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Tehnicile personajelor

Hello! sper ca nu mai exista un topic asemanator. Am gasit ceva interesant, si anume tehnicile personajelor din naruto. Nu sunt autoarea lor, sunt luate de pe alt forum:
PS: sunt doar cateva personaje.

Tehnicile lui Naruto Uzumaki

All Directions Shuriken
Clone Spinning Heel Drop
Combination Transformation
Demon Fox Rasengan
Demon Fox Transformations
Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet (With Gamabunta)
Flying Swallow (Anime only)
Flying Tool
Four-Tailed Fox Menacing Ball (Post transformation)
Frog Katas
Great Ball Rasengan
Harem Technique
Hermit Mode
Hermit Technique: Rasenrengan
Hermit's Art: Great Ball Rasengan
Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
One Thousand Years of Death
Reverse Summoning Technique
Sexy Technique
Shadow Clone Technique
Six-Tailed Fox Menacing Ball (Post transformation)
Summoning Technique (Toads)
Typhoon Water Vortex Technique (With Yamato)
Uzumaki Naruto Combo
Uzumaki Naruto Two Thousand Combo
Wind Release: Rasengan
Wind Release: Rasenshuriken
Wind Release: Toad Gun‎ (With Gamatatsu)

Tehnicile lui Sasuke Uchiha

Chidori Current
Chidori Senbon
Chidori Sharp Spear
Cursed Seal of Heaven (Removed)
Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
Flapping Chidori (Unusable)
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique
Kusanagi Sword: Chidori Katana
Lion Combo
Manipulated Shuriken Technique
Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades
Orochimaru's Oral Rebirth Technique (Unusable)
Peregrine Falcon Drop (Anime only)
Shadow of the Dancing Leaf
Shadow Shuriken Technique
Snake Authority Spell
Summoning Technique (Snakes)
Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation
Susanoo (Presumed usable)
Tsukuyomi (Presumed usable)

Tehnicile lui Sakura Haruno

Cherry Blossom Impact
Dance of Sakura (With Chiyo, unusable)
Delicate Illness Extraction Technique
Mystical Palm Technique
Three-Tails Sealing Technique (Anime only)

Tehnicile lui Minato Namikaze

Dead Demon Consuming Seal
Eight Trigrams Sealing Style
Flying Thunder God Technique
Four Symbols Seal
Summoning Technique (Toads)

Tehnicile lui Hinata Hyuga

Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms (Anime only)
Gentle Fist
Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists
Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms (Anime only)
Sealing Technique (Anime only)

Tehnicile lui Neji Hyuga

Eight Trigrams Empty Palm
Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher (Anime only)
Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms (Anime only)
Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin
Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
Gentle Fist

Tehnicile lui Rock Lee

Drunken Fist
Dynamic Entry
Eight Gates
Front Lotus
Hurricane Blade
Leaf Great Whirlwind
Leaf Rising Wind
Leaf Strong Wind
Leaf Whirlwind
Reverse Lotus
Shadow of the Dancing Leaf
Springtime of Youth Full Power (Anime only)
Strong Fist
Strong Thunder Lotus Chain

Tehnicile lui Ino Yamanaka

Chakra Hair Trap Technique
Mind Body Disturbance Technique
Mind Body Switch Technique
Mystical Palm Technique
Three-Tails Sealing Technique (with Shizune, Sakura and Hinata, Anime only)

Tehnicile lui Gaara of the Desert

Armor of Sand
Desert Suspension
Feigning Sleep Technique
Prison Sand Burial
Quicksand in the Style of a Waterfall
Sand Binding Coffin
Sand Binding Prison
Sand Clone
Sand Drizzle
Sand Shuriken (Transformed, unusable)
Sand Waterfall Funeral
Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral
Shield of Sand
Sky Sand Protective Wall
Shukaku Transformation (Unusable)
Sphere of Sand
Third Eye
Ultimate Absolute Attack: Shukaku's Halberd
Ultimate Absolute Defense: Shield of Shukaku
Wind Release: Infinite Sand Cloud Great Breakthrough (Transformed, unusable)

daca mai stiti altele puteti sa le puneti aici :d
Cea mai reuşită semnătură.

