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Question meme generator

Meh has found a random thing XD
Poate ati auzit de meme-uri [daca nu,gugal it]
In fine,trebuie sa scrieti 10 nume ale unor persoane [de pe forum,va rog ca nu ii cunoastem pe restul prietenilor vostri XD] and then,vor aparea niste intrebari.Of course,veti da si raspunsuri la ele si le veti posta aici <3[sper ca nu e greu]
Ce mi-a picat mie :

1. In a race between you, Goddess and Tox, who would win?
MEEEEE~[i'm just being a selfish bastard D: Probabil ar fi egalitate]
2. Shiva got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
I can see her get turned into a fluffy animal <3 Maybe a fox?
3. Can Mitsukai be bad influence?
Da,da,da,da,da. o.o Cand vine vorba de yaoi si castraveti,nu o poate opri nimic.In rest,she doesn't do drugs nor alchohol[cred]
4. What song could be Amy's theme song?
'Get down'[Asuououououou 24)]
5. Who does Cali like?
Hmmm...not sure.Samurai? *gets a shoe in the face*
6. How would Yamamina insult Teh?
She would probably throw randm stuff at her :\ Ooorrrr...hug her?Orrr..she wouldn't do anything XD
7. What would you do if Marina confessed love to you?
*takes a lightsaber* GO AND BE STRAIGHT,SENSEI!!!
8. If Denny and Mitsukai teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
S-ar extinde clubul castravetilor pe intreg continentul.Or even wider.
9. Have you ever had lunch together with Yulobo?
Hmm,nu in real life.Pe shout,yes,probably[cirese sigur am mancat o.o]
10.Oh,no!Aly got kidnapped by aliens!What do you say once they get back?
Mitzuke to da rescue !!! *kills aliens*

[A se retine ca le-am pus random si au iesit random.N-am facut nimic.Scuze daca am uitat pe cineva.Si asa posibil sa mai vin cu o tura,poate cu mai multe*evil smirk*]

So ... Ce pot spune ... A fost amuzant !

1. BlueAngel is actually Hades in disguise, you know ?
What ? That explains a lot !
2. What was your first impression of Ayu ' rin?
Well , she ' s a cute girl , very shy ... She ' s a real friend !
3. Would you love to read Annya_Anna's very personal diary?
I dont ' t know ... Maybe 21 . Just kidding ! Seriously , no !
4. How did you meet Nya_Love?
Here , on AZ . That's the reason I love AZ .
5. What would you do if Seiren and SAYO_HATSUO were going out?
I would say that they are crazy !!
6. Would you open a mystery gift Botan ` chan just gave you, without much hesitation?
Yes , I would ! I think ...
7. What was your first impression of SAYO_HATSUO?
Very busy girl ! And funny too !
8. What was your first impression of Apple Sweetheart?
Oh my ! The first impression ? Well , if you ask me about the first impression , then I will tell you that she can be very evil .
9. Have you dreamt of Hades before?
Mamma mia , no ! I picked her name , because I didn't had more friends ... God , no !
10. What do you think about Gonty?
Well , I never talked with him , but he does a good job in photoshop 4 ...


1. Who is Mitzuke-chan's best friend?
Cred ca Goddes , ambele sunt fane D.M.C. 21

2. What is or would be a good nickname for Goddes?
Prenumele ei xP

3. Name something you have in common with Tox?
Oh yeah,ambele eram membrii ai "Engleza de balta team"

4. What is one thing Setsu-chan isn't exactly made for?
N-ar alege sa devina avocat cand are sansa sa lucreze in domeniul muzicii xD

5. How would Aly insult Setsu-chan?
O_o' sa insulte ? Dupa atata timp o cam stiu pe Aly si n-ar face asa ceva fara un motiv intemeiat .

