Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
Vad stele verzi, cum tu nu le vezi?
Acolo intre farfuria zburatoare si omuletii verzi
N-am luat-o razna, de ce nu ma crezi?
Uite-mi face semn cu mana, frate tre sa ma salvezi
Spike pari dubios, vrei sa-ncetezi?
Se uita lumea ciudat la tine, incearca sa dansezi
Cum poti sa te distrezi? Da-i afara
Mortii lor, zi-le sa plece, fa-i sa dispara
Hei buna, nici nu te-am vazut pe-aici
Ce faci?
Tu bine, eu
Nu conteaza cum te cheama ca-mi placi
Discutia asta-i putin cam trasa de par
N-am papagal sa te conving,
Dar iti dau un hamster.
Ce-ai fata, pari speriata
Tu vrei sa ne distram impreuna
E-o seara minunata
Esti putin ametita dar nu se vede ca esti beata
Si la cum esti imbracata,
Sincer, te-as f**e-odata
Da-mi mana , hai pe ring
Pot sa te-mping
Te-ai incins, te sting
Nu mai ai glas?
Arata-mi ce stii, ce poti tu
Esti praf
Asta ce inseamna, ca pot sa te trag pe nas ?
Zi-mi de unde vi, unde vrei sa ajungi
Unde vrei sa fugi, ca scapare n-ai
Unde vrei sa pleci, n-ai pe unde sa treci
Vezi ca bei pe banii mei si stiu unde stai
Hai ne caram, ia-ti poseta
Da-mi hanoracu
Defapt stai, clipu asta ma sparge
Imi rupe capu
Muzica asta-l cheama pe dracu, nu io
Sa sopteasca cineva o rugaciune ca-m puso
Frate ajuta-ma, vine sa ma ia
Nu-s gata
Cica mi-a sapat groapa
I-am vazut lopata
Piei diavole
Nu esti pe bune
Esti din fabule
Nu, nu te vad
Nu cred in tine
Sterge-o sclavule
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine sa ma ia
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine dupa mine
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine sa ma ia
Sariti ma, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia ba, vine dupa mine
Hei toata lumea vreau un pas in spate
Am visuri bizare ce pot deveni realitate
Am pupilele sedate de la treburi complicate
O sa mor, dar nu, vreau putin din toate
Frate, e ceva ciudat rau sa mor?
I-ar vezi omuleti verzi Spike?
Nu, vad un hol
Luminita la capat si simt caldura deplina
Ok Spike retine, nu te du in lumina
Vino-napoi, da-mi mana
Trage-ma, stai, mi-e frica
Trage, nu ma trage
Semacca-s eu Lascarica
Vad scheleti urati ce m-alearga cu cioburi
Si aud o voce-n cap ce striga
Renunta la droguri !
Hei buna, nici nu te-am vazut pe-aici
Cum te cheama ?
Nu conteaza, oricum sunt praf
Deci nu ma lua in seama
Lasa-mi te rog telefonul tau pe nota de plata
Oricum esti urata cu spume n-o sa te sun niciodata
Tai-o, pleaca
Cara-te, dispari
Zbori, sterge-o
Calc-o, evapora-te,
Da-ti foc, fa-te scrum
Arzi un culori,
Stinge-te si suflete singura
Ca-mi dai fiori
Nu poti sa zbori
Insista, cere ajutor
Esti p***a
Sa sara toti, poti sa faci o lista
Nu esti urata, nu
Hai incearca, pleaca
E frumos afara, sigur o sa-ti placa
Ok, vreau sa ma car, dar nu mai am picioare
Nasol, asta e, va trebui sa beau in continuare
Mesaj catre Rai:
Trimiteti o ambulanta
Ingerul pe care mi l-ati dat
Nu face fata
Mi se-nchid ochii-ncet, am ramas fara buget
Frate tinema ca totu-i greu si-o sa pic lent
Ma trezesc inconstient acasa dupa-un somn lung
Si-mi amintesc, ce p***a, care club ?
