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Question meme generator

1. Who would win in a duel, Elusive Wolf or Akasuna? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
oh... Akasuna... a medieval tilt...
2. Ever slept in the same room with Blue Angel?
no 71 I never see her...
3. If Lenna played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
a shedevil... 19
4. Who would win in a duel, Xia or Marina? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
oh, i don't know... a make-up contest 21
5. Have you ever been in Amelia's house?
no, it is to far
6. Do you do anything special with MaR?
torture boys 19
7. Describe Akasuna in one word.
nice ^.^
8. What is or would be a good nickname for Sayo_Hatsuo?
~SaYo CaFfE~
9. What is or would be a good nickname for Ryou?
Ex - Daddy
10. How did you meet Roland Delaney?
oh... here, on zup ^.^

Intunecand intunericul,
portile luminii.

1. What if you found out that Yulobo was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Krip?
Ou-Em-Gi Doble Force Combo Mortal.Cred ca m`as impusca X_x
2. Can Mitzuke be bad influence?
Sometimes... 21
3. Describe Krip in one word.
Funny-yet-not-so-funny-who-tells-me-a-lot-of-crap-even-so-im-listening-to-him-cuz-hes-my-friend (:
4. What advice would you give Flaw?
Sa nu mai manance caprioare X_x
5. How do your and Goddess's talents add up?
Pai,daca ne`am unii puterile de a face amv`ul perfect 21 Nu se stie ce ar iesi XD
6. Describe Castravete in one word.
Sicky XD
7. Who's Ady dating?
Asta nu stiu,stiu altceva in schimb >3
8. What do you think of Marina?
Onee-chaan *hugs*
9. What song could be Jigoku's theme song?
Greu,un ost de la vrun hentai ><
10. Who would win in a duel, Denny or Marina? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
Pai,fan fic one I think :?? cat despre castig,dunno XD

[Imagine: FES_Icon_by_ShardRenzi.jpg]

1.Elusive wolf suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
I know and I like that.She is one of my friends.

2. Loli pop got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
A cute mouse.
3. What song could be Akatsuna's theme song?
Off,maybe love story,i don't really know that.

4. If Blue angel were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?
hmpf...i think Taylor Swift
5. What would you do if you hadn't met Shiva?
i just say whatever
6. If Marina played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?

One of the cute character i think
7. What would you do if you hadn't met Dragone force?
hmp nothing.
8. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between Wtf_Amy and Yoko, and why?
Yoko cause her mind is so...
9. Yoko just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
i'm starting to cry
10. What's your fondest memory of Mitsusaki Yoru?
[Imagine: fgdhdr.png]

Tnx Nibbles

Stay by my side . I won\' t let you down . I\' ll never betray you . Call my name and I\' ll save you from the dark . You know I\'m never far .

I\' ll say it as many time as you need : I love you . You are my superstar <3

Nothing can\' t stop me from loving you

1. Would you marry BlueAngel?
Well ... no 24 !
2. Ever slept in the same room with Lolli Pop?
Pana acum nu ... posibil in viitor ...
3. If Snow.demon and Ceylan 8 teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
Habar nu am … sunt asa de diferite ^_^”
4. What would you do without Roland Dalaney?
Probably I will be more happy … or I won ‘t be any more a salad 24
5. Is daborah_chan your best friend?
Just a friend. … a good friend ^^
6. What do you think about Ceylan 8?
Pai , e o fata intelegatoare … she rooks !
7. Would you marry Annya_Anna?
Ce Dumnezeu ? Nu sunt adepta yuri .. so .. no
8. What would you do if you hadn't met .Nory?
I wouldn ‘ t met damn.den , right ?
9. What if you found out that Xia was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Ceylan 8?
I will tell BlueAngel to slove the problem …
10. Do you do anything special with Ayu ' rin?
Just talking … -.-“

1. What advice would you give Ryu?
ooo..o intrebare care imi place Be emo,duda!
2. Elusive wolf and Shiva are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
cred ca elusive wolf
3. Hot Marina on Shiva action - Yes/No?
4. Will Loli pop eat those green eggs and ham?
again no
5. If Shiva and Roland Dalany teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
i don't know
6. Have you ever been in Blue angel's house?
hmpf niciodata,din nefericire nu am vazut-o vreodata in realitate
7. If Roland Dalany and Yoko were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
ar incerca sa iasa de acolo sau ar incepe sa se bata
8. Akatsuna and Mitzuke are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
9. Yoko and Shiva are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
10. What would you do if you hadn't met Mitzuke?
mi-as fi trait viata la fel cum o fac si acum
[Imagine: fgdhdr.png]

Tnx Nibbles

Stay by my side . I won\' t let you down . I\' ll never betray you . Call my name and I\' ll save you from the dark . You know I\'m never far .