6. If you could do anything with Denny, what would it be?
Ne-am uita la un hentai xP

7. Name something you have in common with Jas?
Faptul ca suntem perverte ? xD

8. What is Lynnuuuuuuuu's favorite TV show or movie?
Cele la care se uita xP

9. What do you think about Teh - perv sensei?
Ca ar trebui sa reduca plata pentru lectii ? xD

10. Is Kazuchan your best friend?
Oh da nu sunt narcisita,insa sunt cea mai buna prietena a mea 21

1. What would you do without mitzuke? cn mai fac eu cos si mai vb ca de la fan girl la fan girl despre dmc???20..waaa

2. Do you think agent eli is a virgin?


3. shiva suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that? for DATE MASAMUNE for king!!!!!...

4. If yamamina and ursuletu de plus were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?

......i'm such a modest girl...24..they'd talk about sweet and spicy and how cute would be if sei and yui ended up together..24

5. How do your and ursuletu de plus's talents add up?

eu si sys cand ne adunam talentele face cat un om intreg!!!!! [ ati priceput cv..nici nu trebe..24 ]

6. Does mitsukai yoru make you hot?
oh come on..what's with the yuri questions...stia cumva jocul ca nu-mi place yuri? doesn't make me hot...but idk viceversa...24

7. Is amy your best friend?

if it comes to sengoku basara fan girl-friendship..YES!!!

8. lynn got turned into an animal! What animal is it?

a neko-chan ^^ kawaii *huggies*

9. If nya_love played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?

damsel in distress!! muhahahahahaha....

10.WHo's jasmine dating?

24..idk...but aly does...i really want to know too!!
[Imagine: haruhisuzumiya7.jpg]

Power of haruhism just knocked Kyon down :bv:

[Imagine: chibi_41.gif]
melli-chan, chibi-ul lui goddess

roflol I'm so doing this

1. What's your fondest memory of snowishtiger?
Pai, atunci cand mi-a zis ca sunt idioata ca nu o sun cand plang, deoarece she wants to confort me like a true friend she is *sobs*

2. Will goddes eat those green eggs and ham?
DA, numai de-al dracului, sa nu-mi ramana si mie >:[

3. What do you think about sloth ?
One of my first friends on the net, o persoana pe care o admir mult pentru rabdarea pe care o are cu mine :]

4. If rotaru were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?
.....roflol..... Superman?

5. What advice would you give Skeletor?
'Arunca-te pe geam si inchide-l dupa aceea, sa nu fie curent in camera'.

6. Do you miss mitzuke?
Q.Q aham

7. flaw and mitzuke are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
hmmmmmmmm so hard C: Mitzuke.

8. Have you dreamt of marina before?
......da. Vroia sa vada paginile din AZsenshi pe care nu le facusem, dar spusesem ca le-am facut. WORST NIGHTMARE EVER I TELL YOU.

9. What would amy not be caught dead in?
in a pool of car oil?

10. Do you miss My Little Ponies?
BLODDY HELL NO. Kill those buggers!!! >4

1. What is or would be a good nickname for samurai?
Lollipop =p~

2. Would you open a mystery gift nibbles just gave you, without much hesitation?
Niciodata. Analiza amanuntita e baza,cu Nibbles nu se stie niciodata.

3. Does erter make you hot?

=]]]]LoL! [Maybe65]

4. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between apathy and Fish, and why?
Nu raspund la asta :-S

5. What's Ilsu to you?

hmmm39 un bun,bun =p~ [prieten]

6. mitzuke got turned into an animal! What animal is it?

Pinguin! 4

7. vodafone got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
Liliac >:]

8. If you could do anything with Fish, what would it be?

Nimic special,am zbura pe Luna

9. Have you ever been in nibbles's house?
Daaaa,o cunosc aproape ca pe propria mea casa.

10. What would you do if you hadn't met None?
Viata mea ar fi mult mai plictisitoare :}

1. mitzuke and misa are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
wtf? Misa, normal.