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine sa ma ia
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine dupa mine
Sari ba, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia, sari ca vine sa ma ia
Sariti ma, ca vine sa ma ia
Vine sa ma ia ba, vine dupa mïne
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 153
Subiecte: 14
Data înregistrării: Dec 2009
Zupi: 2.678 z
29-06-2010, 04:21 PM
(Ultima modificare: 29-06-2010, 04:24 PM {2} de Maria.)
Giulia - Armele jos
Mi-a fost atat de greu ma durea tu shtiai
Nimic nu te-a oprit langa mine sa stai
Am strans atatea lacrimi shi clipe de dor
Tu nici nu ai vazut ca nu mi-e ushor
M-ai lasat intr-un vis...cu sufletul frant
Fiecare clipa ma gaseshte plangand
Am trecut peste tot...din mine am rupt
Nu mai am motive pentru tine sa lupt
Am pus armele jos nu mai pot ashtepta
Se pierde toata dragostea...
Mi`am strans visele acum shi ma doare sa shterg
O clipa doar din inima mea...
Nu vreau...sa shtiu... nu imi pasa daca acum itzi e greu
Nu vreau...sa`mi spui..te`ai indepartat de sufletul meu...
Nu ma mai suna sa ma mintzi k tzi-e rau
N`am sa mai adorm langa umarul tau
Nu imi aminti cum eram amandoi
Nu mai vreau acum sa plang iar pentru noi
Nu vezi...cum eshti...
Mi`ai facut atata rau..nu vrei sa te opreshti
Ce sa fac....ce sa-tzi cer...
Mi-ai rupt sufletul shtii bine..shi nu mai pot sa sper
Refren x 2
Am pus armele jos nu mai pot ashtepta
Se pierde toata dragostea...
Mi-am strans visele acum shi ma doare sa shterg
O clipa doar din inima mea...
Nu vreau...sa shtiu... nu imi pasa daca acum itzi e greu
Nu vreau...sa`mi spui..te-ai ïndepartat de sufletul meu...[posturi unite]
Giulia - Armele jos
Mi-a fost atat de greu ma durea tu shtiai
Nimic nu te-a oprit langa mine sa stai
Am strans atatea lacrimi shi clipe de dor
Tu nici nu ai vazut ca nu mi-e ushor
M-ai lasat intr-un vis...cu sufletul frant
Fiecare clipa ma gaseshte plangand
Am trecut peste tot...din mine am rupt
Nu mai am motive pentru tine sa lupt
Am pus armele jos nu mai pot ashtepta
Se pierde toata dragostea...
Mi`am strans visele acum shi ma doare sa shterg
O clipa doar din inima mea...
Nu vreau...sa shtiu... nu imi pasa daca acum itzi e greu
Nu vreau...sa`mi spui..te`ai indepartat de sufletul meu...
Nu ma mai suna sa ma mintzi k tzi-e rau
N`am sa mai adorm langa umarul tau
Nu imi aminti cum eram amandoi
Nu mai vreau acum sa plang iar pentru noi
Nu vezi...cum eshti...
Mi`ai facut atata rau..nu vrei sa te opreshti
Ce sa fac....ce sa-tzi cer...
Mi-ai rupt sufletul shtii bine..shi nu mai pot sa sper
Refren x 2
Am pus armele jos nu mai pot ashtepta
Se pierde toata dragostea...
Mi-am strans visele acum shi ma doare sa shterg
O clipa doar din inima mea...
Nu vreau...sa shtiu... nu imi pasa daca acum itzi e greu
Nu vreau...sa`mi spui..te-ai ïndepartat de sufletul meu...
Viata nu e mereu ceea ce ne dorim.
Răspunsuri: 85
Subiecte: 3
Data înregistrării: May 2010
Zupi: 2.001 z
Bye Bye Beautiful
Finally the hills are without eyes
They are tired of painting a dead man’s face
Red with their own blood
They used to love having so much to lose
Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins
Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
You chose the long road, but we’ll be waiting
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful
Think of those ???
