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Aici puteti pune versurile melodiilor care v-au placut cel mai mult . Sper sa va placa topicul ^_^ .

Evanescence - "Sweet Sacrifice"

It's true, we're all a little insane.
But it's so clear,
Now that I'm unchained.

Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me. Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.

One day I'm gonna forget your name,
And one sweet day, you're gonna drown in my lost pain.

Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
And oh you love to hate me don't you, honey?
I'm your sacrifice.

(I dream in darkness
I sleep to die,
Erase the silence,
Erase my life,
Our burning ashes
Blacken the day,
A world of nothingness,
Blow me away.)

Do you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me.
Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.

Orgy - Fiction (Dreams In Digital)

She's lost in coma where it's beautiful
Intoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleep
Do you wonder what it's like
Living in a permanent imagination?
Sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that

Guilty by design
She's nothing more then fiction.
She dreams in digital,
Cause it's better then nothing.
Now that control is gone,
It seems unreal,
She's dreaming in digital.
She dreams in digital.

And your pixel army can't save you now
My finger's on the kill switch
I remember i used to compose your dreams
Control your dreams
And don't be afraid to expose yourself
Before i shut you down
You made some changes since the virus caught you sleeping

Guilty by design
She's nothing more then fiction.
She dreams in digital,
Cause it's better then nothing.
Now that control is gone,
It seems unreal,
She's dreaming in digital.
She dreams in digital.
[Imagine: 2vih4yr.png]

tare melodie... ai gusturi bune ghost

And Then There Was Silence
Blind Guardian
Turn your head and see the fields of flames

He carries along
From a distant place
He's on his way
He'll bring decay
(Don't move along
'Cause things they will go wrong
The end is getting closer day by day)
In shades of grey
We're doomed to face the night
Light's out of sight

Since we've reached the point of no return
We pray for starlight we wait for the moon
The sky is empty
Alone in the unknown
We're getting nowhere

We have been betrayed
By the wind and rain
The sacred hall's empty and cold
The sacrifice made
Should not be done in vain
Revenge will be taken by Rome

We live a lie
Under the dying moon
Pale-faced laughs doom
Indulges in delight

It's getting out of hand
The final curtain will fall
Hear my voice
There is no choice
There's no way out
You'll find out

We don't regret it
So many men have failed
But now he's gone
Go out and get it
The madman's head it

Shall be thyne
We don't regret it
That someone else dies hidden in disguise
Go out and get it
Orion's hound shines bright

Don't you think it's time to stop the chase
Around the ring
Just stop running running
Round the ring
Don't you know that fate has been decided by the gods
Feel the distance, distance
Out of reach

Welcome to the end
Watch your step, Cassandra
You may fall
As I've stumbled on the field
Sister mine
Death's a certain thing
Find myself in darkest places
Find myself drifting away
And the other world
The other world appears

Find myself she dies in vain
I cannot be freed
I'm falling down
As time runs faster
Moves towards disaster

The ferryman will wait for you
My dear

And then there was silence
Just a voice from other world
Like a leaf in an icy world
Memories will fade

Misty tales and poems lost
All the bliss and beauty will be gone
Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease
In the end Iliad

Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the way
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

The newborn child will carry ruin to the hall
The newborn's death would be a blessing to us all

Good choice?
Bad choice?
Out of there
You've chosen misery
Power and wisdom
You deny
Bad choice

War is the only answer
When love will conquer fear
So the judgement's been made to the fairest
The graceful says badly he fails

Fear the heat of passion, father king
Don't let him in
Don't let her in
Desire, lust, obsession
Death they'll bring
We can't get out
Once they are in

She's like the sunrise
Outshines the moon at night
Precious like starlight
She will bring in a murderous price

In darkness grows the seed of man's defeat
I can clearly see the end now
I can clearly see the end now
I can clearly see the end now

The thread of life is spun
The coin's been placed below my tongue

Never give up
Never give in
Be on our side
So we can win
Never give up
Never give in
Be on our side
Old moon's time is soon to come

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Nothing to lose
Like one we'll stand
We'll face the storm
Created by a man

Roar roar roar roar
Troy Troy Troy Troy

And as the lion
Slaughters man
I am the wolf
And you're the lamb

Hallowed Troy will fall
Round the walls
Faith is shattered bodies fall

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Nothing to lose
Like one we'll stand
It's all for one and one for all
We live for will be wiped out

