Răspunsuri: 775
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Feb 2010
Zupi: 83.276 z
Behind this walls - Listen up
isten up 'cause this is not the end,
You're the last thing that crossed my mind.
Relationships are based on trust,
Well I guess this one was based on lies, based on lies, based on lies, based on lies.
Listen up to the ones you trust,
Just a few by your side (your side).
Give in, everythings going to be alright,
(Here we go the ones who make time)
Now it's time for me to go,
I know, you know the fights are getting old.
This is the last chance I have to say to you,
So sorry but I have to go wash my hands of you.
You say you will never change,
I say that's too bad.
I'm sorry for all the things that you and I (could have had).
But it's your fault, all the stupid things,
That you and I have done and said.
The lies, the cries, its no wonder that you were dead.
This is the last chance I have to say to you,
So sorry but I have to go wash my hands of you.
Your honesty, is killing me.
The page I read, the word that said that you still love me.
You lied to me, and you don't see,
The things you've said, and now you're dead,
And that's alright by me.
This is the last chance I have to say to you,
So sorry but I have to go wash my hands of you.
Listen up 'cause this in not the end!
Răspunsuri: 153
Subiecte: 14
Data înregistrării: Dec 2009
Zupi: 2.678 z
B.U.G. Mafia - Cuvinte grele
I Nu fac banii cat fac anii am demonstrat intotdeauna pt totdeauna ,e decisivul
Cu motivul nr 1 sa iti rup capatzana
Am adunat spuma ca sa produc suma
Dau tratament cu bass pt timpanul tau
Pt suflet stii ca cel mai bun e tot cuvantul meu
Mai greu decat croseu' lu' Greu'
La mine functioneaza regula cu apogeul.
Bag p**a in tot,pun industria pe stop
Nu e loc nici n-a fpst pt o cale de mijloc(nici n-o sa fie)
Baietzii din cartier baga boala-n fraieri,poezia in smecheri,si cuvinte grele-n creier
Asta nu e pt topurile de pe la tv
Comisia de cenzura nu vrea versurile mele
Zic m**e(mai zi-le o data) m**e
Si ii las p baietzi la microfon sa le traga si ei la..
II M**e,ca nimic nu creeaza mai mult stres
Nimic nu-i mai pe fatza ca limbajul meu pervers
Fac vers dupa vers dar tot nu realizezi
Nu te concentrezi,ma faci sa ma enervezi
Reactionezi ca un nebun
Cand comentezi inainte sa ascultzi c spun
Ar trebui sa stii deja,inainte sa dai de belea
Ca nu imi plac fraierii ca tine.
Cat de vulgara e muzica mea nu-i treaba ta,
Ai grija baga la cap mai bine
Nu m-am apucat d cantat ca n-avem bani
Nici nu credeam c-am sa traiesc din asta acum 6 ani.
Dar strada mi-a aratat cum sta treaba
de-asta am sa tin mereu,sa-mi suga p***a garda
Simt doar placere,cand publicul mai cere
Si ii lovesc cu alte cuvinte grele..
Hip-hop adevarat,dam
Pt cei care asteapta
Hip-hop adevarat,dam
De peste tot inc-o data!
III.Luchian la microfon,trimite p***a langa mine
Sunt sigur ca asa o sa ma vezi si tu mai bine
Hip-hop,cuvinte grele zi si tu
Esti fericit,eu multumit sa vad ca se ruleaza banul
Nu ma joc cu sentimentul pe care il pun in treaba
Linistit,ma ridic,si lovesc fara graba.
Nu mai stau,ma retrag,c-au aparut de dupa coltz
Sase gabosi,doua dube,opt roti,
IV .Va f*t in gura pe totzi.
De peste tot la un loc suntem
Asa pe fatza cum tu n-ai vazut vreodata
De fenomenul Hip-hop.
Baietzi de prin cartiere in stare sa te f**a in gura
In fiecare zi,la orice pas,la orice ora.
Am jurat sa fiu pe viatza in treaba asta si-am sa fiu,
Indiferent de vremuri si dusmanii care stiu
Versuri B.U.G. Mafia - Cuvinte grele
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
Ca n-au cum sa ne faca in nimic niciodata
Vorbim despre strada,direct din strada,pt strada
Pt fratzii din parnaie si tovarasii din tzara
Baietzii din pantelimon si cei plecatzi afara...la ciordeala G-yeah..
Pt bani stii bine,
Pt bani suntem aici o sa ii luam de la tine
Respect pt fratzii mei nimic in rest.