??? for the blinded siblings wanting the dying hearth
Lose around a choking heart eternally torn apart
So toll now the funeral bell
No need to die
to true a lie
Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
You chose the long road, but we’ll be waiting
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful
It’s not the tree that forsakes the flower
Not the flower that forsakes the tree
Some day I’ll learn to love this dance
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
How blind can you be, don’t you see
That the ???
Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
You chose the long road, but we’ll be waiting
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, beautiful
Bye bye, beautiful
Die die, die dïe
Merci beaucoup LynnuÅŸor
Răspunsuri: 395
Subiecte: 19
Data înregistrării: Jan 2010
Zupi: 7.897 z
Lady Gaga - Alejandro .
I know that we are young
And I know that you may love me,
But I just can't be with you like this anymore,
Ohhh Ohh
She's got both hands in her pocket
And she won't look at you
Won't look at you
She hides true love en su bolsillo
She's got a halo around her finger
Around you
You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I've gotta choose
Nothing to lose
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke my cigarette and hush
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Alejandro, Alejandro
Ale Alejandro
Ale Alejandro (x2)
Stop, please. Just let me go, Alejandro. Just let me go.
She's not broken, she's just a baby
But her boyfriend's like her dad, just like a dad.
And all those flames that
Burned before him,
Now he's gotta firefight
Gotta cool the bad
You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing to lose
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke my cigarette and hush
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Alejandro, Alejandro
Ale Alejandro
Ale Alejandro (x2)
Don't bother me, don't bother me Alejandro
Don't call my name, call my name, bye Fernando
I'm not your babe, I'm not your babe, Alejandro
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch, Fernado
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke my cigarette and hush
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Alejandro, Alejandro
Ale Alejandro
Ale Alejandro (x2)
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke my cigarette and hush
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Alejandro, Alejandro
Ale Alejandro
Ale Alejandro (x4).
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nal sumsuiga haneun ne ibseul saranghandanmal oh
'Cause you are so beautiful
Nae geoteman meomulreo(keudae namanui).
Răspunsuri: 94
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Mar 2010
Zupi: 1.477 z
Hilary Duff-So yesterday
(So yesterday)
(So yesterday)
(So yesterday)
You can change your life
(if you wanna)
You can change your clothes
(if you wanna)
If can change your mind
Well that's the way it goes
But I'm gonna keep your jeans
And your old black hat
('Cuz I wanna)
They look good on me
You're never gonna get them back
At least not today
Not today
Not today, 'cuz
If it's over let it go and
Come tomorrow it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
I'm just a bird
Thats already flown away
Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok
You can say you're bored
(If you wanna)
You could act real tough
(If you wanna)
You could say you're torn
But I've heard enough
Thank you
You've made my mind up for me
When you started to ignore me
You won't see a single tear
It isn't gonna happen here
At least not today
Not today
Not today, 'cuz
If it's over let it go and
Come tomorrow it will seem
Versuri Hilary Duff - So yesterday
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
So yesterday
So yesterday
I'm just a bird
Thats already flown away
Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok
If you're over me
I'm already over you
If it's all been done
What is left to do
How can you hang up
If the line is dead
If you wanna walk out
I'm a step ahead
If you're moving on
I'm already gone
If the light is off
Then it isn't on
At least not today
Not today
Not today, 'cuz
If it's over let it go and
Come tomorrow it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
I'm just a bird
Thats already flown away
Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
Haven't you heard you're so (yesterday)
If it's over let it go and
Come tomorrow it will seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
I'm just a bird
Thats already flown away
Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it wïll seem
So yesterday
So yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok
Răspunsuri: 32
Subiecte: 3
Data înregistrării: Apr 2010
Zupi: 1.010 z
Damn Girl - All American rejects
If you feel like runnin today
You know I’d understand
You don’t but you long
It’s easier to get away
When on the other hand
You know I’m not much better without you
I’m like your victim and all that you need is an alibi
Its one thing about you
I don’t wanna make you cry
Damn girl
Dry your eyes
You stole my heart and then you kicked it aside
No girl you can’t see
When he’s inside you know there’s no room for me
If you can take a chance
Find you that better man
A life seize from your quick disease
You’re givin all my lovin away
Tell me to understand
Cuz you know
I’m not much better without you
Ill press your lips and I taste everyone that you’ve had tonight
Its one thing about you
I don’t wanna taste tonight
Damn girl
Dry your eyes
You stole me heart and then you kicked it aside
No girl you can’t see
When he’s inside you know there’s no room for me
And I used to think that I was all you would need
Nah nah nah
There you go again
Nah nah nah
Oooh you think that you could just push me around
Nah nah nah
Yeah there you go again
You lift me up and then you throw me back down
Damn girl
Dry your eyes
You stole my heart and then you kicked it aside
No girl you can’t see
When he’s inside you know there’s no room for me
Damn girl
Dry your eyes
You stole me heart and then you kicked it aside
No girl you can’t see
When he’s inside you know there’s no room for me
And I used to think that I was all you would need
If you feel like running today you know I’d understand
They - Jem
Who made up all the rules?
