidar que aun te quiero
mas que a vivir, mas que a nada.
Pueden pasar tres mil anos.
Puedes besar otros labios,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvidare,
pero nunca te olvïdare.
ღ ஜ♥ Black~RoSe ♥ஜ ღ
Incubus - Love hurts
Tonight we drink to youth
And holding fast to truth
(I don't want to lose what I had as a boy.)
My heart still has a beat
But love is now a feat.
(As common as a cold day in L.A.)
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
I'm fettered and abused,
I stand naked and accused
(Should I surface this one man submarine?)
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth!
(I'll never lose what I had as a boy.)
Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
Teasta - Piesa pentru ea
Yo no quiero llorar
Y no quiero sufrir
Necesito tu amor
Yo me muero sin ti
Stiu.. ca nu's exact asa
Cum poate tu ti`ai fi dorit
Ca nu sunt printul ala
Care sa`l saruti pentru a`l vraji
Sau poate ti`ai dorit
Sa nu ma fi intalnit
Si poate asa n`ai plange acum
Pe melodia care ti`o dedic
Ma doare sa te vad cum suferi dupa mine
Cum plangi seara de seara
Sau cand te rogi sa`mi fie bine
Ma doare caci imi revin in minte visele
Care le`am distrus prin a mea gelozie
Si ce sa fac sti ca imi e frica sa iubesc
Mi`e teama de dragoste si ca iar ajung sa ma droghez
Mi`e teama de lama ascutita a cutitului
Pentru ca poate curge sangele destinului
Yo no quiero llorar
Y no quiero sufrir
Necesito tu amor
Yo me muero sin ti[x3]
E cinci dimineata si somnul nu m`a luat
Ma gandesc numai la tine
Si la ce`am gresit de`am esuat
Promisiuni stiu ti`am facut mereu
Iar nestiind cum sa ma impart te-am ranit foarte rau
Iluzii peste iluzii ne`au impartit zambind
Si sperand ca poate ma intelegi
Te-am ranit.. stii !
Imi pare rau ca n'am gandit cand trebuia
Dar sper ca totul sa repar
Sper sa iti pot sterge lacrima
Nu uita ! Nu uita !
Momentele sunt clare si fumul de tigare
Si sticlele de alcool nu sunt o scapare
Lasa gandurile sinucigase ce le ai
Si hai sa gasim o solutie.. de ce mai stai ? de ce mai stai ?
Yo no quiero llorar
Y no quiero sufrir
Necesito tu amor
Yo me muero sin tï[x3]
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 263
Subiecte: 7
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 3.088 z
Fort Minor - Kenji
My father came from Japan in 1905
He was 15 when he immigrated from Japan
He worked until he was able to buy - to actually build a store
Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream,
I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means,
Close your eyes, just picture the scene,
As I paint it for you, it was World War II,
When this man named Kenji woke up,
Ken was not a soldier,
He was just a man with a family who owned a store in LA,
That day, he crawled out of bed like he always did,
Bacon and eggs with wife and kids,
He lived on the second floor of a little store he ran,
He moved to LA from Japan,
They called him 'Immigrant,'
In Japanese, he'd say he was called "Issei,"
That meant 'First Generation In The United States,'
When everyone was afraid of the Germans, afraid of the Japs,
But most of all afraid of a homeland attack,
And that morning when Ken went out on the doormat,
His world went black 'cause,
Right there; front page news,
Three weeks before 1942,
"Pearl Harbour's Been Bombed And The Japs Are Comin',"
Pictures of soldiers dyin' and runnin',
Ken knew what it would lead to,
Just like he guessed, the President said,
"The evil Japanese in our home country will be locked away,"
They gave Ken, a couple of days,
To get his whole life packed in two bags,
Just two bags, couldn't even pack his clothes,
Some folks didn't even have a suitcase, to pack anything in,
So two trash bags is all they gave them,
When the kids asked mom "Where are we goin'?"
Nobody even knew what to say to them,
Ken didn't wanna lie, he said "The US is lookin' for spies,
So we have to live in a place called Manzanar,
Where a lot of Japanese people are,"
Stop it don't look at the gunmen,
You don't wanna get the soldiers wonderin',
If you gonna run or not,
'Cause if you run then you might get shot,
Other than that try not to think about it,
Try not to worry 'bout it; bein' so crowded,
Someday we'll get out, someday, someday.
As soon as war broke out
The F.B.I. came and they just come to the house and
"You have to come"
"All the Japanese have to go"
They took Mr. Lee
People didn't understand
Why did they have to take him?
Because he's an innocent laborer
So now they're in a town with soldiers surroundin' them,
Every day, every night look down at them,
From watch towers up on the wall,
Ken couldn't really hate them at all;
They were just doin' their job and,
He wasn't gonna make any problems,
He had a little garden with vegetables and fruits that,
He gave to the troops in a basket his wife made,
But in the back of his mind, he wanted his families life saved,
Prisoners of war in their own damn country,
What for?