Ineresant...frate cate tehnici au astia! 13 Si zici ca le-au folosit pe toate astea? 2321 Mai sunt cateva personaje care ar trebui adaugate pentru ca au si ele niste tehnici care merita vazute. O sa pun si eu ce am gasit ^^

Naruto Jutsus

Generally speaking, Jutsus are divided into three categories: Taijutsu (Body Techniques), Genjutsu (Mind Techniques) and Ninjutsu (Techniques that rely on sources beyond those). There is technically another category called Kinjutsu (Forbidden techniques), but it refers not to the type of the jutsu but to the fact that it is forbidden to learn or perform it.


Genjutsu ("Eye techniques", or more figuratively Mind Techniques) are techniques that rely on chakra-enhanced deception or manipulation of another person's mind. The most commonly seen Genjutsu is simple creation of phantasms- causing the targeted person to hear, see, smell, Taste and feel things that are not actually there in order to manipulate them; other applications of Genjutsu are rare.

Bunshin no Jutsu

("Clone Technique") The Bunshin no Jutsu creates illusory duplicates of the user. It is impossible to tell which is the real ninja and which are illusions; clones generated by this technique, however, cannot attack anything as they are not physical beings.

The Bunshin no Jutsu is one of the most basic ninja techniques and mastering it is required in order for one to graduate from Leaf Village's academy, and presumably any academy, and become a Genin.


This jutsu utilises chakra and the user's willpower to overcome other Genjutsu. It seems that only Jounin-level ninjas and up are able to use it effectively.

Henge no Jutsu

("Transformation Technique") A very common and basic skill, it gives the user the appearance of another person or object. Mastering it is required to graduate from the ninja academy of Leaf Village (And presumably all other academies).

Harem no Jutsu

("Harem Technique") developed by Uzumaki Naruto. Both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, this jutsu combines Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and Sexy no Jutsu to create a legion of beautiful naked women lavishing attention on the victim, often causing male victims nosebleeds so severe that they are knocked out (due to a combination of Newton's third law of motion and cartoon logic), not to mention severe shell-shock. This jutsu is yet to be defeated.

Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu

("Mist Clone Technique") The Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu creates illusory clones of the user from mist. Those clones are indistinguishable from the original, but cannot attack and disappear when hit.

Sexy no Jutsu

("Sexy Technique") A derivative of Henge no Jutsu developed by Uzumaki Naruto. The user assumes the appearance of a beautiful naked woman, often causing male victims nosebleeds so severe that they are knocked out (due to a combination of Newton's third law of motion and cartoon logic). This technique has defeated the Leaf Village's 3rd Hokage.

Sharingan (Hypnosis)

("Copy Wheel Eye - Hypnosis") Available only to those who possess the Sharingan, it hypnotises the opponent and lets the user suggest thoughts and actions to them. The user often follows a successful hypnosis with constant mimicry of the opponent's movements and speaking out their thoughts in perfect synch, which they are able to do since they are the ones suggesting those movements and thoughts in the first place; this greatly bewilders the opponent and makes it appear as if the user can see the future.


Taijutsu ("Body techniques", or more figuratively hand-to-hand combat) refers to any techniques involving the martial arts or the optimisation of natural human abilities in general. In some cases chakra is involved to enhance the techniques, but generally speaking a Taijutsu user can fare well without any chakra available compared to a Genjutsu or Ninjutsu user.

Baika no Jutsu

("Multi-Size Technique") A special technique passed down in the Akimichi Clan which allows the user to increase the size of one part or even all of their body for a short time. It uses up lots of calories.

Byakuugan (Mind Read)

("White Eye (Mind Read)"). Those who possess the Byakuugan are able to notice the subtle shifts of people's eyeballs and pupils and use them to get the general idea of the emotions and thoughts they are experiencing.