2. Have you ever been in valentin's house?
wtf? Nu 24

3. jasmine is actually misa in disguise, you know.
ar fi posibil. o.o

4. What advice would you give nanami?
Dă-i cu şcoala şi uită de maz. 21

5. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, amy or valentin?
No comment. @Jasmine - shut u. xD

6. Can Flaw be bad influence?
yah o.o

7. Have you ever been in marina's house?
Aş fi putut. 39 Nu, aia era la cămin.

8. What would you do if misa and nanami were going out?

9. How do your and teea's talents add up?
nu comenteeeez.

10. Name something you have in common with goddess?
Perv stuff? 9


1. Can Hades be bad influence?
who knows 65

2. What would you do if Tox and Ryu- Mariana were going out?
Nothing *evil laugh*

3. Do you do anything special with Aly?
Vorbim prostioare *yeah,i know*

4. Lynuuu suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
Lynnule,te mananca rau ? *ironic face*

5. What's Fleet to you?
a nice girl :]]

6 lipseste accidental xD

7. What would you do if you hadn't met Goddes?
Give me a head hand ?

8. What is one thing Teh isn't exactly made for?
Ask her to tell me more hentai series 38

9. Ryu- Mariana and Teh are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
Ryu *:]]*

10. Is Jas - Jinny your best friend?
One of them 9

7. What would you do if you hadn't met Goddes?

1.What do you think about Hades?
Inca nu mi - am format o parere , asa ca nu prea am ce sa pun ...
2. BlueAngel got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
Un rechin sau o pisica salbatica . La fel de malefica ca un rechin si la fel de sireata ca o pisica salbatica .
3. Describe Botan ` chan in one word.
Simpatica .
4. Describe Ryu in five words.
Foarte , foarte , foarte , foarte , insistent . ( Dupa cate am observat ) .
5. Can Seiren be bad influence?
Nu , nu cred .
6. What if you found out that Kazuki was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Hades?
Nu as face nimic ... Ce as putea face eu ?
7. Do you miss Annya_Anna?
Da ... cred ca da ...
8. Would you love to read chrissta's very personal diary?
Nu stiu ... Nu cred ...
9. Who would win in a duel, Ayu'rin or Kazuki? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
Kazuki cu siguranta ! Ce fel de duel ... Sincer nu stiu ....
10.If Nya_Love played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
Un personaj care sa semene cu Indiana Jones 21 ...

1. What is one thing agent eli isn't exactly made for?^^....yaoi [ pls don't kill me ely ]

2. shiva got turned into an animal! What animal is it?

ah....teddy bear!!..kawaii

3. What if you found out that yulobo was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with agent eli?

well it wouldn't surprise me....24..but ely can't plot to take over the world with yulobo cause she already promised me! my loyal sidekick...let's use za furculision togetha!!!*rawr*

4. What would you do if you hadn't met kazuki?

rofl.lmao same question a primit-o si kazuki..24.. uhm,....quote:Give me a head hand ? ....^^..da' n-am inteles la c se referea deci.. don't kill me kazuki..24

5. What's mitzuke to you?

a great great greeeeaaaat fangirl friend xD

6. Do you do anything special with amy?

........depends. [ don't think pervy thoughts you perverts!!!! ]

astea trebuia sa le pun ptr mn..24

7. batman and spongebob are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?


8. What would you do if spongebob confessed love to you?

eww gross...a sponge named bob is in love with me!?..yuck

9. Have you ever been in date's house?

if i would have..i'd never be here anymore..wohooo..24

10. If you could do anything with my dog petsu, what would it be?

...come on petsu!..i'll challenge you to a guilty gear match!!!muhahahaha
[Imagine: haruhisuzumiya7.jpg]

Power of haruhism just knocked Kyon down :bv:

[Imagine: chibi_41.gif]
melli-chan, chibi-ul lui goddess

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  Chibi generator Sibel. 73 59.637 15-01-2012, 12:40 AM
Ultimul răspuns: Ryuu

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