Time passed in the prison town,
He wanted them to live it down when they were free,
The only way out was joinin' the army,
And supposedly, some men went out for the army, signed on,
And ended up flyin' to Japan with a bomb,
That 15 kilotonne blast, put an end to the war pretty fast,
Two cities were blown to bits; the end of the war came quick,
Ken got out, big hopes of a normal life, with his kids and his wife,
But, when they got back to their home,
What they saw made them feel so alone,
These people had trashed every room,
Smashed in the windows and bashed in the doors,
Written on the walls and the floor,
"Japs not welcome anymore."
And Kenji dropped both of his bags at his sides and just stood outside,
He, looked at his wife without words to say,
She looked back at him wiping tears away,
And, said "Someday we'll be okay, someday,"
Now the names have been changed, but the story's true,
My family was locked up back in '42,
My family was there it was dark and damp,
And they called it an internment camp
When we first got back from camp... uhh
It was... pretty... pretty bad
I, I remember my husband said
"Are we gonna stay 'til last?"
Then my husband died before they close the camp.
Răspunsuri: 414
Subiecte: 29
Data înregistrării: Nov 2007
Zupi: 155 z
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Bonnie Tyler
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around)
Every now and then I know you'll never be the boy you always you wanted to be
(Turn around)
Every now and then I know you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
(Turn around)
Every now and then I know there's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you
(Turn around)
Every now and then I know there's nothing any better and there's nothing I just wouldn't do
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around)
Răspunsuri: 15
Subiecte: 0
Data înregistrării: Nov 2008
Zupi: 324 z
02-05-2009, 03:48 PM
(Ultima modificare: 02-05-2009, 03:50 PM {2} de roxana_hinata.)
You are everything I need to see
Smile and sunlight makes sunlight to me
Laugh and come and look into me
Drips of moonlight washing over me
Can I show you what want from me
Angel of mine, can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
After all these years, one thing is true
Constant force within my heart is you
You touch me, I feel I'm moving into you
I treasure every day I spend with you
All the things I am come down to you
Angel of mine
Let me thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
Back in the arms of my angel
Back to the peace that I so love
Back in the arms of my angel I can finally rest
Giving you a gift that you remind me
Angel of mine
Let me thank you
You have saved me time and time and time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
Angel of mine
Can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
...wïthout you[posturi unite]
mai devreme era de la evanescence cu angel of mine:X
asta e de la vama -fotomodele:X
Numele meu este Ana, am 16 ani si sunt in clasa a zecea. Am 1m76 si 46 de kilograme. Nu am un scop precis in viata, dar stiu sigur doua lucruri: ca imi iubesc parintii si trebuie sa ajung in fiecare an la mare. Imi place muzica, literatura si as calatori toata viata. Mi-ar placea sa fiu asistent social intr-o tara din Africa. Vreau sa devin fotomodel ca sa cunosc lumea, sa fiu cunoscuta si sa-mi fac multi prieteni in toata lumea, cu care sa ma distrez. Si mi-ar mai placea sa prezint un show despre animale. Deviza mea in viata este: cei din urma vor zambi cei dintai!
Sampanie, vise, limuzine, televiziuni si bani
Orase mari, petreceri albe, hoteluri si lumini
Sedinte foto-n paradis, pe iahturi argintii
Vei fi fotomodel si inger coborat pe podium ai sa fii
Dar nimeni nu-ti spune
Cate nopti vei plange
In camera ta de hotel
Prea tare dorita,
Tot timpul vanata,
Mereu haituita de ei!
Zambeste-mi sexy, nu clipi,
Mai sexy vreau sa fii!
Doar esti fotomodel!
Esti proasta? Nu-ntelegi,
Vreau stare, nu dormi!
Te rogi de ei s-opreasca jocul
Putin, sa te-odihnesti…
Tot universul vrea reviste,
Nu poti sa te opresti.
Si nimeni nu stie
Ca pozele alea
Ascund un copil speriat
Barbatii se-aduna
Si vor sa vaneze
Le curge dorinta din ochi…
N-au timp sa priveasca
Copilul din tine,
Femeia pe toti i-a orbit.
Cine e domnul asta care urla ca te vrea?
De ce pe nas ai pudra si de ce-ai slabit asa?
Ce lung e podiumul acum, ce alba-i mintea ta…
Sampania are gust de fier.
De ce pleci chiar acum, doar este seara ta?
Doar este seara ta…
In lift vrei s-ajungi
Ca sa-ncepi iar sa plangi
Si in brate sa poti sa te strangi…
Privirile oarbe-ti
Mai musca din carne,
Te dor inca pozele lor.
Milioane de fete
Viseaza la tine,
La camera ta de hotel.
