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Rate the populor manga reader app,WHICH IS BEST?

Rate the populor manga reader app,WHICH IS BEST?

I made a statistics, which is the most Popular Android Manga Reader app ?

Ratings are as follows
Zingbox Manga 9.0 best
Manga Rock: 8.0
Manga stream: 7.6
Viz: 7.0
crunchyroll: 6.8

Zingbox Manga is best!

Thank you for the useful information. Because we already know the result of the poll from your statistics and the conclusion is what it is, this thread has no further use. Thread closed.
[Imagine: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dilvsoojho0sgwoc0s4s.png]

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!"

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  Rate the sig above you angeliqueVampire 1 2.482 12-03-2010, 03:26 PM
Ultimul răspuns: Denny

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