V. N-am incredere in nimeni c-asa-i bine
N-ai incredere in nimeni care n-are incredere in tine
Mereu se vede ca lumea-i falsa
Din 10 indivizi,9 rad crispat,tarfa pleaca acasa
Lumea-i falsa,viatza-i tarfa
Tu ce p**a mea te bagi.
Sunt prea obosit sa mor,canta tu ce faci.
Eu si garda,ca si-n prima zi.
Daca tot,confiscam non-stop,casete hip-hop vor si-un MC.
I-astept sunt implicat direct pt totzi
Care-o fac real pan' la final,RESPECT.
Restul muzicii in mare parte,ma p*sh pe..
Mai bine delicvent la 15 ani decat tarfa la 14.
Parca n-ai stii la cine ma refer.
Un strain in casa ta,da-l afara,f**e-l.
Spui ca nu-ti plac banii,nu te cred
Nu faci nimic cu anii,si ma intreb
VI. De ce te uitzi de parca tzi-am furat ceva,
Daca tot te utzi asa,mai bine tzi-as fura
Ca daca nu eram aici,acum eram la tine-acasa
Luam totul si plecam asa ca lasa.
Am clasa,am darul sa-ti explix de cartier
PTM numele il ridic pana la cer.
Degeaba le spui la toti sa nu asculte hip-hop.
Asta-i realitatea,baga bine la cap.
Mai bine sa faca rime decat sa faca crime
Mai bine sa ia banu' decat sa piarda anu'.
Am baietzii din parnaie care stiu exact cum e,
Am baietzii mei totzi care stiu exact cum e.
Au fost multe de vazut si mai multe de facut,
Viatza mea,e de-abia la inceput.
Deci nu mai fii carnat deghizat in c***t,
Lasa lumea sa asculte hip-hop adevarat!
VII. La microfon Pacha Man de la Timisoara
Gata sa vorbeasca pt toata tara.
Banii sunt motivul pt care noi dam
Versuri de la inima despre ce facem noi
Si nimeni niciodata n-o sa poa' sa ne desparta.
E anu' 2000 si toata lumea poa' sa vada
Baietzii de pe strada sunt din nou in fatza ta,
Tataee,Uzzy,CaddY,Mafia sï Pacha Man.!!
Viata nu e mereu ceea ce ne dorim.
Răspunsuri: 20
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: Jan 2010
Zupi: 474 z
Within Temptation - Frozen
Never look back 'cause it hurts.
My heart is so cold
I feel the frost,
Never look back.
I feel the darkness on my shoulder,
The frost is in my heart.
So cold my hair is frozen,
Touching my skin, my flesh.
Sometimes I regret I had to do,
'Cause our love was somehow true.
But I had to leave you,
For the sake of the moods.
Versuri Within Temptation - Frozen
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
Frozen tears turn into my skin.
Frozen memories of you.
Sometimes I see your face,
As pure as you are mine.
I feel the darkness on my shoulder,
The frost is in my heart.
So cold my hair is frozen,
Touching my skin, my flesh.
Never look back because it hurts.
My heart ïs so cold
I feel the frost,
Never look back.
I may not be perfect, but I'm always me!
Răspunsuri: 386
Subiecte: 11
Data înregistrării: Mar 2010
Zupi: 19.294 z
Una dintre melodiile mele preferate:
Take That-Patience
Just have a little, patience
I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute all the pain will stop
Just hold me close inside your arms tonight
Don’t be too hard on my emotions
Cause I, need time
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I’m still healing
Just try and have a little patience
I really wanna start over again
I know you wanna be my salvation
The one that I can always depend
I'll try to be strong, believe me
I'm trying to move on
It's complicated but understand me
Cause I, need time
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I’m still healing
Just try and have a little patience, yeah
Have a little patience, yeah
Cause these scars runs so deep
It’s been hard
But I have to believe
Have a little patience
Have a little patience
Cause I, I just need time
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I’m still healing
Just try, and have a little patience
Have a little patience
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little... Patience
When I Get Home.[/center]
Răspunsuri: 153
Subiecte: 14
Data înregistrării: Dec 2009
Zupi: 2.678 z
Sweetbox - Don't go away
Who ever thought the sun
would come crashing down
My life in flames
My tears complete the pain
We fear the end, the dark as deep as river bed
My book of life incomplete without you here
Alone I sit and reminisce
Sometimes I miss your touch,
your kiss, your smile
And meanwhile you know I never cry
'Cos deep down inside you know our love will never ever die
* Everything's gonna be alright
Together we can take this one day at a time
Can you take my breath away? (yeah)
Can you give him life today? (no doubt)
'Cos everything's gonna be okay
I'll be your strength I'll be here when you wake up
Take your time and I'll be here when you wake up
I never thought my heart
Versuri Sweetbox - Don't go away
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
would miss a single beat
Caress your hand as I watch
you while you sleep
So sweet I weep as I search within
To find a cure, to bring you back again
And the sun will rise open up your eyes
Surprise just a blink of an eye
I tried I tried to be positive
You're a fighter
So fight, wake up, and live
I'd give my life to only see you breathe again
Hand in hand as we walk on the white sands
To hear your voice rejoice as you rise and say
This is the day that I wake and pray okay
Today's silence as time just moves on
You can't hear it though, but I'm playing my favourite songs I miss you much,
I wish you'd come back to me
You see I'd wait a lifetime 'Cos you're my destïny
Viata nu e mereu ceea ce ne dorim.
