31-07-2009, 03:47 PM
Lawl, de ce aceleaşi întrebări? :\
1. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Teh or blueobelix?
Valentin! O_O
2. If blueobelix and Flaw were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
Colaborare între aboutanime şi animezup cu manga? Mi-ar conveni :]
3. What would you do if you hadn't met Amy?
Ar fi fost... Ciudat? O_o Numai ea ştie câte prostii am debitat noi odată.
4. Do you think Marina is a virgin?
OMFG, ar trebui... deci... cred. :\
5. Would you love to read Johnny's very personal diary?
OMFG, cu ce mi-a greşit? Nu, normal că NU. O_O
6. How did you meet Kript?
Animezup shout - respectiv Amy xD
7. Do you think Jasmine is a virgin?
Lawl, la ea bag mâna-n foc că da. ._.
8. Have you ever had lunch together with Flaw?
Uuu, sună interesant.
9. Have you ever been in Diury's house?
Nah, nici nu o să ajung.
10. What if you found out that Gandalf was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Amy?
Amy? Gandalf? Gandalf and Amy? OMFG, the world will go crazy... Cruţaţi-mă! T.T *joking, doh o.o*
Păăăi... nu m-aş mira
Lawl, cam asta e :3
1. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Teh or blueobelix?
Valentin! O_O
2. If blueobelix and Flaw were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
Colaborare între aboutanime şi animezup cu manga? Mi-ar conveni :]
3. What would you do if you hadn't met Amy?
Ar fi fost... Ciudat? O_o Numai ea ştie câte prostii am debitat noi odată.
4. Do you think Marina is a virgin?
OMFG, ar trebui... deci... cred. :\
5. Would you love to read Johnny's very personal diary?
OMFG, cu ce mi-a greşit? Nu, normal că NU. O_O
6. How did you meet Kript?
Animezup shout - respectiv Amy xD
7. Do you think Jasmine is a virgin?
Lawl, la ea bag mâna-n foc că da. ._.
8. Have you ever had lunch together with Flaw?
Uuu, sună interesant.
9. Have you ever been in Diury's house?
Nah, nici nu o să ajung.
10. What if you found out that Gandalf was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Amy?
Amy? Gandalf? Gandalf and Amy? OMFG, the world will go crazy... Cruţaţi-mă! T.T *joking, doh o.o*
Păăăi... nu m-aş mira
Lawl, cam asta e :3