I feel that something's wrong
Surprise, surprise they're gone
Full moon your time goes by
And new moon's still kept our of sight
We live we die

Misty tales and poems lost
All the bliss and beauty will be gone
Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease
In the end Iliad

Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the way
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

Roam in darkness
Spread the vision
We will be lost if you truly believe
Troy in darkness
There's a cold emptiness in our hearts
That they've gone away
And won't come back

They'll tear down the wall to bring it in
They'll truly believe in the lie, lie, lie
With blossoms they'll welcome
The old foe

The vision's so clear
When day and dream unite
The end is near
You better be prepared

The nightmare shall be over now
There's nothing more to fear
Come join in our singing
And dance with us now
The nightmare shall be over now
There's nothing more to fear
The war it is over forevermore

No hope
The blind leads the blind
Carry on
Though future's denied
Mare or stallion
There's far more inside
We are in at the kill we'll cheerfully die

Misty tales and poems lost
All the bliss and beauty will be gone
Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease
In the end Iliad

Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the way
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

Holy light shines on

So the judgement's been made
We're condemned though the trial's far ahead
The crack of doom
Your handsome son is heading home

Heading home

Still the wind blows
Calm and silent
Carries news from a distant shore

Out of mind
Can't get it
Can't get it
Out of my head

Sorrow And Defeat...

oare stii ?- simplu

Cum as putea sa stiu ce vrei, vrei
Sa stiu ce vrei tu
Oare ai vrea sa fii cu mine
Nimeni n-ar putea sa te iubeasca asa.
Cum as putea sa stiu ce vrei, vrei
Sa stiu ce vrei tu
Cat as vrea sa fii cu mine
Stii, oare stii ?

Oare stii ce bine ma simt langa tine
Vreau sa fiu mereu in preajma ta.
Te iubesc cum nimeni, nimeni n-ar putea
As vrea sa fiu mereu in inima ta.

La fel ca-n liceu mi-se-ntampla mereu
Sa ma-ndragostesc de ea.
Dar ea nu ma vede, nimeni nu crede
C-as putea sa fiu cu ea.

De-as vrea sa vad cer senin
Ti-as intalni privirea.
De-as vrea soarele sa ma-ncalzeasca
Tu mi-ai zambi si deajuns mi-ar fi.


La fel ca si ieri mi-adun puteri
Si curaj sa-ti spun ce simt.
Dar ea nu ma vede, nimeni nu crede
C-as putea sa fiu cu ea.


o secunda-simplu
Am vazut-o pe strada
(De ce n-ai mers la ea?)
Ia, asteapta putin...
(Hai spune-mi ce s-a intamplat)
Era asa frumoasa
(Te-ai indragostit...)
Hmm, nu mi-am revenit.

In fiecare noapte
As vrea s-o am aproape
S-o tin in brate
Si sa-i spun ce simt
Cand soarele rasare
Pierduti in pijamale ne iubim.

O secunda
Si mi-a fost de ajuns
Am zarit-o,
In inima mi-a patruns,
Si ma simt fericit
Fiindca ea e tot ce mi-am dorit.

(Si ce-o sa faci acum?)
Adica ce-am facut deja
Am stat de vorba cu ea
Mi-a spus ca pot s-o sun
(De cand te cunosc asa ceva n-ai facut)
Stiu, m-am indragostit intr-un minut.
A inceput sa-i mearga versul pe hartie, face rime
Inima-i dicteaza, ii spune ce sa scrie
'Te iubesc, te iubesc,
Pe ceilalti concurenti am sa-i dobor intr- secunda'
Ti-am dat buchet de trandafiri, (mi-ai spus ca nu e de ajuns)
Ti-am dat dragostea din cer, (dar asta-vara s-a dus)
Eu am sa-mi fac parul rasta, (ar fi ceva nou)
Si poate o piesa cu Busta ('Gimme some more..').

Simplu feat Marius Moga - Sa zburam spre cer

Ai ceva ce nimeni nu poate sa-mi dea
E ascunsa in inima ta
Pare greu sa crezi(sa crezi)ca ai putea
Sa mai simti dragostea
Dar spune-mi noaptea ce vise ai ...
Si voi fi tot ce iti dorea(aaa)i ...

