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1)triste melodii
tin sa precizez ca o sa pun melodiile care-mi par mie triste, fie datorita acordurilor, fie datorita versurilor, sau cele care imi amintesc de lucruri triste 2

* Rihanna - Cry
* Pink - Sober
* Duffy - Stepping Stone
* Kings of Leon - Use somebody
* Pink - Please don't leave me

2) melodii ritmate

* Depeche Mode - Wrong
* B. Spears - I love Rock'n Roll
* Blaxy Girls - Si totusi
* We well rock you ( varianta ritmata )
* Sum 41 - Still waiting

3) melodii care chiar imi plac

* Kings of Leon - Use somebody
* Depeche Mode - Wrong
* Sum 41 - Still waiting
* El Negro - Linistea
* Marilyn Manson - Sweet dreams

Sa vedem :
Melodii triste :
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending - versurile ma fac sa plang .Este o melodie foarte trista si emotionanta .
Avril Lavigne - When your gone - deasemenea o melodie trista .Te umple de melancolie .
Oceana - Cry Cry - versurile sunt destul de triste dar melodia e ritmata .
Katy Perry Thinking of you - Emotionanta . Imi place si vocea lui Katy
Avril Lavigne - Complicated - Pai , este o melodie interesanta .

Melodii ritmate :
Blaxy girls : Daa
Andreea Balan : Baby get up and dance !
Blaxy girls : Oare trebuie sa pierzi ?
Puya - Undeva in Balcani
Alex - Yamasha
Imi plac aceste melodii deoarece te invita la dans /\ /\

ok, deci la mine cred ca o sa fie un singur top, deoarece ascult in marea majoritate numa melodii triste, so:

1. Michael Jackson - You are not alone --> superba piesa, ma inspira mult la scris
2. Michael Jackson - Heal the world --> de la o vreme, de cand am aflat de Jacko, nu ma mai pot desparti de melodiile lui
3. Tokio Hotel - 1000 meere --> TH obsessed! Trista, dar superba [nu e emo 10]
4. Evanescene - My immortal --> se potriveste de minune cu starea mea de spirit...
5. Within Temptation - Memories --> sursa mea principala de inspiratie
아름다운 미녀를 좋아하면 고생한다
Heart aches when you fall in love with a beauty...

[Imagine: 127954537375290.jpg]

Un singur top este si la mine >> :
1. the GazettE - Cassis ---> Ador melodia asta si versurile sunt kawaii @.@ ..Nu prea exista zi in care sa nu o ascult.
2. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Den lille Havfrue ---> De cand am ascultat-o prima data am inceput sa fiu cam obsedata de melodie >>.
3. the GazettE - Okuribi ---> A inceput sa-mi placa foarte mult imediat ce am citit versurile o_o ..Prima data cand am ascultat-o am spus ca e frumusica >>, dar dupa ce am ascultat-o de cateva ori si am citit si versurile mi s-a parut prea frumoasa @__@.
4. DaizyStripper - Brilliant Days ---> Sincer, nu stiu ce-mi place asa de mult la ea -___-' ..
5. Dir en Grey - Ain't Afraid To Die ---> Astazi am ascultat-o pentru prima data si imi place din ce in ce mai mult -_____-' ..Prima data cand am auzit de ea ma asteptam sa fie altfel dar cand am ascultat-o a fost exact opusul a ceea ce credeam eu >> ..

Top-ul meu :d

5. ATC: So Magical [O mel dragutza]

4. Darren Hayes: Insatiable [Trista, de dragoste 8]

3. DJ Satomi: Castle in the Sky [E o melodie haioasa rau]

2. Clover: Poppin' Heart wa Hitotsu Dake? [Din anime-ul Mamotte (nu "marmote" cum zice crv din lista mea de mess) Lollipop, arata partea mea childish]

1. ATC: Thinking of You [La aceasta melodie nu am cuvinte. Eu plang la ea, este superba.]

Momentan cred ca in afara de melodiile de pe locul 1, care's prty much all time faves, restul se cam schimba constant.[si nu, nu le impart pe melodii triste/ritmate/whatnot]

1.Ensiferum-Tale of revenge ;
Epica-Living a lie
Kamelot-A sailorman's Hymn
Sowelu-Moon on the water[de pe ostul Beck, varianta cantata de tipa adicatelea]

Omnia- The elven lover
Narsilion-Dreams about the eternity
Elvenking-My little moon
Elvenking-My own spider's web
Elvenking:Heaven's a place on earth

3.Poets of the fall-Everything Fades
Poets of the fall-Miss Impossible
Saliva-Broken Sunday
Stream of Passion-Embrace the storm
The barque of Dante-Farewell
The barque of Dante- Warrior's ballad

4.Ophelia's dream-Amica mea
Rise Against-Blood to bleed
Haggard-Of a might Divine

5.Nightwish-While your lips are still red
Epica-Cry for the moon
Primal Fear-Everytime it rains
Sabaton-Light in the Black

Dacă tot eram prin preajmă ...