Byakuugan (Enhanced Vision)

("White Eye (Enhanced Vision)"). Those who possess the Byakuugan have an improved line of sight, a 360 degrees field of vision and the ability to see the inner coil system that transports chakra through the body. In advanced cases they can also see the opening points, which in theory gives them the ability to shut down an opponent's chakra flow completely.

Chakra Kyuushuu

("Energy Absorption") see Naruto advanced bloodlines.


("Piercing Fang") The user, usually with at least one partner (which makes this technique much more effective), spins at a ferocious speed and delivers many powerful beastlike attacks when contact is made with the target.

Hidden Leaf Ancient Taijutsu Supreme Technique: A Thousand Years of Pain

A very simple Taijutsu technique with a very over-dramatised name. Forcefully plunges the user's finger into the vicinity of the victim's rectal regions. Sakura dubbed it the "Super Powerful Ass-Poke".


("Gentle Fist") The inner coil system that transfers chakra around the body is very close and is essentially a part of all of the human body, including crucial organs. Members of the Hyuuga clan train in a special fighting style that requires the Byakuugan and excellent chakra control; through the Byakuugan they are able to see the opponent's inner coil system which they forcefully channel their own chakra into, causing severe damage to organs nearby. The technique earned its name because even a seemingly gentle, unimpressive hit can prove lethal.

Kage Buyou

("Shadow Leaf Dance") A technique used to attach the user to their opponent's shadow. Once done, the victim is in a vulnerable position to a more damaging attack such as Initial Lotus or Lion Combo.

Kage Shuriken no Jutsu

("Shadow Shuriken Technique") This technique consists of throwing two shuriken, one normally and the other hiding in the first one's shadow. The target focuses on the first one and is often hit by the second.

Konoha Senpuu

("Leaf Spinning Wind") This Jutsu is mainly a set-up one, and consists of kicking the opponent high into the air, thus leaving them vulnerable to a subsequent more powerful attack (usually Shadow Leaf Dance).

Nikudan Sensha

("Meat Tank") A jutsu passed down in the Akimichi clan. The Multi-Size Technique is typically performed beforehand. This jutsu sends the user into a powerful roll, turning them into a ball of destruction- but uses a high amount of calories.

Omote Renge

("Initial Lotus") This technique puts a lot of strain on the user's muscle fibers, and is basically a suicidal attack. Normally, humans use the power of their muscles at only about 20 percent of its full power; the brain regulates muscle usage to ensure this, since any higher and the muscles will be damaged or destroyed. The initial lotus requires the opening of one of the inner celestial gates- the Initial Gate, which releases the brain's regulation on muscle usage. The result is a much more powerful brand of Taijutsu than normal, but at the cost of damage to the user.

Sharingan (Copy)

("Copy Wheel Eye - Copy") Available only to those who possess the Sharingan and its most famous ability, the user's natural "watch and learn" ability is boosted to inhumane accuracy, enabling them to see, imitate, register and memorise any movement almost perfectly. This enables Sharingan users to use any technique they have watched with the Sharingan later, given that they have all the required parameters to perform the jutsu (such as chakra control, physical fitness or an advanced bloodline); the sharingan isn't a magic shortcut around anything but the process of learning.

Shishi Rendan

("Lion Combo") The result of Uchiha Sasuke copying Rock Lee's similar combo. While not able to emulate Rock Lee's agility or power, the Sharingan let him figure how to push himself to achieve the closest thing possible, and this was the result. It isn't as fast or effective as Rock Lee's version and imposes fatigue upon Sasuke, but is still very powerful.