Vreau sa ma pierd in ochii tai
Sa-ti cand iubirea mea - si apoi -
Si sa zburam spre cer
Nu stii de cand astept sa-ti spun
Ca te iubesc hai vino acum
Sa zburam spre cer


Si cand adorm-adorm cu tine in gand,
Te visez plangand - ma intreb de ce SUNT DE VINA EU OARE?
Stii oare cat te iubesc
Si cat imi e de dor sa te privesc
Dar esti prea departe
Poti sa suferi tot ce vrei ... unde vrei
Da-mi dragostea ta(da-mi dragostea ta)
Nu stii de cand astept sa iti spun
Hai vino acum - sa zburam spre cer
(sa zburam spre cer)...

Vreau sa ma pierd in ochii tai
Sa-ti cand iubirea mea - si apoi -
Si sa zburam spre cer
Nu stii de cand astept sa-ti spun
Ca te iubesc hai vino acum
Sa zburam spre cer


Vreau sa ma pierd in ochii tai
Sa-ti cand iubirea mea - si apoi -
Si sa zburam spre cer
Nu stii de cand astept sa-ti spun
Ca te iubesc hai v�no acum
Sa zburam spre cer
versurile is cam slabe dar cu melodie is super faine

is cateva melodii de la simplu acre imi plac. cand mai gasesc ceva vin sa postez
gomene sig prea mare

[Imagine: chibi_56.gif]
Chibi-ul lui Vodafone

Oke cititi versurile cu atentie,mai ales la sfarsit :lol:

"I want your sex" [nu zic autorul 10...]

there's things that you guess
and things that you know
there's boys you can trust
and girls that you don't
there's little things you hide
and little things that you show
sometimes you think you're gonna get it
but you don't and that's just the way it goes

I swear I won't tease you
won't tell you no lies
I don't need no bible
just look in my eyes
I've waited so long baby
now that we're friends
every man's got his patience
and here's where mine ends

I want your sex
I want you
I want

it's playing on my mind
it's dancing on my soul
it's taken so much time
so why don't you just let me go
I'd really like to try
when you tell me you're gonna regret it
then I tell you that I love you but you still say NO!

I swear I won't tease you
won't tell you no lies
I don't need no bible
just look in my eyes
I've waited so long baby
out in the cold
I can't take much more girl
I'm losing control

it's natural
it's chemical (let's do it)
it's logical
habitual (can we do it?)
it's sensual
but most of all...
sex is something we should do
sex is something for me and you

sex is natural-sex is good
nor everybody does it
but everybody should
sex is natural-sex is fun
sex is best when it's.. one on one
one on one

I'm not your father
I'm not your brother
talk to your sister
I am a lover

c-c-c-c-come on

what's your definition of dirty baby
what do you consider pornography
don't you know I love you till it hurts me baby
don't you think it's time you had sex with me

what's your definition of dirty baby
what do you call pornography
don't you know I love you till it hurts me baby
don't you think it's time you had sex with me

sex with me
sex with me
have sex with me

c-c-c-c-come on

rythm 2 Brass in love
oh so much love
that you've never seen
let's make love
put your trust in me

don't you listen to what they told you
because I love you
let me hold you

I'm not your brother
I'm not your father
oh will you ever change your mind
I'm a gentle lover with a heart of gold
but baby you've been so unkind

come on
I want your sex
come on
I want your sex
that's right, all night
oh I want your sex
I want

sexy baby's
sexy body
keeps me guessing
with a promise
I know we can come together
but the question is
will we ever?

sexy baby's
(sexy baby's)
sexy body
(sexy body)
keeps me guessing
with a promise
I know we can come together
but the question is
will we ever?

together-you and me
[Imagine: tuomasdivers1015ru1copy.png]
"It doesn't matter if You win or lose, it matters if I win or lose!"
-Winston Churchill -

Harvest Of Sorrow
Blind Guardian
She is gone leaves are falling down
The tear maiden will not return
The seal of oblivion is broken
And a pure love's been turned into sin

At the dawn of our living time
Hope may cover all cries
Truth lurks hidden in the shadows
Dreams might be filled with lies
Soon there will be night
Pain remains inside

Suddenly (oh) it seemed so clear
All the blindness was taken away
She closed her eyes and she called out my name
She was never ever never ever seen again

Harvest of sorrow, your seed is grown
In a frozen world full of cries
When the ray of light shrinks
Shall cold winter nights begin

She is gone and I fall from grace
No healing charm covers my wounds
Fooled's the dawn and so I am
Fooled by life and a bitter doom
To bring you the end of the day

At the dawn of our living time
Hope it soon will pass by
Facing a darkness
I stand (alone)

Harvest of sorrow, your seed is grown
In a frozen world full of cries
When the ray of light shrinks
Shall cold winter nights begin.

