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Rate The Song :P

Am si uitat de pe ce album e melodia...maa roooog 78
Nu-mi place Dead Memories , de prea imi plac melodiile Slipknot in care nu se folosesc ' grawl'-urile solistului..
Linia sonora probabil ca face toata mod special tobosarul...
Cam versuri nu comentez , nu am ce comenta 22...
[Imagine: fdfgba0.jpg]
[Imagine: 2560139237_b2fb8f427f.jpg]

Da, I didn't see this one coming.
E power metal, deci imi place, prin definitie.
Vocea solistei imi suna extrem de cunoscuta... Simone Simons, evident.

"Close of insecurity, obscured me disarmed me...
The mess of desperation trapped into my skin.
The crash history will break me
and take me from the stay are being."

Si uite cum acest copil a mai gasit o trupa de ascultat...
Asa... din punct de vedere al... versurilor... hmm... nu impresioneaza puternic, dar sunt foarte placute. Vocalul... ce sa mai zic... e Simone, after all.. plus ca si solistul trupei are o voce interesanta. Imi place.
Instrumental... e power metal, so... I like it, it's powerful 10 .

Ceea ce ma deranjeaza cat de cat e ca repeta prea des refrenul. Prefer piesele ceva mai lungi si mai "profunde".

Dies Irae
[Imagine: gameswlpp_79.gif]

HMm.. interesant.. e foarte linistitoare... ii dau un 9 .. 4.. cine canta? seamana cu ,Gregorian' .. e tare3

Uite ce propun eu..4
Santana Featuring Chad Kroeger - Into The Night

Tipul de la Nickleback & Santana daca nu ma insel..
Foarte tare piesa...Instrumentalul...Iar vocea solistului..gosh..merue mi-a placut cum canta deis pare cam ragusit E pur si simplu super..
Zbieratul de la inceput a fost kinda scary dar daca il ignor...
Piesa e de nota 10
Acele chitari in duel...Poate merge niste tobe mai accentuate
Versurile primesc 10
Voce 10
Instrumental ... 9,6
Per total e un 9,8

Piesa mea...XD Azi am gasit-o
o.o" wot

oo' Ce melodie super !!! Imi place cum canta tipa , are o voce dulce si calma . ma deranjeaza vocea aceea groasa (e ciudata) , dar parca da originalitate .
Nu am inteles nici un vers >.<

Merita totusi un 9 4

Proponere :
TVXQ - Wrong Number :love:
Zelia on: DeviantArt & MAL

[Imagine: fiveofusweremeanttobeby.jpg]

Oh God...uite o melodie care imi place!Habar nu am avut de trupa asta...dar baietii sunt pur si simplu GENIALI!Imi place cum incepe...refrenul...imi place tot!E unul care nu are o voce prea incantatoare...dar roscatul e total! melodia merita nota 10!
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

Hm , dunno what to say ... 22
Melodia este draguta asa in ansamblu , ascultabila , dar personal nu o consider una asa addictive. I mean , vocea solistului este destul de buna , dar ritmul oscileaza . Versurile cam lasa de dorit. You know , more than half of it goes like 'You can make me... [..] ' si la un moment dat devine plictisitor. But that's just my point of view ^^'
We'll make it around 8 - 8,50 .
[@Sloth- niiice]


Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane

Este superba melodia 8 chitara ma hipnotizeaza 8 10* o.o Vocea lui Benjamin Burnley este superba *_* videoclipul imi place si el la fel de mult ca si melodia ^^ totul suna excelent...22 nu prea am ce zice despre meloldie xD inca o data 10* 8

Three Days Grace - Wake Up
[center][Imagine: lavi.png][/center][/align]

si daca nu prea ii genu meu imi place melodia ..4
versurile is dragute ... I must be running out of luck
Cuz you're just not drunk enough to f**k,
And now I've had it up to here
I don't,, I don't want you :X:X:X:X:X:X

imi place cum suna ..4
nota: 10

next: Children of Bodom -Lake Bodom
[Imagine: 20080626090306.jpg]

Imi aprind visatoare o tigara. Fumul trece lenes si nepasator prin fata mea, formand niste spirale demne de admiratia unui artist..

Oki, I like the beginning... nice guitar playing... hm, nice, I like it a lot.... vocals! screamo! I kinda expected it, I have listened to Children of Bodom before, but I'm still not used to the style. Oki, now I can dig it.I love thr guitar solo, it makes me wanna *zdrang zdrang*. Too bad I don't know how to play. Except the fact that I didn't understand a single word(I'm used to it, though), I liked it. 9.5

Einherjer - Clash of the Elder
[Imagine: gameswlpp_79.gif]

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