We follow them like fools,
Believe them to be true,
Don't care to think them through
And I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
And it's ironic too
'Cause what we tend to do
Is act on what they say
And then it is that way
And I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
Who are they?
Where are they?
How can they possibly
Know all this?
Who are they?
Where are they?
How can they possibly
Know all this?
Do you see what I see?
Why do we live like this?
Is it because it's true
That ignorance is bliss?
Who are they?
Where are they?
How do they
Know all this?
And I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
Do you see what I see?
Why do we live like this?
Is it because it's true
That ignorance is bliss?
And who are they?
Where are they?
How can they
Know all this?
And I'm sorry, so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
Răspunsuri: 1.391
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Sep 2008
Zupi: 34.185 z
Stanfour - Life Without You
Didn’t want to say goodbye
Didn’t want to see you cry
Look what I have done
Didn’t want to make a mess
Broke your heart and I confess
I’m the guilty one
How I need to hear you
Hear you so softly
Hear you say anything
Every single tear you shed
Well it kills me
She’ll never see
This is life without you
Learning how to miss you
I guess I need to know how it feels like
This is life without you
I don’t know who to turn to
And everything I know to say is goodbye
So goodbye
This is life without you
This is life without you
Didn’t want to make a mess
Didn’t want to feel again
This heart has had enough
Desperate hurting all alone
Called the house that isn’t home
You’re afraid to pick it up
All I want is someone to tell me I’m crazy
It just might save me
All I need is someone right here beside me
Now I can see
This is life without you
Learning how to miss you
I guess I need to know how it feels like
So this is life without you
I don’t know who to turn to
And everything I know to say is goodbye
So goodbye
This is life without you
This is life without you
Learning how to miss you
I guess I need to know how it feels like
So this is life without you
I don’t know who to turn to
And everything I know to say is goodbye
So goodbye
This is life without you
This is life without you
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.
Răspunsuri: 85
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Apr 2010
Zupi: 2.361 z
01-07-2010, 03:04 PM
(Ultima modificare: 01-07-2010, 03:08 PM {2} de Jun.)