Răspunsuri: 45
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: May 2010
Zupi: 1.055 z
Escape the Fate - Situations
Situations are irrelevant now.
She loves the way that I tease,
I love the way that she breathes
I touched her ooh, she touched my ahhh, it was the craziest thing.
I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me.
A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh.
She licked her lips and pulled my hair, I fall in love for a night
She can't behave and I'm just a slave,
don’t worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.
Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
dying is your latest fashion.
The frustration it's a regular thing
I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.
A certain girl she took her hand and put it in my lap
"It's way too full," she said
"Once you have me you'll always come back."
She can't behave and I'm just a slave,
don’t worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.
Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins
dying is your latest fashion.
I know you love to resist
and all it takes is a kiss
and you just love to hate me.
You know you love all the lies
so don’t act surprised
that I just love to hate you.
I kissed your lips you pulled my hair it was the craziest thing.
I love the girls who love to hate. [Breathing]
(Whoa) Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me, go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
dying is your latest fashion
Darling (leave me) what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me (darling) go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins,
dying is your favorite passion
Iar videoclipul e mortal  .
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
Răspunsuri: 153
Subiecte: 14
Data înregistrării: Dec 2009
Zupi: 2.678 z
Shock - Nu insista
Tot astepţi să-ţi spun că te iubesc
Poate nu vreau să îţi arăt sau să îţi dovedesc
Eşti mereu in atenţia mea
De ce nu mă laşi un minut să mai pot respira
Nu incerca,nu insista,nu faci decât să pierzi
Visezi prea mult la ce nu ai şi vrei să te intreci
Dar eu nu vreau degeaba crezi că mă vei păcăli
N-ai ce să faci,nici să mă rogi să te pot iubi.
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista să-mi ceri ce nu pot să îţi ofer (Să îţi ofer...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista nu vezi că mă îndepărtezi (Mă îndepărtezi...)
Hmm,ce ai vrea să cred,
Nu esti chiar aÅŸa cum spui
Crezi că am căzut din cer
Oare chiar nu-nţelegi
Nu poţi să mă păcăleşti (Daaa...)
Spui că toată lumea îmi vei da
Şi nimeni n-are loc în inima ta...
Doar eu am reuşit,cu mine tu te simţi iubit.
Nu incerca,nu insista,nu faci decât să pierzi
Visezi prea mult la ce nu ai şi vrei să te intreci
Versuri Shock - Nu insista
de pe http://www.versuri.ro
Dar eu nu vreau degeaba crezi că mă vei păcăli
N-ai ce să faci,nici să mă rogi să te pot iubi.
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista să-mi ceri ce nu pot să îţi ofer (Să îţi ofer...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista nu vezi că mă îndepărtezi (Mă îndepărtezi...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista să-mi ceri ce nu pot să îţi ofer (Să îţi ofer...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista nu vezi că mă îndepărtezi (Mă îndepărtezi...)
Hmmm A Hmmm A Hmmm
Hmmm A Hmmm A Hmmm
Hmmm A Hmmm A Hmmm
Hmmm A Hmmm A Hmmm
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista să-mi ceri ce nu pot să îţi ofer (Să îţi ofer...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista nu vezi că mă îndepărtezi (Mă îndepărtezi...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista să-mi ceri ce nu pot să îţi ofer (Să îţi ofer...)
Nu insista,nu insista
Nu insista nu vezi că mă îndepărtezi (Mă îndepărtezï...)
Viata nu e mereu ceea ce ne dorim.