Si nu le poti spune
Cate nopti vor plange
In camera lor de hotel…
Am inteles ca parintii tai au vazut si au semnat contractul. Acum, tu trebuie sa completezi formularul asta, trei poze pentru baza de date, le faci in camera de alaturi… si gata: estï fotomodel!
Răspunsuri: 60
Subiecte: 0
Data înregistrării: Oct 2008
Zupi: 529 z
Versuri "Inna - Goodbye (romana)"
Nimanui nu-i pasa
Nimeni n-a gresit
Nimeni nu vede ca nu sunt atat de puternica
De fiecare data sper ca visezi
Mi-e dor tine
Te ating
Dar tu nu simti
Strig la tine
Dar tu nu auzi
Vreau doar sa fiu in preajma ta
Sunt pierduta fara tine
Esti atat de special
Asa ca arata-mi niste pasiune
Trebuie sa-ti spun
Ca te urmaresc
La revedere tuturor
La revedere prietenii mei
La revedere dragul meu
Tu..dragul meu..
Tu..dragul meu.. [x2]
Plang de atata timp
Nu pot respira fara iubirea ta
E atat de gresit ca nu sunt cu tine
Mi-e dor de tine
Te ating
Dar tu nu simti
Strig la tine
Dar tu nu auzi
Vreau doar sa fiu in preajma ta
Sunt pierduta fara tine
Esti atat de special
Asa ca arata-mi niste pasiune
Trebuie sa-ti spun
Ca te urmaresc
La revedere tuturor
La revedere prietenii meï
La revedere dragul meu
Tu..dragul meu..
Tu..dragul meu.. [x4]
Nu merita sa plangi pentru nimeni, iar cei care merita nu te vor face sa plangi.
![[Imagine: chibi_1462.gif]](http://animezup.com/chibi/img/user/chibi_1462.gif)
, chibi-ul lui mada_sasuke
Don't worry be happy
Nu dispera cand soarta te apasa si nici nu plange de-al tau destin caci dupa un chin viata-i mai frumoasa cum dupa ploaie ceru-i mai senin…
A faithful friend is hard to find.. remember man and keep in mind
Răspunsuri: 71
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 2.013 z
Evanescence - Broken
I wanted you to know that
I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away...
I keep your photograph
I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Cause im broken when im lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away
You gone away, you don't feel me, anymore
Amy Lee:
The worst is over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There’s so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Cause I’m broken when I'm open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away
Cause I’m broken when I'm open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away...
Cause I’m Broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel rïght when you’re gone...
You gone away, you don’t feel me here anymor
Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
"Evanescence - Taking over me (romana)"
Tu nu`ti amintesti de mine dar eu imi amintesc de tine
ma intind treaza si incerc cu greu sa nu ma gandesc la tine
dar cine poate decide ceea ce viseaza ei?
si ce visez...
eu cred in tine
o sa renunt la tot doar ca sa te gasesc
trebuie sa fiu cu tine sa traiesc sa respir
tu preiei controlul asupra mea
ai uitat tot ce stiu
si tot ce am avut?
m`ai vazut plangandu`mi dragostea pentru tine
si mi`ai atins mana
stiam ca atunci ma iubeai
eu cred in tine
o sa renunt la tot doar ca sa te gasesc
trebuie sa fiu cu tine sa traiesc sa respir
tu preiei controlul asupra mea
ma uit in oglinda si iti vad chipul
daca ma uit destul de profund
atatea lucruri inauntru care sunt ca tine preluandu`mi controlul
eu cred in tine
o sa renunt la tot doar ca sa te gasesc
trebuie sa fiu cu tine sa traiesc sa respir
tu preiei controlul asupra mea
eu cred in tine
o sa renunt la tot doar ca sa te gasesc
trebuie sa fiu cu tine sa traiesc sa respir
tu preieï controlul asupra mea
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
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Justin Timberlake-Summer Love(  )
Ridin' in the drop top with the top down
Saw you switchin' lanes girl
Pull up to the red light, lookin' right
Come here, let me get your name girl
Tell me where you from, what you do, what you like
Let me pick your brain girl
And tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl
But let me show you 'round, let me take you out
Bet you we could we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girl
But let me buy you drinks, better yet rings
Do it how you want it done girl
And who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Come on and lemme show you 'round
Let me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it down
Any way you want it done girl
Or we can stay home, talkin' on the phone
Rappin' 'til we see the sun girl
Do what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I'm the one girl
Well I'mma freak you right, each and every night
I know how to do it insane girl
'Cause I can make it hot, make it stop
Make you wanna say my name girl
Come on baby please 'cause I'm on my knees
Can't get you off my brain girl
But who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
The summer's over for the both of us
But that doesn't mean we should give up on love
You're the one I've been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you'd be the one
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love,you'll see
This just can't be summer love(L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love,you'll see
This just can't be summer love(L-O-V-E)