Ura Renge

("Extreme Lotus") This technique puts a lot of strain on the user's muscle fibers, and is basically a suicidal attack. Normally, humans use the power of their muscles at only about 20 percent of its full power; the brain regulates muscle usage to ensure this, since any higher and the muscles will be damaged or destroyed. This Jutsu releases the brain's regulation, much like the Initial Lotus, but goes beyond it in power, speed, and self damage. The user opens three of the body's inner celestial gates: First the Initial Gate to release the brain's limits, followed by opening the Heal Gate to raise their stamina and finally the life gate, which enables entering the extreme lotus. The result is Taijutsu of a force and speed that are incredibly powerful and far beyond the scope of any other Taijutsu, but at the cost of terrible damage to and usually ripping of the user's muscles.

Uzumaki Naruto Rendan

("Uzumaki Naruto Combo"). Naruto does not possess the Sharingan, but he can still watch and learn, and that is what he did in this case. The lack of Sharingan to push him to his limits is compensated for by usage of the Shadow Replication Technique, creating multipile shadow clones of the user participating in the combo.


Ninjutsu is hard to define; it is basically any technique that does not fall under either Taijutsu or Genjutsu, which means that it uses sources outside those naturally available to the body or the mind to accomplish its task. Ninjutsu relies on chakra and hand seals (Sequential positions the hands are put into in order to channel chakra effectively).

Doton Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu

("Earth Type - Inner Decapitation Technique") The user hides underground and grabs the legs of their victim, then pulls them under leaving their head above ground and vulnerable to a more deadly attack.

Fuuja Houin

("Evil Sealing Method") This Seal negates the effect of Orochimaru's Curse Seal, making the effects of it significantly weaker; its main source of power is the person's self-control, however, so if the person it has been performed on loses control of their emotions, it becomes all but ineffectual.

Hyoui no Jutsu

("Possession Technique") A Jutsu that causes an unborn child to be possessed by a ghost or spirit. The Mother will not survive the birth of her child - her flesh is used up as nourishment for the demon.

Jouro Senbon

("Raining Needles") A barrage of needles fly at the enemy from sockets in an umbrella that has been flung into the air. They come at the enemy from all directions and are controlled by chakra to increase accuracy. These needles have been known to have the power to pierce 5mm of steel.

Juin Jutsu (Hyuuga)

("Curse Seal (Hyuuga)") A secret Ninjutsu passed on from generation to generation within the Hyuuga Clan. It is put on members of the Branch House at a very young age. This Curse Seal is the unavoidable death that the Main House imposes onto the Branch House. It easily destroys the brain nerves of the person who suffers from it, kills them and removes all traces of the Byakuugan.

Juin Jutsu (Orochimaru)

("Curse Seal (Orochimaru)"). Receiving the small mark which appears on the neck through a bite from Orochimaru makes the receiver instantly fall unconscious. Then, if they are strong enough to survive the 9/10 chance of immediate death, they regain concsiousness. Whenever the person inflicted releases chakra the Curse Seal becomes active and forcibly pulls out Chakra, making the person stronger. At this point the the small mark on the neck grows to wrap around their whole body, and causes them to lose control of their actions. It's a forbidden Jutsu which, when active, eats at the person's body.

Juujin Bunshin

("Beast-Human Clone") In coordination with an animal, the user creates a perfect likeness of that creature, and vise-versa with the beast assuming the form of the person. This makes it impossible to tell the two apart until the jutsu is broken, usually by damaging one of the participants which then reverts to their original form.

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

("Shadow Replication Technique") Unlike the normal Replication Technique, this jutsu creates not just an illusion, but multiple real bodies of yourself. The strength of the clones is evenly distibuted among the user and every clone, making it impossible to decipher which is the original. Since these are real clones, unlike regular Bunshin no Jutsu, they can cause damage to a target; however, they will disappear if hit. This technique is forbidden, but is still known by many advanced Ninjas.

KageMane no Jutsu

("Shadow Imitation Technique") The user's shadow is extended to the opponent's shadow, combining them. This puts the attacker in control of the target's movements- the target is forced to make any movement the user makes. It is an extremely versatile technique- given enough talent, the shadow can contract and change shape, and even get ahold of several targets at once. The shadow can also be connected with other inanimate objects so it can be extended. The Jutsu does have a time limit, however, which is roughly 5 minutes.