Răspunsuri: 272
Subiecte: 17
Data înregistrării: Mar 2009
Zupi: 3.275 z
Acustic feat Expresiv - Ganduri spuse
Au fost prea multe flori puse si ganduri spuse
Au foste prea multe sentimente-ascunse si poate nu se
Mai ajungea sa plang
Au fost prea multe lacrimi
Ce inima imi frang
Atunci cand ingerii vor prinde si ei viata
Vor sti ca tu ai fost a vietii mele prefata
As vrea sa inteleg de ce
Timpul se opreste
De ce doar glasul tau este cel ce ma raneste
Atatea vise spulberate in anii ce-au trecut
Amintiri date uitarii catre un nou inceput
Timpul a trecut
In suflet mi-a lasat o rana
Cuvantul fericire nu mai stiu ce mai inseamna
Un suflet ratacit printre lacrimi e pustiu
Caci fara tine-n viata
Nu pot sa mai fiu viu
Pierdut pe-o strada pustie si intunecata
Sunt doar un simplu bloc
Care e gata sa cada.
Pun amintiri pe foaie
Parca timpul s-a oprit
Ranile ma dor, cand ne-am despartit
Privirea ta o vad in noptile pustii
Iar glasul tau ma linisteste
Astept sa revi
Te-am iubit
Tu nu sti cat ma doare
Ai plecat
Universul nostru moare
Te-am iubit
Insa totul este scrum
Nu poti schimba nimic
E prea tarziu acum
Cand cartea este plina,iar cuprinsul este gol
Cand fata imi zambeste,insa lacrimile dor
Cand viata fara tine este doar un drum spre moarte
Cand te simt langa mine insa tu esti prea departe
Vorbesc si cred in basme si destin
Dar vad paharul gol si atunci cand este plin
Privirea ta doar o icoana pretioasa
In cartea vietii mele tu ramai acea frumoasa
Frumoasa ce la primul zambet ma seduce
Plecarea ta in noapte mi-a lasat in suflet-o cruce
Ai fost fructul interzis din care am gustat
Acum fara tine totul e schimbat
Cu toate ca poate regretele sunt tarzii
Ele totusi nu exista
Astept sa mai revii
Oricate picaturi din roua dragostei-am varsat
Ramai iubita mea dupa care am visat
Sunt ranit,vreau sa-mi dai aripi sa ma ridic
Atunci cand plang vreau sa ma ajuti sa nu ma impiedic
Cand sunt la pamant tu sa-mi fi la cap mereu
Cand sunt izolat tu sa fi ingerul meu
Cand zilele senine incep a fi numarate
Atunci cand o-mbratisare este ceea ce ne desparte
As vrea sa pot sa-ti spun doar un simplu te iubesc
As vrea sa poti sa ma ierti atunci cand gresesc
In fiecare zi imi plang greselile facute
Emotiile triste si clipele pierdute
Un suflet inghetat pierdut pe jumatate
Inima mea intre doua vieti se-mparte
Inchis intr-un seif al dragostei fara lumina
Si plang si suspin si totul ma deprima
O poza-ntr-un sertar,o icoana pentru mine
Au fost multe nopti senine,dar au ramas putïne
Răspunsuri: 775
Subiecte: 57
Data înregistrării: Feb 2010
Zupi: 83.276 z
Escape the Fate - Cellar door
We walk through the doorway, heard you calling from the hall
To find you in the bedroom not breathing at all
I drag your body to the cellar where we lay,
the wax it melts away, I kiss your face...
Now we are starting to love you more
Your body's on the canvas I painted on the floor
Now you wait,
Like the drug, like the change in the pain it goes on
For so long
And oh,
How it hurts in the worst way, now that you're gone,
It's so wrong, it's so wrong....
If I could take you somewhere, I'd take you to the darkest place,
scatter you in art forms, admire the whore
beauty in different ways, your hands on picture frames
your eyes in the glass wear your face as a mask
Now they are starting to love you more
a gallery of your beauty, no charge at the door
As you wait,
Like the drug, like the change in the pain it goes on
For so long
And oh,
How it hurts in the worst way, now that you're gone,
It's so wrong, it's so wrong....
And down below your veins run dry your vacant eyes
I lost control your face is pale, your body's cold
And down below your veins run dry your vacant eyes
I lost control your face is pale, your body's cold
(your face is pale, your body's cold)
Like the drug, like the change in the pain it goes on
For so long
And oh,
How it hurts in the worst way, now that you're gone,
It's so wrong, it's so wrong...
It's so wrong.....[x8]
Răspunsuri: 27
Subiecte: 2
Data înregistrării: May 2010
Zupi: 455 z
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"
You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out:
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"
And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't somethïng...