My Chemical Romance - Teenagers ( funny 'n' maybe true song ^^' )

They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do

Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean
They're gonna rip up your heads,
Your aspirations to shreds
Another cog in the murder machine

They said all teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

The boys and girls in the clique
The awful names that they stick
You're never gonna fit in much, kid
But if you're troubled and hurt
What you got under your shirt
Will make them pay for the things that they did

They said all teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

Ohhh yeah!

They said all teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

All together now!

Teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a v�olent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

Julien-k - This Machine

A shadow of myself, just who am I?
Scan horizons
A tragic mystery
You could have left me here, sealed inside the pod
No one would ever know - The chaos control
My true identity
The power that is me

We all danced in fire
Trapped in this machine
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman's watching
We all danced in fire
Looking thru the screen
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman watches

With Rouge in the fight - electric lives
Change surroundings
A jewel in history
A treasure disappears - as she goes
Miss her as you look away - and no one knows
This power is a key
This power changes me

We all danced in fire
Trapped in this machine
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman's watching
We all danced in fire
Looking thru the screen
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman watches

You didn't know - now I'm gonna show you
The power that is me
You try to take me down-stop the show
Seems you've never tasted fear- or loss of control
The power lives in me
The power that is me

We all danced in fire
Trapped in this machine
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman's watching
We all danced in fire
Looking thru the screen
Don't know how long we've waited
As the Eggman watches
[Imagine: 2vih4yr.png]

Linkin Park Lyrics


Why does it feel like night today?
Something in here�s not right today
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia�s all I got left
I don�t know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed / but
I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
It�s like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(And watches everything)
So I know that when it�s time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me / right beneath my skin
It�s like I�m / paranoid lookin� over my back
It�s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
It�s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
I know I�ve got a face in me
points out all the mistakes to me
You�ve got a face on the inside too and
Your paranoia�s probably worse
I don�t know what set me off first but I know what I can�t stand
Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is
I can�t add up to what you can but
Everybody has a face that they hold inside
A face that awakes when they close their eyes
A face watches every time they lie
A face that laughs every time they fall
(And watches everything)
So you know that when it�s time to sink or swim
That the face inside is watching you too / right inside your skin
It�s like I�m / paranoid lookin� over my back
It�s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
It�s like the face inside is right beneath my skin

It�s like I�m / paranoid lookin� over my back
It�s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
It�s like the face inside is right beneath my skin

the face inside is right beneath my skin
the face inside is right beneath my skin
the face inside is right beneath my skin

The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me

The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me

The sun
It�s like I�m / paranoid lookin� over my back
It�s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
It�s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
I feel the light betray me

The sun
It�s like I�m / paranoid lookin� over my back
It�s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
I feel the light betray me
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
It�s like I / can�t stop what I�m hearing within
[Imagine: deidaradq4.jpg]
[Imagine: deidaradq4.134c2d98db.jpg]
What I’ve done
I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done

Andain>You once told me

You once told me
I will know it enough
oh let me tell you something
yeah I do
you once told me
I won't feel enough
let me tell you that
baby I do

Sometimes I find myself in a sea
in a dream that's so far away
Tell me what's happened to me
sometimes I see myself falling
although I don't show it much
sometimes I'm crazy for you
well maybe I'm fine
and tell me you're mine
sometimes I find myself
in a Sea..
in a dream that's so far away
tell me what's happened to me

Tell me baby can you hold me now
we don't have to say it I feel it too
and maybe I'm falling or maybe
but I am not showing it much
tell me baby
can you see me now
show me baby that I dont know how
how can I start to see inside the fall
but sometimes I find mysef in a sea
in a dream that's so far away
tell me what's happened to me

In a sea, in a dream that's so far away
tell me what's happened to me ...
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

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  [split] Versuri AlerimxD 0 2.468 14-12-2010, 07:41 PM
Ultimul răspuns: AlerimxD

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