Kamaitachi no Jutsu

("Slashing Wind Technique") A Jutsu that, using a giant fan, causes huge gusts of wind capable of cutting the target apart.

Kanashibari no Jutsu

("Body Freeze Technique") Used to cause one's opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most Anbu Ninjas seem to know this technique.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu

("Fire Type - Empowered Fireball Skill") Utilising a high amount of chakra, the user breathes a huge and intense ball of flame. A devastating attack.

Katon Housenka

("Fire Type - Mythical Fire Flower") Sends multipile balls of flame at the target. It is also possible to hide shurikens within the fireballs, creating an unexpected secondary attack.

Katon Karyuu Endan

("Fire Type - Fire Dragon Flame Blast") Shoots an enormous ball of flame shaped like a dragon from the user's mouth.

Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu

("Fire Type - Dragon Fire Skill") The person using this jutsu sends a stream of fire at the opponent from their mouth.

Kawarimi no Jutsu

("Body Substitute Technique") The user quickly replaces themselves with another object, such as a plant or an animal. This usually confuses the attacker and leaves them open to a counter-attack. A fairly common Jutsu, it is one of the basic Jutsu a Ninja must learn before graduating to the Genin level.

Kaze no Yaiba

("Blade of Wind") This Jutsu creates a blade out of wind which, being wind, makes it impossible to block. However, unlike the the Slashing Winds skill, this Jutsu requires no tool.

Kikaichuu no Jutsu

("Bug Host Technique") The Aburame Clan is famed for their use of bugs in their Jutsu. When a child is born, their body is offered to insects, called Destruction Bugs, as a nest. The bugs feed and live off the Chakra which the body stores and in return the Ninja gets to control and command the bugs, using them as their primary fighting technique.

Kirigakure no Jutsu

("Hidden Mist Technique") A simple yet very effective technique. Covers the area of your opponents with a thick sheet of mist, crippling their senses and creating an opening for a more powerful attack.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu

("Summoning Technique") This Jutsu, using a contract, Seal, and the user's blood, binds an animal to the user. The type of animal is determined by the contract and Seal preformed. The blood is used as a signiture to make the contract, which can be written on a scroll or tattoo, valid. Once binded, the animal can be summoned to perform a task or help the user in battle.

Kugutsu no Jutsu

("Marionette Technique") The user controls a doll using their chakra. Just like a marionette, Chakra extends from the user's fingers to move the puppet which can be small, life size or even bigger. This skill is often used in co-ordination with the Body Substitute Technique, so the user can quickly replace their body with the puppet. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, object, or, more commonly, the form of the user.

Makyou HyouShou HiJutsu

("Demonic Ice Mirrors Secret Technique") Using the powers bestowed by the advanced bloodline of Transportation by Ice, the user creates a prison of Ice Mirrors from water and surrounds their enemy with them. This Jutsu allows the mirror's reflection to transport the user at extremely high speeds. Almost unsee-able to the opponent inside, the user can attack without danger of being harmed. The high speed of the user makes it almost impossible to dodge any oncoming attacks.

Mikazuki no Mai

("Dance of the Crescent Moon") creates a clone of the user similar to a shadow clone, which along with the user attacks in a complicated sword-dancing pattern which confuses the opponent.

Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu

("Water Replication Technique") Creates one or multiple identical copies of the user out of water. More similar to Shadow Clone than to a Normal Clone, Water Clones are capable of attacking, except each Clone's strength is only one tenth of the power of the original. Also, the clone can only be controlled within a certain radius of the user.


("Lightning Edge") a very powerful technique, it needs a huge amount of Chakra, so much that it is visible around the user's hand. Once the hand has been charged with a sufficient amount of chakra, it can be plunged into the enemy quickly and powerfully, creating a single, devastating fist which is usually aimed at the heart, where it would do the most damage. It is said that Kakashi once used this Jutsu to cut though lightning- hence its name. The lightning edge is closely related to The Thousand Birds.

