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The avatar and sig says...

Av:Im waiting for tomorow..[sau cum se scrie]
Sign:I have memoris ..beautiful and painful4
.I dont need anyone in my life who does not want to be there.
.Sometimes i cant , sometimes i dont want to , and sometimes i dont even try.
.I am nostalgic , cinical and lonely , so i may hurt you.

avt= Ha-ha....L21 dragutz avatarul...destul de "ganditor" avatarul39
sig= interpretarea 1.-> la spoiler39 cute!!! zici ca e un copil^^" e ffff copilaros acolo.
interpretarea 2.-> mey L nu sti ca nu'i frumos sa bagi degetu in gura?21 si asta e copilaresc si dragutz^^
interepretarea3.-> "L fan" dap se vede24 este....ganditor...sau nush cum sa spun21 oricum interesant3
interepreatrea 4.-> "L: Weeeee"24) soper amuzant24))))

off: nu e o vrajitaore, e un tip care vrea sa semene cu una, il cheama Kyouka si a fost solsitul Aliene Ma'riage
avt: hallo biatch, do you see? i'm emoh
sign: i'm more emo than you, ai insistat prea mult pe ideea "emoh"
[Imagine: john5.jpg]
< Yeah, ador Nirvana >
Brian ( MM) za witch
[Imagine: omega3.jpg]
[Imagine: MMwitch.jpg]
"Contra todo Hoy BRUJERIZMO pa tí satanismo!
BRUJERIZMO! Cura joto " ( Brujeria- Brujerizmo)

Av:ilusion of witch ...21
Sign 1:Vampires are the beST 21
So asta e 21
.I dont need anyone in my life who does not want to be there.
.Sometimes i cant , sometimes i dont want to , and sometimes i dont even try.
.I am nostalgic , cinical and lonely , so i may hurt you.

avt: i'm pissed LMA
sig:me like cookies,vote for L
[Imagine: haruhisuzumiya7.jpg]

Power of haruhism just knocked Kyon down :bv:

[Imagine: chibi_41.gif]
melli-chan, chibi-ul lui goddess

Goddess, let's see...
Avatar: I'm so cute! Nu e nimeni mai cute ca mine 71
Sig: Sunt un baiat foarte hot, dupa care salveaza toate fetele xD.
Si cam asta 21 . Scuze, in momentu' asta nu am alte idei mai bune..
Don't deny our r2Ï€.
[Imagine: ri935j.png]

Av: Ma poti dmira cat vrei, nu voi fi a ta niciodata. Get the hell out of here, ya' fu*king sh*t.
Sig:Sunt frumoasa stiu si serul e asa...asa negru, si lumina divina ii incalzeste sufletul. Og God, ajuta-ma sa fiu buna pentru totdeauna! Te vad acolo sus!

Avi: i'm such a bad boy....*smirk*
sig:just another bored ,ordinary day.....but i'm still as cool and composed as ever..don't you just love me?
[Imagine: haruhisuzumiya7.jpg]

Power of haruhism just knocked Kyon down :bv:

[Imagine: chibi_41.gif]
melli-chan, chibi-ul lui goddess

av: nu sunt cute? 5
sig: i'm to sexy for you 24

av: I'm such a shy girl,but don't subestim me!
sig: Eggs are like boys:if you bullysh' them, they'll break up,and that's not good!! 21
2 squirrels: one english, one romanian. Each squirrel in her tree . E. squirrel was fucking a nut. R. squirrel ask: - Are you fucking crazy? E. squirrel answer: - No, I`m fucking nuts .

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