06-07-2009, 04:46 PM
Meh has found a random thing XD
Poate ati auzit de meme-uri [daca nu,gugal it]
In fine,trebuie sa scrieti 10 nume ale unor persoane [de pe forum,va rog ca nu ii cunoastem pe restul prietenilor vostri XD] and then,vor aparea niste intrebari.Of course,veti da si raspunsuri la ele si le veti posta aici <3[sper ca nu e greu]
Ce mi-a picat mie :
1. In a race between you, Goddess and Tox, who would win?
MEEEEE~[i'm just being a selfish bastard D: Probabil ar fi egalitate]
2. Shiva got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
I can see her get turned into a fluffy animal <3 Maybe a fox?
3. Can Mitsukai be bad influence?
Da,da,da,da,da. o.o Cand vine vorba de yaoi si castraveti,nu o poate opri nimic.In rest,she doesn't do drugs nor alchohol[cred]
4. What song could be Amy's theme song?
'Get down'[Asuououououou
5. Who does Cali like?
Hmmm...not sure.Samurai? *gets a shoe in the face*
6. How would Yamamina insult Teh?
She would probably throw randm stuff at her :\ Ooorrrr...hug her?Orrr..she wouldn't do anything XD
7. What would you do if Marina confessed love to you?
*takes a lightsaber* GO AND BE STRAIGHT,SENSEI!!!
8. If Denny and Mitsukai teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
S-ar extinde clubul castravetilor pe intreg continentul.Or even wider.
9. Have you ever had lunch together with Yulobo?
Hmm,nu in real life.Pe shout,yes,probably[cirese sigur am mancat o.o]
10.Oh,no!Aly got kidnapped by aliens!What do you say once they get back?
Mitzuke to da rescue !!! *kills aliens*
[A se retine ca le-am pus random si au iesit random.N-am facut nimic.Scuze daca am uitat pe cineva.Si asa posibil sa mai vin cu o tura,poate cu mai multe*evil smirk*]
Poate ati auzit de meme-uri [daca nu,gugal it]
In fine,trebuie sa scrieti 10 nume ale unor persoane [de pe forum,va rog ca nu ii cunoastem pe restul prietenilor vostri XD] and then,vor aparea niste intrebari.Of course,veti da si raspunsuri la ele si le veti posta aici <3[sper ca nu e greu]
Ce mi-a picat mie :
1. In a race between you, Goddess and Tox, who would win?
MEEEEE~[i'm just being a selfish bastard D: Probabil ar fi egalitate]
2. Shiva got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
I can see her get turned into a fluffy animal <3 Maybe a fox?
3. Can Mitsukai be bad influence?
Da,da,da,da,da. o.o Cand vine vorba de yaoi si castraveti,nu o poate opri nimic.In rest,she doesn't do drugs nor alchohol[cred]
4. What song could be Amy's theme song?
'Get down'[Asuououououou

5. Who does Cali like?
Hmmm...not sure.Samurai? *gets a shoe in the face*
6. How would Yamamina insult Teh?
She would probably throw randm stuff at her :\ Ooorrrr...hug her?Orrr..she wouldn't do anything XD
7. What would you do if Marina confessed love to you?
*takes a lightsaber* GO AND BE STRAIGHT,SENSEI!!!
8. If Denny and Mitsukai teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
S-ar extinde clubul castravetilor pe intreg continentul.Or even wider.
9. Have you ever had lunch together with Yulobo?
Hmm,nu in real life.Pe shout,yes,probably[cirese sigur am mancat o.o]
10.Oh,no!Aly got kidnapped by aliens!What do you say once they get back?
Mitzuke to da rescue !!! *kills aliens*
[A se retine ca le-am pus random si au iesit random.N-am facut nimic.Scuze daca am uitat pe cineva.Si asa posibil sa mai vin cu o tura,poate cu mai multe*evil smirk*]