Sabaku Kyuu

("Desert Coffin") This Jutsu uses sand to grab the opponent and cover their entire body. This skill is primarily for rendering an opponent immobile, but can kill the opponent by suffocation or by being followed with the Desert Funeral technique.

Sabaku SouSou

("Desert Funeral") Through the will of the user, the sand already wrapping a target will implode and crush whatever is within. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick there isn't even time to feel pain.

Shikon no Jutsu

("Dead Soul Skill") With this Jutsu the user can make the dead seem lifelike, allowing dead bodies to move around as a diversion or decoy. This skill causes the dead bodies' hearts to beat, allowing the user to control them for a few minutes.

Shintenshin no Jutsu

("Mind-Body Switch Technique") This Jutsu allows the user to enter a target's mind, taking control of their body and senses. Normally a spying Jutsu, it can also be used in battle although with many drawbacks. The spiritual energy travels very slowly making it easy to dodge; If this happens, the user's body will be left as an empty vessel for a few minutes, leaving it wide open to attack- and even if the Jutsu does work, any damage that is caused to the target will also be inflicted upon the user's original body. This Jutsu can only be maintained for about five minutes before the user is forced to retract their spiritual energy back to their original body.

Shishou Fuuin

(Four Season Seal) The seal that was used to trap the Nine-tails demon fox inside Naruto.

Sensatsu Suishou Hijutsu

(Flying Water Needles secret technique) An application of the Transportation by Ice advanced bloodlines that doesn't take advantage of the transportation capabilities of the ice created, but is lethal nontheless. This jutsu freezes water into the shape of sharp needles, which then home in on the opponent, crushing them in a sphere of points and ripping their body to shreds. To perform this Jutsu, the user must be near a body of water.

Souja Sousai no Jutsu

("Double Snake Assassination Skill") A forbidden jutsu which is a murder-suicide attack- killing both the user and the target.

Suirou no Jutsu

("Water Prison Technique") A move used to trap the victim inside a virtually inescapable prison of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep one arm inside the bubble at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This Jutsu cannot be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it.

Suiton Daibakufu no Jutsu

("Water Type - Explosion Skill") A Jutsu which creats a huge cyclone turned on its side, which is sent towards the target. This Jutsu can only be done when in or near a body of water, and is devastatingly powerful. It can easily rip tree roots from the Earth and suck large debres into itself. Weapons can also be hidden inside the cyclone for a secondary attack.

Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu

("Water Type - Water Dragon Blast Skill") A powerful attack that creates a huge current of water in the shape of a dragon, which is sent towards the opponent. Except when used by extremely powerful ninjas, this Jutsu can only be done when in or near a body of water.

Suna no Tate

("Sand Shield") Regardless of their own will, this jutsu automatically surrounds and protects the body and surounding area of the person it was performed on. Capable of withstanding considerably strong attacks and projectiles, this Sand Shield is stronger than steel. Though one (and perhaps the only) way it can be defeated is with extremely high speed attacks, all other attacks are rendered useless.

Suna no Yoroi

("Armour of Sand") This jutsu uses chakra to cover the user with a thin, but dense, layer of protective sand. While a good defense, it puts an unignorable burden on the user's stamina, both through chakra absorption and the fact that the sand makes them heavier and hampers their movement.


("Air Slicing Blast") A Jutsu which allows the user to freely control supersonic sound waves and air pressure with a device implanted into one or both of their arms. The blasts are powerful enough to destroy rock.


("Ultimate Air Slicing Blast") A Jutsu which allows the user to freely control supersonic sound waves and air pressure with a device implanted into one or both of their arms. The blasts are powerful enough to destroy rock. This version uses a lot more chakra than the regular Air Slicing Blast and is more powerful.

[Imagine: 61516723.png]
Which translates to: Laughing so hard that coke came out my nose and I wasn't even drinking any.

Thanks Mimi x3 !

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