I\' ll say it as many time as you need : I love you . You are my superstar <3

Nothing can\' t stop me from loving you

1. Nyu and Maggy are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
Amandoua! Doi tipi care canta j-rock sunt sotii 21

2. How do your and Bu-Bu's talents add up?
65 La-la-la-la... I can't hear your question, sunt ocupata cu Bu-Bu :-p

3. Who is Kaoru's best friend?
Erm... Dunno o.o'

4. If Maggy and Nyu were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
O sa barfeasca despre Broscutza ZLS ^^

5. Is Lisuka your best friend?
Not rlly 106 but she knows who my best friend is ^^

6. Do you miss Ryou-chii?
Certanly ^^

7. Who's Ayshor dating?
Cu Xen, Yuki si Jake

8. If Soricel and Nyu were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
106 nothing?

9. What would Kaileen not be caught dead in?
Dunno 21

10. Do you trust Yulobo?
Sometimes 65 when she's not cursing me ^^

1. What would you do if Elusive Wolf and Mitsukai Yoru were going out?
106 nothing... is their problem...

2. What would Merishor not be caught dead in?
să mă asculte la ce îi zic să scrie în compunere 65

3. What do you think of Sheireen?
oh, she's so sweet, and she looks like a kid :X that means i like her ^^

4. Does Lynn make you hot?
da 24 cum să nu

5. What do you think about Kaileen?
she is the best sister i ever had and she is my 'lil Ay ^^

6. What do you think about Alany?
i think... she is the evil person i ever met

7. Can Crispy Stripsy be bad influence?
nu 21 săracu, se sperie de mine când zic un lucru pervers deci cum să fie bad influence?

8. How do you and Mitsukai Yoru's talents add up?
39 păi... probabil am face un fic 106 sau mi-ar da ea lecții de făcut fic-uri xD

9. What advice would you give Ratsuky?
O.O nu m-am gândit la asta până acum... nu cred că aș avea să îi dau un sfat... sau ba da! să scape de cineva...

10. What would you do if goddes and Alany were going out?
le-aș felicta că se înțeleg 106
Intunecand intunericul,
portile luminii.

Who does Carmen like ?
She liked her Ex-boyfriend, at the moment I have no idea.

How did you meet Adrian M.?
Când am început clasa I . . .

Ever slept in the same room with Alexandra?
Probabil în clasă la anumite ore.

Is Tobi your best friend?
Not really.

What would you do without Anca?
Nothing. :glare:

Is Vlad your friend?
In fact, he"s one of my enemies.

Would you love to read Tania's very personal diary?
Îi ştiu secretele pe dinafară.

Can Marius be bad influence?
Afirmativ, deoarece e de aceeaşi ţeapă cu . . .

Have you ever had lunch together with Paula?
Every lunch break 24

How did you meet Alexandru P.?
Când s-a transferat, urâsc dimineaşa aceea.

1. How would Kido insult Yondaime?
Asta ÅŸtiu.... "boule"

2. Can Amy be bad influence?
Sincer?Cu siguranţă nu.

3. Flaw and Kido are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife? cred ca este Kido...

4. What would Johnny D not be caught dead in?

5. Have you dreamt of Aly before?

6. Oh no, Marina got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
"Aliens....zum zum"

7. Who's Keiho dating?

8. Describe shadows* in one word.

9. How did you meet Yondaime?
ÃŽntr-o conferinta....cred.

10. Describe Yulobo in one word.

1. What would you do if Akasha and Apathy were going out?
As iesi si eu cu ele :- ? da` nu prea cred ca se cunosc :- ?

2. Yondaime just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
Sa moara >:[

3. 3. Does Teh have any pets?
I don`t know :- ? o s`o intreb : )

4. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Apathy and Akasha! How will it go?
:- ? sa ajungem acolo si`ti zic ^^

5. Would you love to read Shadows's very personal diary?
As vrea eu >:[

6. In a race between Keiho and Sonic the Hedgehog, who would win?
Sonic? :- ??

7. Have you ever had lunch together with Mistu?
Oui, oui ^^

8. What do you think about Apathy?
Hmp :- ? este foarte calma, rabdatoare [ cel putin cu mine ^^ ] well, she`s ok ^^

9. Yondaime suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
Nu, nuu, nuuu. Asta nu se poate intampla >.<"

10. In a race between you, Mitsu and Keiho, who would win?
Eu? 15 heh, nu stiu sigur :- ??
I'm not insulting you. I'm describing you.

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  Chibi generator Sibel. 73 59.036 15-01-2012, 12:40 AM
Ultimul răspuns: Ryuu

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