Michael Jackson-Give in to me
She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone
'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To Me
I've Spend A Lifetime
Looking For Someone
Don't Try To Understand Me
Just Simply Do The
Things I Say
Love Is A Feeling
Give It When I Want It
'Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Talk To Me Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
You Always Knew Just How To Make Me Cry
And Never Did I Ask You Questions Why
It Seems You Get Your Kicks From Hurting Me
Don't Try To Understand Me
Because Your Words Just Aren't Enough
Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Love Is A Woman
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
You And Your Friends
Were Laughing At Me In Town
But It's Okay
And It's Okay
You Wont Be Laughing Girl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okay
And I'll, I'll Not Find
Gotta, The Peace Of Mind No
Don't Try To Tell Me
Because Your Words
Just Aren't Enough
Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Talk To Me Woman
Love Is A Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Love Is The Feeling
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Quench My Desire
Takin' Me Higher
Tell It To The Preacher
Satisfy The Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
Hear It
Give It To The Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
I Don't Like A Lady
Talk To Me Baby
Give In To Me
Give In To The Fire
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Love Is A Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
'Cause I'm On Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
Give It To The Feelïng[posturi unite]
Michael Jackson-Give in to me
She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone
'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To Me
I've Spend A Lifetime
Looking For Someone
Don't Try To Understand Me
Just Simply Do The
Things I Say
Love Is A Feeling
Give It When I Want It
'Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Talk To Me Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
You Always Knew Just How To Make Me Cry
And Never Did I Ask You Questions Why
It Seems You Get Your Kicks From Hurting Me
Don't Try To Understand Me
Because Your Words Just Aren't Enough
Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Love Is A Woman
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
You And Your Friends
Were Laughing At Me In Town
But It's Okay
And It's Okay
You Wont Be Laughing Girl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okay
And I'll, I'll Not Find
Gotta, The Peace Of Mind No
Don't Try To Tell Me
Because Your Words
Just Aren't Enough
Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Talk To Me Woman
Love Is A Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Love Is The Feeling
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Quench My Desire
Takin' Me Higher
Tell It To The Preacher
Satisfy The Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
Hear It
Give It To The Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
I Don't Like A Lady
Talk To Me Baby
Give In To Me
Give In To The Fire
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Love Is A Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
'Cause I'm On Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
Give It To The Feelïng
Răspunsuri: 158
Subiecte: 4
Data înregistrării: May 2010
Zupi: 3.191 z
[center]Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
I thought I saw a man brought to life.
He was warm,
He came around and he was dignified.
He showed me what it was to cry.
Well you couldn't be that man I adored.
You don't seem to know,
Or seem to care what your heart is for.
Well I don't know him anymore.
There's nothing where he used to lie,
My conversation has run dry.
That's what's going on,
Nothing's fine I'm torn.
I'm all out of faith,
This is how I feel.
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor.
Illusion never changed
Into something real.
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn.
You're a little late,
I'm already torn.
So I guess the fortune teller's right,
I should have seen just what was there
And not some holy light.
But you crawled beneath my veins,
And now I don't care.
I have no luck,
I don't miss it all that much.
There's just so many things
That I can't touch I'm torn.
I'm all out of faith,
This is how I feel.
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor.
Illusion never changed
Into something real.
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn,
You're a little late,
I'm already torn.
There's nothing where he used to lie,
My inspiration has run dry.
That's what's going on,
Nothing's right I'm torn.
I'm all out of faith,
This is how I feel.
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor.
Illusion never changed
Into something real.
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn.
I'm all out of faith,
This is how I feel.
I'm cold and I'm ashamed,
Bound and broken on the floor.
You're a little late,
I'm already torn.[/center]
[center] ![[Imagine: 5ml548.png]](http://i55.tinypic.com/5ml548.png) [/center]
Răspunsuri: 41
Subiecte: 5
Data înregistrării: May 2010
Zupi: 2.556 z
UNSUN - Bring Me To Heaven
I don't want to hear the lies.
I don't want to see the pain again.
I don't want to think,I just wanna feel.
Take me away from this place.
I don't want to hear the lies.
I don't want to see the pain again.
I'm closing doors to my past.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
I'm tired of being afraid.
I've lost my hope of a new day.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
I dont want to cry no more.
I don't want to regret the things I've done.
I don't want to miss you when you're gone.
Take me away from this place.
I dont want to cry no more.
I don't want to regret the things I've done.
I don't want to see the pain again.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
I'm tired of being afraid.
I've lost my hope of a new day.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
I don't want to hear the lies.
I don't want to see the pain again.
I don't want to think,I just wanna feel.
Take me away from this place.
I don't want to hear the lies.
I don't want to see the pain again.
I'm closing doors to my past.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
I'm tired of being afraid.
I've lost my hope of a new day.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
Take me away from this place.
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven.
![[Imagine: futuro_tuto_by_spisun-d34qcvm.png]](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/346/7/6/futuro_tuto_by_spisun-d34qcvm.png) ![[Imagine: siggy.php?id=22597]](http://www.petadoptables.com/siggy.php?id=22597) <- click