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The big bad board ^_^

January-17-Other (purple)
I hate a clown because I'm single.
Nu inteleg. De ce sa urasc bietul clown pentru ca nu am iubit?
Nu era mov pe acolo, nop? Oricum prea tare jocul.

I hate a travesty because I was horny

Vai mie 24 Iiiiiiiii 24 Dar ... dar...dar..24...RENUNTZ 78 24 Frumos jocul 24
:dead: Nu voi uita sa mor cum nu uit sa traiesc :dead:
[Imagine: nn8g3s.jpg]

I killed a lesbian Because I'm ugly.

Etto... esti sigur?
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

I got married with a puppet because I'm ugly =]]]]
[Imagine: 12up.gif]

I pissed on a puppet 'cuz that's what i am =]]]]]]. Ok .
Genial !
Ştiai că cea mai puternică bombă atomică detonată vreodată a avut o forţă explozivă de 50 megatone de TNT (trinitrotoluen), de 2.500 de ori mai mare decât bomba de la Nagasaki?

[Imagine: aintallthat.gif]
Yeah... You Know.

Ştiam jocu' ăsta, da' în română. But engleza rulz ( 24 ). So mine is :
I pissed on a black guy because i'm sexy & horny . WTH? 21
Um, săracu negru e supărat. Când mă apucă mă apucă, ofc . xD

[Imagine: MANOWAR.jpg]
Brothers everywhere
raise your hands into the air
we're warriors, warriors of the World !

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