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TYPE ! With your eyes closed

Mai oameni stiati ca pestii se ineaca?

omfg :O...mi-a iesit XD....

next: Inainte de a descoperi, trebuie sa explorezi...

Inainte de a descoperi trebuie sa exorezi!
ce sec....numa ultimu cuvant...ce sec...wahhh...

next: Sarutmainile...Sunt de la Firma BiBaBumBumBamBriBumBiBum SA
cam lung da scz
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Sarutmainile...sunt de ka firma BiBaBumBumBamBeu Van VuVyn SA gresit la sfarsit 65...

next: Ma numesc Ramalama bang bang douing

ma numesc ramalama binh mang dpiomg

Nu il memorasem nici cum...> <"
Nici nu mai stiam ca la sfarsit e sfarsit am tastat mai la nimereala 21 nici daca tineam ochii deschisi nu mai tineam minte cuvantul....hei sa nu dam texte like
"ADafsdgfugFWDJFKNSDKLGB UWGFKSDFLDS" :nh: continuare 21
omfg 21....e primul lucru care mi-a venit in minte


Pestii nu put ,pe sub apa pestii nu put
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

Pestii nu oud, pe sim ayipa pesyii mi put.

Ooo da, asta da propiozitie.21

Next: Totul iti ia mai mult timp decat te astepti.

(mie nu-mi plac pestii21 )
[Imagine: sigdn.jpg]

The old bastard left his ties and his suit
A brown box, mothballs and bowling shoes

Totul iti ia mai mult timp decat te astepti .

O__O Sweet ^_________^ .

Iritatia tenului se poate calma cu solutie pt curatat geamul .

[That`s true... xD]

Iritati tenului se poat3 calma cu o solurtue pt spalat geamul.

next: Nu am nici umpic de inspiratie pe moment...
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

nu am niciunpuc de inspitator pe mooment

Deci nu am nici un inspirator 21 da?
damn ce naiba nu mai imi iese niciun text ? XD
Asa urmatorul text

Happy b-day to you,happy b-day dear zupy
back in black
I'll bite you, so don't bite me.
I am all the little things you hate

[Imagine: zvx369.png]
I was a sinner, a bad girl, Lord pardon me
I was deaf, dumb and blind, but know I can't see

Happy b-day to you,happy b-day dear zup.
Omg..sunt atat de tare21

Next:Yuki is my love,Sasuke is my passion,Yusuke is my obsession.
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

oh 21 sa vedem ce iese

Yuki is my love ,Sasyke us ny oassuin,Yusuke is my ibsessuin
XD Ce tare sunt !Dau pe afara , atat de tare sunt !

uhum textu :

Leon will come back to T*J .

[Yeah come back TT^TT:pray:]
[Imagine: toriby0effe0.jpg]

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