1. Battlelore - Journey to Undying Lands/The Curse of the Kings/Elves of Luva/Guardians/Exile the Daystar/Gwaith-i-Mirdain/ Ghan of the Woods/Fangorn/Sons of Riddermark/Trollshaws/We are the Legions | Blind Guardian - A Past and Future Secret/Bard's Song/ Another Stranger Me/Lord of the Rings/The Soulforged/Lionheart/Valhalla | Alice in Chains - Man in the Box/Rooster/Nutshell/I Stay Away/ Would/Down in a Hole/Down/Junkhead/Sea of Sorrow/Them Bones/Again/Angry Chair

2. Alestorm - Terror of the High Seas [scottish metal hell yeah] | Arch Enemy - Idolatress/Pilgrim/Burning Bridges/Dark Insanity | Bathory - Nordland/The Woodwoman/Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain | Borknagar - Gods of My World/The Genuine Pulse | Burzum - Dunkelheit/Jesus' Tod/War | Ensiferum - Windrider/Into the Battle/Guardians of Fate/Frost/Eternal Wait/Sword Chant

3. Eluveitie - Inis Mona/Primordial Breath/Druid/Tegernako/Spirit/Andro/ Your Gaulish War | Shape of Despair - Illusion's Play/Curse Life/Sleep Mirrored/Entwined in Misery | Celelalte Cuvinte - Balanţa/Boala de Gânduri | Negură Bunget - Cel din Urmă Vis/Vaiet | Nightwish - Sahara/Wishmaster/Over the Hills and Far Away/Master Passion Greed/The Islander/7 Days of the Wolves/Bless the Child/Dead Gardens

4. Iron Maiden - Brave New World/Dance of Death/Die with your Boots on/The Trooper/Fear of the Dark/Run to the Hills | Metallica - St. Anger/Nothing Else Matters/Enter Sandman | Slayer - Raining Blood/Bloodline/Disciple/Hell Awaits | Evergrey - Dark Waters/Rulers of the Mind/As I lie here Bleeding/Watching the Skies

5. Bucovina - Luna Peste Vârfuri | Falkenbach - Heathen Foray | Hammerfall - Last Man Standing/Hearts on fire | Stratovarius - Shattered/Before the Winter | Slipknot - The Heretic Anthem/Before I Forget | Moosnorrow - Pakanajuhla/Jotunheim/Hiidenpelto/ Raunioilla | Korpiklaani - Kädet Siipinä/Palovana/Tervaskanto/Viima/Variset Aparat/Liekkion Isku/Vesilahden Verajilla/Crimson Rain/Spirit of the Forest

Ok..21 ..

Apocalyptica-Hope Vol II
Slipknot-Heretic Song
Slipknot-I am hated
Nightwish-She is in my sin
Activ-Superstar ..Smile

a)Melodii triste
1.Lostprophets-4 am forever
2.The redjumpsuit apparatus-Your guardian angel
3.Secondhand serenade-Your call
4.Praf in ochi-1000 de ganduri
5.Nickelback-Far away

b)Melodii vesele
1.Son of dork-Eddie's song
2.Sum 41-Fat lip
3.At the drive-in-sleepwalk capsules
4.Son of dork-Two princes
5.Jonas brothers-Start the party

Nu am top melodii triste sau ritmat .. asa ca fac un top al tuturor melodiilor mele preferate..

umm.. greu de decis..

1.Pure evil - Iced Earth [ mai sunt si altele de la ei]. -> Am ascultat melodie asta pana mi-a iesit pe urechi ... si nu m-am saturat de ea... are o influenta puternica.
2.In Joy And Sorrow - HIM / Prodigy - Spitfire -> pentru ca le-am ascultat intr-un din cele mai dragute zile din viata mea 4 [mai ales spitfire]
3.Mental- Implant for denial -> ma face sa simt ca pot mai mult [de fapt versurile lor ma motiveaza]/ Look away - Thousand Foot Krutch -> nu stiu ... de ce dar ma simt mai bine cand o ascult.
4.Nothing Left , Bury as All, etc - As I Lay Dying / Green Monster, Girl of a Glass, Fallen, Wake up - Suicide Silence -> melodii pentru suflet.
5.[uff.. aici e greu, trebuie sa exclud multe melodii bune] Nemesis - Cradle of Filth [9], Not like the other girls - the rasmus -> m-a ajutat sa trec peste multe

Ar mai fii destule 4 .. dar cred ca astea sunt cele mai bune :X

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